- hekatora16 days agoRising Traveler
Same as AnxiousKenny, the only thing that worked for me was to view the little ship replica at Municipal Muses.
- justmeish199716 days agoSeasoned Rookie
I clicked view and sped up time until my SIM was done... It worked... Took a while though
- AnxiousKenny16 days agoNew Spectator
I was having these same issue and went to Willow Creak to the museum and the only thing that worked was looking at the little ship on top of the stairs and i didn't take my mods out or did anything different.
- NoahGh0st16 days agoNew Spectator
same bug here, try all museums, i dont have any mods
- AngleEyesss16 days agoNew Spectator
I'm having the same issue and I'm on Playstation
- Lady_Kwannon16 days agoNew Spectator
Exactly the same issue
- HALirious9k17 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
For a second I thought it was bugged, but despite the action being misnamed (View), it seems that it completes on an invisible timer? The View action, even outside this event, doesn’t seem to have a circular timer, but it does seem to have an invisible one — and a looong one at that!
At first, using View on a painting in the Oasis Springs Museum did nothing, then I cancelled the action (triangle on PlayStation 5). On a second try, I queued View on two different pieces of art at the museum and went to try doing the same for my other Sim in the same household. Once the first Sim’s action concluded (invisible timer), it finished the mission successfully — and my Sim was very pleased with himself going downstairs in the museum to do the second View I’ve queued. 😆
So maybe it’s not the specific piece of art that’s the issue, but the invisible timer for the action to complete?
- hptgrl2317 days agoNew Spectator
Thank you Trowicia. This worked for me.
- AxelRogat17 days agoSeasoned Hotshot
nickinbigd Go to the Magnolia Blossom museum and stare at the suit of armor for a looong time.
Edit: I meant the Willow Creek museum, obviously. Sorry.
- NURZAHIRATUL17 days agoNew Spectator
Guys , just click on random statue , if that’s the random item , then it will fulfill , mine was the “the coat of arms with shield and swords”