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3 years ago

Treehouse of Horror XXXII: Welcome to Geriatric Park Walkthrough

Everyone Old Is Old Again

Auto starts

Mr. Burns: Ah, Smithers, with autumn in the air, I'm once again reflecting on my mortality. Mostly how to avoid it.
Smithers: Sounds like someone needs another injection of bovine calf serum.
Mr. Burns: Sadly, no. There's no calf young enough to renew my zip-zam-zoom.
Smithers: Don't fret, sir. I'm sure Springfield's greatest scientists and doctors have something up their lab coat sleeves.

If the user has Smithers: Task: Make Smithers Assemble a Team of Geniuses
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers
Task: Make Burns Interview Geniuses
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers
If the user has Dr. Hibbert: Task: Make Dr. Hibbert Pitch Supplements
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers
If the user has Dr. Nick: Task: Make Dr. Nick Pitch Plastic Surgery
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Pitch Dinosaurs
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers
If the user has Hank Scorpio: Task: Make Hank Scorpio Pitch the Elderly
Time: 6s
Location: Control Building or Cooling Towers

Dr. Hibbert: Taking these supplements, fully endorsed by me, will completely restore your body. You'll look and feel like you're thirty again!
Mr. Burns: Thirty?! I don't want to go back to my baby rattle and diaper days!
Dr. Nick: I could offer my services. Plastic surgery is nifty!
Mr. Burns: I don't care about looking good. I just want to live forever!
Dr. Nick: And you will! We replace one body organ at a time with plastic parts.
Mr. Burns: Tempting. But what else?
Professor Frink: One word: Dino-saurs! Unless that's two words. I'm not sure.
Mr. Burns: What do dinosaurs have to do with my quest for immortality?
Professor Frink: They're really cool. Plus, there are no regulations against experimenting on things that are extinct.
Mr. Burns: Eh…I'm not saying no. I'm saying "eh". What about you, young man?
Hank Scorpio: Stealing youth from the young? That's been done to death. I'm focusing my own research on the elderly.
Hank Scorpio: By extracting the elderly's fear of death into an injectable formula, we could actually repel death!
Mr. Burns: Sounds like a lot of hogwash, but the elderly would be easier to keep caged than children.
Smithers: And they cost less than guinea pigs.
Mr. Burns: Very well, let's roll the dice with dinosaurs and the elderly and see what happens.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt. 1

Auto starts

Quimby: Mr. Burns, what brings you all the way up the steps to City Hall? That would require working legs.
Mr. Burns: Smithers carried me. I've decided to build a new version of Geriatric Park in Springfield. Apparently "permits" are needed? Just tell me how much.
Quimby: That's not how they work. You have to apply, then there are hearings, community reviews…
Mr. Burns: *pulls out a wad of cash* Or I hand you a fist full of cash.
Quimby: Er…uh…permit granted!

Task: Collect Fossil Skulls
If the user has Quimby: Task: Make Quimby Stash the Cash
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall or Brown House
Task: Make Burns Acquire Permits for Geriatric Park
Time: 2h
Location: Town Hall or Brown House

Lisa: Mayor Quimby, why is Mr. Burns' new project skipping the permit approval process?
Homer: You better listen to my eight-year-old. She knows the law!
Quimby: Um…er…it's part of our new initiative to promote tourism in Springfield.
Quimby: Geriatric Park will include a resort hotel and bring in big dollars for all businesses.
Moe: Tourist drunks?
Homer: They're way better than local drunks. I say: permits approved!
Quimby: I already approved them.
Homer: I just wanted to feel like a big man.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt. 2

Auto starts

Geriatric Park Burns: Welcome to Geriatric Park! A serene respite for the elderly and a relaxing haven for tourists. Also, there will be terrifying dinosaurs.
Homer: Ugh…old people!
Lisa: Are you combining the elderly with the dinosaurs?
Geriatric Park Burns: No, definitely not…probably not…maybe…uh, no more questions!
Lisa: Grampa, are you going to stay here?
Grampa: Can I suck hard candy and watch Wheel of Fortune?
Geriatric Park Burns: All day and all night.
Grampa: I'd like to solve the puzzle: YES!
Lisa: *sigh*

Task: Collect Fossil Skulls
Task: Make Burns Unveil Geriatric Park
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
If the user has Smithers: Task: Make Smithers Invite the Elderly to Stay
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
If the user has Elderlies: Task: Make Elderly Visit Geriatric Park
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt. 3

Auto starts

Ned: Hi-diddly-ho, billionaire-arino!
Geriatric Park Burns: What are you doing here?!
Ned: Just wanted to see what blasphemous abominations against God your devil scientists are cooking up.
Geriatric Park Burns: Devil scientists, eh? Smithers, you didn't tell me we had devil scientists.
Smithers: I don't believe devil scientists are actually a thing, sir.
Hell Scientists Crowd: Oh, we're a thing. We're definitely a thing.
Hell Scientists Crowd: *evil laugh*

Task: Collect Fossil Skulls
Task: Make Flanders Discover the Truth About Geriatric Park
Time: 2h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
Task: Make Burns Reveal Human-Dinosaur Hybrids
Time: 2h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House

Ned: So you ARE creating human-dinosaur hybrids!
Geriatric Park Burns: Just an eensie-weensie couple.
Smithers: I don't think there's anything in the Bible against it.
Ned: The Good Book was already too long. Some things had to be edited out. The Almighty would not approve.
God: Truth be told, I just didn't think of it. I'd kinda like to see where this hybrid thing goes.
Ned: *sigh* You love to test my faith, Lord.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt. 4

Auto starts

Professor Frink: Eureka-noid! We've achieved a triumph of questionable science, with the chromosome manipulation and the splicing of the DNA-ayyy!
Geriatric Park Burns: Save your Frinkisms. What do you have for me?
Professor Frink: Just the greatest breakthrough since fire, the internet, and those candies that fizz in your mouth… Behold!

Task: Collect Fossil Skulls
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Present Grampasaurus
Time: 2h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
Task: Make Burns Marvel at His Lab's Work
Time: 2h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
If the user has Grampa: Task: Make Grampa Be Confused if He's a Dinosaur Now
Time: 2h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House

Professor Frink: I give you: Grampasaurus!
Grampa: Whose-a-ma-what-jit?! I'm a dinosaur now?
Professor Frink: No, I've cloned your cells and spliced them with a T-Rex. That hoyvin-hybrid is now immortal!
Grampasaurus: I'm going to live forever? Hot-diggety-Dryptosaurus!
Geriatric Park Burns: You fool! You made it intelligent!
Professor Frink: There was no sign of brain activity in the test subject.
Grampa: What time does the five o'clock news come on again?
Geriatric Park Burns: Yes, that elderly brain is clearly dead.

Quest reward: $100 and 10 XP

Welcome to Geriatric Park Pt. 5

Auto starts

Grampasaurus: Thanks for creating me. Now let me go free. It's rampaging season!
Professor Frink: Not an option. You're locked in a 1,000% escape-proof enclosure.
Grampasaurus: But I know the keypad code to the lock, and with my new human-sized claws I can release myself!
Professor Frink: I should have stuck with creating cat-dog hybrids. They're cuter and easier to crate train.

Task: Collect Fossil Skulls
Task: Capture Dinosaurs
If the user has Grampasaurus: Task: Make Grampasaurus Start a Dinosaur Rampage
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
Task: Make Homer Run From Dinosaurs
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
If the user has Wiggum: Task: Make Wiggum Try to Arrest Dinosaurs
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House
If the user has Professor Frink: Task: Make Frink Wonder How He Didn't See This Coming
Time: 4h
Location: Geriatric Park Dome, Cretaceous Park, Springfield Zoo Entrance, Town Hall, Control Building, Cooling Towers or Brown House

Homer: Aaaah! Dinosaurs! HELP!
Wiggum: Aaaah! Panicking citizens! HELP!
Lisa: You really didn't see this coming?
Professor Frink: Try looking through my eyeglasses. You'll know why I don't see anything coming.
Lisa: *tries on Frink's glasses*
Lisa: *moans* Stop the world from spinning. I'm getting sick!

Quest reward: $200 and 20 XP
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