- nickinbigd16 days agoRising Ace
Do the new task is “study A historical display at a museum.“ It further says “travel to a museum venue, select study historical display on any work of art or sculpture.“ I am at a museum. I click on sculptures and works of art. I see no interaction that says “study” The only interactions are “view” with that little blue creature emoji next to it. But simply viewing the work of art does not satisfy the task. Of course once again EA creates a glitchy task.
- GreenPlumbob2616 days agoSeasoned Scout
I'm having the same issue - went to Willow Creek museum - which I rebuild so thought it was that so I went to Oasis Springs which I never changed - and it doesn't work there. I tried giving my sim the art lover trait in case there as a "study" option as an art lover, but also did not help. Based on the comments above you have to keep trying until something finally does give the option.
- richvh16 days agoNew Vanguard
I was able to complete the step by Viewing art at a museum.
- KatieHSims1216 days agoNew Spectator
This just worked for me! Thank you! Note: I actually don't have the Willow Creek museum in my save anymore cus I replaced the lot, but I tried placing this specific painting in the Brindleton Bay museum and clicked View and it FINALLY worked!! So thank you!
- RuebyBlaze16 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I couldn't get any objects to work, but I tried reset sim (simname) and that triggered that part of the quest as complete.
- RuebyBlaze16 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I tried this one at your suggestion and it still didn't work for me, but I'm glad to hear it is for some
- RuebyBlaze16 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
I tried both study and view on the statuette already in the museum, and then i tried placing both of your suggested items and tried again and no joy. Thanks for the suggestion though
- sw33tpinkbabi16 days agoNew Traveler
I clicked view on a painting and once my sim finished viewing it, the step completed.
- Beckalinaaa16 days agoNew Spectator
I was having the same problem, but the "On the Hunt Statuette" worked for me as well! I just added it to one of my preexisting libraries. Thanks!
- EA_Cade16 days ago
Community Manager
Heya Prov31Simmer
Can you create a bug report here for those issues? I would love to get them tracked.