Forum Discussion

genegenie82's avatar
12 years ago

Unfair Goo Count

If I may ask, why didn't you just go ahead and get the last 3 Goo you needed before stopping? It would only have taken a minute or two popping three ghosts in your own town.

It sounds like you left your game at 3 Goo to go knowing your gremlins could report back at any time with far more than 3 Goo, and with the fact the goo counter will not count extra goo collected in the turn it took to reach 2000 a widely known fact on the forums already, this seems an unwise choice.

10 Replies

  • Alas I left my game with no ghosts in my town and with a standing of already having visited every last one of my friends so I couldn't even pop into them to do so, factor in a no gremlins currently to dispatch either. I leave my gremlins but I don't time how long it's been and what not.
  • This also comes from someone who checks their game every hour, ghosts don't spawn by magic when you do this I would have you know. No unwise choice was made.
  • SamCarterX206 wrote:
    If I may ask, why didn't you just go ahead and get the last 3 Goo you needed before stopping? It would only have taken a minute or two popping three ghosts in your own town.

    It sounds like you left your game at 3 Goo to go knowing your gremlins could report back at any time with far more than 3 Goo, and with the fact the goo counter will not count extra goo collected in the turn it took to reach 2000 a widely known fact on the forums already, this seems an unwise choice.
    Good point, but still you are forced to work around a glitch (more like bad programing). They were quick to fix the extra ghost tapping, but when it comes to us loosing stuff, like goo, characters and towns they sure take their time. EA should set their priorities straight.
  • At the end of the day you can't ignore the fact that a secondary counter is not only stupid it's also pointless, it's a case of if it's not broken why fix it. The game playing doesn't require a secondary counter, especially one that denies goo. Fact of the matter is that original goo counter was fine, we didn't need a second one.
  • aljimo wrote:
    At the end of the day you can't ignore the fact that a secondary counter is not only stupid it's also pointless,

    Unless that's how they wanted the game to be played. makes it a little bit more challenging.

    Wow, some of you guys are just hard to convince. Do you really believe they added this as a challeng? Do you really think the devs sat arround a table and discused ways to make it more difficult for people to get the bonus boxes?
    Well I don't. Giving EAs track record with this game, I am willing to put money on this being unintentional.
  • I thought it that 1 ghost regenerates every 15 minutes? So after 1 hour, you should have 4 ghosts to tap.

    If it came down to it, you could have sped up 1 of the generators to trigger it too.
  • HillyBillyOli wrote:
    Haha someones mad.

    Can I just tell you that your tears are delicious.

    Save some for me!
  • genegenie82 wrote:
    ....I only needed 3 goo to surpass to the 2000 mark and what happens...I lose the 317 goo that I worked to gain as it's not bloody counted.

    That sucks. I stayed up an extra 15 minutes last night to make sure that didn't happen.

    Some suggestions:

    1) If you have any meatspace friends who play the game (or a second account), get one of them to drop some gremlins in your town.

    2) Drop one of your existing friends and add someone new from the add me thread.
  • I'm not going to complain about a setup that nets me 3 donuts every other day.

    Mmmm.... premium currency.