2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:08 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:10 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 20:53:11 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:53:15 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:53:37 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 20:53:37 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 20:53:48 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:54:09 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 20:54:09 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 20:54:57 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:55:18 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 20:55:18 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 20:56:00 INFO User presses exit - E:(true,Le serveur de connexion est actuellement indisponible. Veuillez consulter notre forum pour plus d'informations.) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 20:56:00 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 20:56:07 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 20:56:08 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 20:56:08 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 20:56:08 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:08 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:56:09 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:56:09 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 20:56:10 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:56:16 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:56:19 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 20:56:19 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 20:56:24 INFO User presses exit - E:(true,Le serveur de connexion est actuellement indisponible. Veuillez consulter notre forum pour plus d'informations.) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 20:56:24 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:00 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:01 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 20:57:02 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 20:57:05 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:57:24 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 20:57:24 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 20:59:22 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 20:59:43 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 20:59:43 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 20:59:47 INFO User presses exit - E:(true,Le serveur de connexion est actuellement indisponible. Veuillez consulter notre forum pour plus d'informations.) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 20:59:47 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:17 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:20 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:21 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:21 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:01:21 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 21:01:21 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:01:23 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:01:45 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 21:01:45 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 21:08:02 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:08:23 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 21:08:23 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 21:08:50 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:08:54 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 21:08:54 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 21:17:33 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:34 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:34 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:34 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 21:17:35 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:17:40 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:17:58 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 21:17:58 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 21:18:20 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=1/12/2016 21:2:55, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/12/2016 21:3:57
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:20 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:24 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:19:25 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:19:36 INFO Login failure #-1 recorded
2016-01-17 21:19:36 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -1
2016-01-17 21:19:50 INFO User presses exit - E:(true,Le serveur de connexion est actuellement indisponible. Veuillez consulter notre forum pour plus d'informations.) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 21:19:50 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 16:9:38, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/17/2016 21:20:20
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:25 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:20:26 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:20:26 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 21:20:27 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 21:20:32 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 21:20:54 INFO Login failure #-10060 recorded
2016-01-17 21:20:54 ERROR Server did not properly respond to authenticate: -10060
2016-01-17 21:21:29 INFO User presses exit - E:(true,Le serveur de connexion est actuellement indisponible. Veuillez consulter notre forum pour plus d'informations.) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 21:21:29 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 16:9:38, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/17/2016 21:20:20
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 22:08:52 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 22:08:53 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 22:08:53 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:53 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:54 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 22:08:55 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:08:57 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Retrieving patch notes for environment [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO BitRaider is available for [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Previous patching mode for [swtor] is [BR]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Patch selection action: GoStraightToBR
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Starting Bitraider Streaming
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO BitRaider Transitioning from Asleep to Launch
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO isBitraiderRunning: false
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Creating bitraider configuration files
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Formatted [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/{env}] to [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/{env}/{env}] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/swtor/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO BitRaider required version is [].
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Formatted [brdestpath="{cwd}" brlocalebank={langid} id={packageid} -brnolaunch] to [brdestpath="D:\\Star Wars-The Old Republic" brlocalebank=1 id=swtor_swtor -brnolaunch]
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO Launching Bitraider with command line: brwc_swtor.exe brdestpath="D:\\Star Wars-The Old Republic" brlocalebank=1 id=swtor_swtor -brnolaunch -brnoui
2016-01-17 22:08:59 INFO BitRaider launched
2016-01-17 22:09:00 INFO Waiting for BitRaider to start...
2016-01-17 22:09:01 INFO Waiting for BitRaider to start...
2016-01-17 22:09:02 INFO BitRaider running
2016-01-17 22:09:02 INFO BitRaider Transitioning from Launch to Connect
2016-01-17 22:09:02 INFO BitRaider required version is [].
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO Initialized pipe connection to BitRaider version []
2016-01-17 22:09:03 ERROR Failed to initialize BitRaider query mapping.
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO Bitraider version [] meets requirement []
2016-01-17 22:09:03 ERROR Failed to initialize BitRaider query mapping.
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO User presses exit - E:(false,Error Text) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO Requesting BitRaider quit..
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO BitRaider_QuitBRWC::DoInvoke: Requesting BitRaider quit.
2016-01-17 22:09:03 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 16:9:38, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/17/2016 21:20:20
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:14 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 22:09:16 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:09:19 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Retrieving patch notes for environment [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO BitRaider is available for [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Previous patching mode for [swtor] is [BR]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Patch selection action: GoStraightToBR
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Starting Bitraider Streaming
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO BitRaider Transitioning from Asleep to Launch
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO isBitraiderRunning: true
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Requesting BitRaider quit..
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO BitRaider_QuitBRWC::DoInvoke: Requesting BitRaider quit.
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Initialized pipe connection to BitRaider version []
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Creating bitraider configuration files
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Formatted [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/{env}] to [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/{env}/{env}] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/swtor/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO BitRaider required version is [].
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Formatted [brdestpath="{cwd}" brlocalebank={langid} id={packageid} -brnolaunch] to [brdestpath="D:\\Star Wars-The Old Republic" brlocalebank=1 id=swtor_swtor -brnolaunch]
2016-01-17 22:09:20 INFO Waiting for previous instance of BitRaider to stop...
2016-01-17 22:09:21 INFO Waiting for previous instance of BitRaider to stop...
2016-01-17 22:09:22 INFO Waiting for previous instance of BitRaider to stop...
2016-01-17 22:09:23 INFO User presses exit - E:(false,Error Text) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 22:09:23 INFO Closed launcher
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO File info: D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 16:9:38, accessed=1/12/2016 21:3:57, written=1/17/2016 21:20:20
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Initializing download manager
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Loaded settings from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO completeLauncherInit()
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO -----------------------------(-60)-----------------------------
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Timezone: -60
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO SpecsHash=3215119890.3881522843
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Checking for launcher update
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Loaded agreements from D:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:11 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)
2016-01-17 22:10:13 INFO Patching end
2016-01-17 22:10:16 INFO User logs in.
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Retrieving patch notes for environment [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO BitRaider is available for [swtor]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Previous patching mode for [swtor] is [BR]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Patch selection action: GoStraightToBR
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Starting Bitraider Streaming
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO BitRaider Transitioning from Asleep to Launch
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO isBitraiderRunning: false
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Creating bitraider configuration files
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Formatted [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/{env}] to [http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/{env}/{env}] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/swtor/swtor]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Formatted [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support] to [http://cdn-patch.swtor.com/bitraider/support]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO BitRaider required version is [].
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Formatted [brdestpath="{cwd}" brlocalebank={langid} id={packageid} -brnolaunch] to [brdestpath="D:\\Star Wars-The Old Republic" brlocalebank=1 id=swtor_swtor -brnolaunch]
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO Launching Bitraider with command line: brwc_swtor.exe brdestpath="D:\\Star Wars-The Old Republic" brlocalebank=1 id=swtor_swtor -brnolaunch -brnoui
2016-01-17 22:10:18 INFO BitRaider launched
2016-01-17 22:10:19 INFO Waiting for BitRaider to start...
2016-01-17 22:10:20 INFO User presses exit - E:(false,Error Text) NE:(false,Network error. Check your internet connection)
2016-01-17 22:10:20 INFO Closed launcher