Forum Discussion

voteforkodos's avatar
10 years ago

Whom to purchase

I may be wrong but I don't think any of those speak
Love your username
  • I am a freemium player but I got witch marge. If I did not buy marge it would have been kodos. But now I am collecting for the next gil special. And just expanding my springfield for now so i say just wait for a special sale.
  • VoteforKodos wrote:
    I received a generous amount of donuts this Halloween special and would like to purchase a premium character.
    I want one with a voice, not just grunts and nonsensical noises.
    Do any of these speak when tapped? :
    The Happy Sumo, The Hungry Hun, Rocket Car, Preparatory School, Lotto 'N' Liquor, Crazy Cat House


    Uter is great. But if you don't have any of the "classic" premium characters, I'd start there -- DuffMan, Hank Scorpio, Disco Stu.

    And if you don't have the Springfield sign, you don't really have a real Springfield.
  • If you like Bonsai plants go for the Happy Sumo and Akira. He does three 12 hour tasks and it pops a bonsai in your storage which saves you donuts. Plus he has a couple of decent visible tasks if you like seeing your characters walking around. There's the karate one and one handing out free samples. I don't spend money on donuts but went for him, seemed like a good investment and I think he's great!
  • I'm saving for crazy cat of the best characters on the show!!!!!