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3 years ago

Treehouse of Horror XXXII: This Means Dino War Walkthrough

This Means Dino War Pt. 1

Auto starts

Helen Lovejoy: Dinosaurs are destroying this town…not that it wasn't already in ruins!
Grampa: Don't blame me. Blame dinosaur me! And while you're at it, could you put dinosaur me out of its misery?
Quimby: There's no need for anything rash! City Hall has contingencies for situations like this.
Chalmers: The Springfield National Guard?
Quimby: Something with even more firepower…the Springfield Militia!
Bumblebee Man: Son solo cinco hombres en camiones monstruo!
Sideshow Mel: Translating for our English-speaking audience: "That's just five guys in monster trucks!"
Cletus: YEE-HAW! Translating for our non-Hillbilly-speaking audience: "YEE-HAW!"

Task: Collect Hilarium
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Unleash the Springfield Militia
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Sideshow Mel: Task: Make Sideshow Mel Dramatically Rev His Engine
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Wish He Had a Monster Truck
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Grampa: Task: Make Grampa Demand Dinosaur Him Be Killed
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Grampasaurus: Task: Make Grampasaurus Chase Monster Trucks Out of Town
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Grampasaurus: My dinosaur posse will never be stopped by a bunch of yokels!
Cletus: Hey, I resembles that remark!
Sideshow Mel: And I take offense! But I shall not be vexed, for I am no yokel!
Grampasaurus: Fine, four yokels and one pretentious Shakespearean-trained blowhard.
Sideshow Mel: That's better.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Means Dino War Pt. 2

Auto starts

Quimby: Maybe we can, er, negotiate with this monstrous Grampasaurus.
Chalmers: This is America. We don't negotiate until AFTER we've dropped bombs.
Chalmers: It's time to mobilize our army base.
Marge: What is this "army" you keep talking about?
Chalmers: We previously equipped an advanced military base to fight off the hideous, slime-ball Rigellians. No offense.
Kodos: We've been on Earth long enough to know that "no offense" means we should very much be offended!

Task: Collect Hilarium
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Chalmers: Task: Make Chalmers Demand a Military Response
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Chant "USA! USA!"
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Concede to Chalmers' Demands
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Kodos: Task: Make Kodos Be Deeply Offended
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
If the user has Kang: Task: Make Kang Try to Settle Kodos Down
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House
Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Means Dino War Pt. 3

Auto starts

Quimby: Springfield doesn't have a formal military, so who's leading this operation?
Quimby: I'd be happy to lead from my hidden command bunker at 1223 Cowards Lane in Shelbyville.
Quimby: Damn it! Wipe that address from your memories.
Chalmers: The Springfield town charter specifically designates all military operations be led by a descendant of Jebediah Springfield, and that means me!
Homer: Is Chalmers really a descendant of Jebediah Springfield?
Carl: He does kind of look like the statue — stone-faced, always up on a pedestal, has pigeon poop on his shoulders…

Task: Collect Hilarium
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
If the user has Chalmers: Task: Make Chalmers Take Command
Time: 4h
Location: Rigel 7 Military Base, Hover-Copter, Attack Helicopter, E.P.A. Hoverjet, WWII Tank, Marine One, Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Springfielders Enlist in the New Army
Time: 4h
Location: Rigel 7 Military Base, Hover-Copter, Attack Helicopter, E.P.A. Hoverjet, WWII Tank, Marine One, Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Lisa Review the Town Charter
Time: 4h
Location: Town Hall, Geriatric Park Done, Geriatric Park Front Gate or Brown House

Mecha-Chalmers: Listen up troops…and trolls.
Moe: Callin' a troll a troll ain't very nice.
Mecha-Chalmers: Sorry, that's the school superintendent in me.
Homer: When is it going to be time to blow things up?
Mecha-Chalmers: We're not blowing things up. We don't want to destroy the town.
Homer: *fires rocket into the library*
Homer: Oopsie...
Mecha-Chalmers: Maybe you should sit this one out.
Homer: Ohhh, I want to shoot more boom-booms!

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Means Dino War Pt. 4

Auto starts

Bart: Chalmers couldn't lead those clowns to defeat Ralph Wiggum, let alone the dinosaurs — although Dad blowing up the library was cool.
Lisa: No, it's not cool. It's very NOT cool.
Bart: Okay. Here's something "cool" — a monster from a trans-dimensional space called the "Over Under" is at the mall.
Bart: In order to scare away the monster dinosaurs rampaging around town, we'll use a bigger monster like that to rampage around town.
Lisa: There is nothing that resembles logic in that plan.
Bart: You have something better?
Lisa: I'm working on it.
Bart: Until then, let's get us a big, scary monster to fight for us!

Task: Collect Hilarium
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
Task: Make Lisa Go to the Mall With Bart
Time: 2h
Location: Rats Court Mall, Springfield Mall, Heavenly Hills, Sprawl Mart or Shops
Task: Make Bart Try to Recruit the Over Under Beast
Time: 2h
Location: Rats Court Mall, Springfield Mall, Heavenly Hills, Sprawl Mart or Shops
If the user has Over Under Beast: Task: Make the Over Under Beast Try to Eat the Kids
Time: 2h
Location: Rats Court Mall, Springfield Mall, Heavenly Hills, Sprawl Mart or Shops

Bart: Hey, there's my guy, Mr. Over Under Beast.
Over Under Beast: REAAARAGH!
Bart: Right. I have trouble with "hellos" too.
Bart: We were wondering…could we talk you into chasing some raging dinosaurs out of town?
Over Under Beast: Grohlorg?
Bart: Payment? Uh, I've got…like four dollars.
Over Under Beast: RHYEAARGHAR!!
Lisa: He's going to eat us!
Bart: Maybe you should chip in a couple more bucks?

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

This Means Dino War Pt. 5

Auto starts

Homer: Go, Team Springfield! Blow those dinosaurs back to the Flintstones age!
Mecha-Chalmers: Do what the bald lout says! Attack!!
Skinner: We're doing it, sir! They're falling back!
Mecha-Chalmers: One more push and we'll have won the—
Mecha-Chalmers: Why is my mech suit shutting down?
Barney: And my machine gun just stopped working!
Bumblebee Man: ¡Ay, ay, ay! ¿Por qué mi tanque no se mueve?
Barney: I agree with whatever the bee said. *burp*
Femme Fatale: Quimby's running away!
Quimby: No, I'm not. I'm er…going on a fact-finding trip to Aruba!

Task: Collect Hilarium
Task: Tap Dinosaurs
Task: Make Springfielders Battle Dinosaurs
Time: 4h
Location: Cretaceous Park, Parking Lot Lot Lot, Homerball Pitch, Krustyland Parking Lot, Parking Lot, Catfish Lake or Brown House
If the user has Mecha-Chalmers: Task: Make Mecha Chalmers Watch Equipment Fall Apart
Time: 4h
Location: Cretaceous Park, Parking Lot Lot Lot, Homerball Pitch, Krustyland Parking Lot, Parking Lot, Catfish Lake or Brown House
If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Try to Duck Out on the Battle
Time: 4h
Location: Cretaceous Park, Parking Lot Lot Lot, Homerball Pitch, Krustyland Parking Lot, Parking Lot, Catfish Lake or Brown House
If the user has Grampasaurus: Task: Make Grampasaurus Lead Dinosaurs to Victory
Time: 4h
Location: Cretaceous Park, Parking Lot Lot Lot, Homerball Pitch, Krustyland Parking Lot, Parking Lot, Catfish Lake or Brown House
If the user has Chalmers, but doesn't have Mecha-Chalmers: Task: Make Chalmers Watch Equipment Fall Apart
Time: 4h
Location: Cretaceous Park, Parking Lot Lot Lot, Homerball Pitch, Krustyland Parking Lot, Parking Lot, Catfish Lake or Brown House

Mecha-Chalmers: Not so fast, Quimby! What happened to all of our anti-Rigellian military equipment?
Kang: Awkward! Rigellians in the room.
Mecha-Chalmers: Uh, sorry. I mean, what happened to all of our "anti-dinosaur" military equipment?
Quimby: Well, er…I, er…may have, er…diverted some equipment funds to, er…build hotel rooms for, er…Geriatric Park, er...
Mecha-Chalmers: That's a lot of "ers" Quimby!
Quimby: Hotel rooms are very important to my, er, constituency outreach efforts.
MissSpringfield: Am I a constituency effort, Joe?

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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