BUILDERS' 101 - For Builders from Novice to Beyond
BUILDERS' 101 "Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots." Frank A. Clark This forum was managed by MerryWiddow and the THe Sims Creators' Consortium team. It is now inactive and all questions can be directed to the Admin Team at THe Sims Creators' Consortium. Welcome to Builders' 101. We will enjoy helping you with all of your questions with regards to every aspect of building from the inception of the idea to the uploading of the lot and Promoting your Asset. This is an opportunity "To Learn Together": You from us and us from you. Please follow the forum rules when making posts. You will find them here. Forum Rules. Please take a moment to read them. Thanks. JOIN US AND LET'S LEARN TOGETHER This is for all Simmers, of all ages and all abilities who want to build or are already building! Do youfeel that you have no idea what to do, where to start? Why did that Lovely House you worked so hard on just slip by unnoticed? Here we are going to learn 'New Ideas' and get 'Tips and Tricks' from each other and share our 'Ideas and Creations'. We will learn from each other and together we will all grow to become better builders. HOW IT WORKS Take pictures of your Work In Progress (WIP) and share it with us on this thread. (See Picture Posting below). Our visitors will look at it and give you constructive tips about his or her ideas on what each thinks you could or should do with your WIP. You will receive comments that may be seen as negative, but please, remember it is only to help you become a better builder. The opposite is also true: You will get a lot of praise for good work and ideas, etc. Post a link to your build here with links to photo’s, stories or video! We can all have a look at what you’ve built and learn from it, or help you to make the lot better. Get somebody else's view on your build. or ask any question about building. If one of us doesn't know the answer, we can find an answer to your question or problem. Any link to wherever you promoted your build. But wait, did you promote your build? More about promoting your build later. Thinking of Taking the Plunge and Becoming a New Builder Or Maybe You've Already Taken the Plunge but are Unsure! Let’s start with what it is you want to do or learn and work from there. Novice,Intermediate, Good, All Levels of Builders: START, POST, LEARN Remember whatever is said is the opinion of the person posting, the decision to use it or not lies solely with you. TIME FOR HOMEWORK Updated: It is now called Learn to Build. You will find it on TS3 Creators' Consortium. Registration is free and it is a fun site for all aspects of TS3. Learn to Build Assignments ELEMENTS OF INTERIOR DESIGN CHALLENGES Elements of Interior Design Challenge Index at TS3 Creators' Consortium II. Creations that deserve a second look CFE Learn to Build Assignments are also available at TS3 Creators' Consortium II. TUTORIALS IN 3RD POST A WALK THROUGH OF YOUR BUILD IS AVAILABLE BY REQUEST : YOUR BUILD MUST HAVE NO CUSTOM CONTENT GLOSSARY OF TERMS MOO = MoveObjects on/off CFE = ConstrainFloorElevation true/false WIP = Work In Progress CAS = Create a Style as used in the interior design aspect IRO = In regards of DLs = Downloads REC = Recommendation more will be added as they come up. PROUD SUPPORTER SIGGY Proud Supporters Siggy can be used at any time if you want to show that you support this Thread. Copy and paste this code into Signature under My Preferences. Just remove the asterisks. Have fun! MerryWiddow408KViews1like7052CommentsGuide to Houseboats in game & in CAW
Houseboats! They're awesome, versatile, and totally fun... but they can also be tricky, especially when adding one to a world other than Isla Paradiso. Thankfully you've come to the right place. This guide will answer every question you ever had regarding houseboats (and many that you didn't!), inform you as to what you can actually do with them (nearly everything!), and take you through a step by step tutorial explaining how to build one in Edit Town or in Create a World. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged! If you have questions please ask, and if you see any inaccurate information please let me know so I can fix it. This guide is split into easy to follow sections: • FAQ – All questions regarding Houseboats answered. • Edit Town Tutorial – How to add a houseboat to a world using the in-game editing tools. • CAW Tutorial - How to build a custom world with the Create a World tool that has houseboats. This guide is currently a work in progress. Remaining work to be done includes (but is not limted to): • Organize the FAQ section so that the questions aren't all in a random order. Fan sites: Feel free to share this guide with readers of your website. I'll ask that you please link back to this thread as I'll continue to update it with more information and accurate answers. Disclaimer: This guide will give you info on just about everything you need to know regarding houseboats, but it doesn’t 100% cover every possible situation you can encounter in-game. I’ll continue to update the thread if any other important questions need to be answered, or if any information is discovered to be inaccurate.171KViews1like164CommentsCaw FAQ's........Links to Tutorials, and Resources. Textures, & Troubleshooting
Caw Tutorials & Information Hello Everyone This is an information archive listing for all the pertinent information out there concerning Caw. You can help by alerting me of any new information out there you don't see listed, or you can write a tutorial of your own if you see information lacking. Just post with a link to the information, and I'll include it under the appropriate heading. Thank you for your help. Also let me know if there are any broken links, or typos Announcements: 11/2014 - Simlogical forums have closed and moved all downloads to 9/2014-Mediafire-There has been a rash of creators who's mediafire accounts have been frozen, and their content deleted due to a fragulant claim of copyright infringement. I don't know the particulars, and feel free to post if you know any, but it's my recomendation you backup your mediafire uploads and provide a mirror download from another file sharing site such as box or google drive . Creators Impacted: If you or another creator you know of has been impact and have moved your files, let me know. Awesims - You can find her CC & Worlds at Sims Cave just Search "Awesims" Using Downloaded Worlds - FAQ, Tips, and Tricks Great info for the players of user created worlds. Direct Link to the Create a World Tool Download: Super Caw by _A_ @ Simlogical png2caw by _A_ @ Simlogical for converting height map png's to 16 bit S3PE-Simlogical Caw Troubleshooting, Latest Patch Info, Error Messages. SOLVED: Cannot open Edit in Game, not a version mismatch issue Edit in Game Opens Sims 3 Launcher Need help trying to figure out what the heck is going on? Go here..... Create A World - CAW not running? CAW running slowly? Updated as needed by Simsample @ MTS Steam installation, and Caw by LittleMinxUndr @ ts3tutorials This thread is a compilation of some very useful info about creating a world, at MTS, and also around the web...... Useful Resources, Common Issues, and Much More Check here for links I may have missed. Armiel at MTS keeps this updated. Other Active Caw Forums MTS: Create a World Forum Mod The Sims: Caw WIP The Sims Creators' Consortium: Caw Section Create Your World Un mundo para ti This is a Spanish speaking forum, you can use Google Chrome to translate Pasimfic Wiki a Create-a-World database Carl and Pam's The Sims 3 Caw Forum SimsExpressie CAW Resources Beginners Caw Tutorials & Walk Through The first two tutorials are from EA, and came out with the Caw tool. The rest of the tutorials are good basic tutorials written by Simmers in the community. This is all I know about right now. As usual, If you know of a good tutorial here, or on another site, post here and I'll add it to the list. EA's The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool – Beta Walk Through EA's Create a World Beta pdf CAW tutorial - First Contact by Anushka @ Carl and Pam's The Sims 3 Forum HOW TO CREATE A WORLD - THE SIMS 3 CAW TOOL GUIDE by Krrank......Learning to use CAW, the easy way. Tutorials and Downloads. Shalua's Create-a-World FAQs @ ts3tutorials Sims Wiki: Tutorials: Creating Sims 3 Worlds by HystericalParoxysm Video Tutorial: How to Create a World - Part One By The Sims Supply Video Tutorial: How to Create a World - Part Two By The Sims Supply Video Tutorial: How to Create a World - The Basics By The Sims Supply Creating A World That Doesn't Suck by TVR Designs @ Sims 3 Wiki Building a world Part 1-6 By Stw 402 @ tscc, The Sims Creators' Consortium Building a world Part 7-10 By Stw 402 @ tscc, The Sims Creators' Consortium Building a world Part 11-12 By Stw 402 @ tscc, The Sims Creators' Consortium Tips & Tricks from Other Cawsters How to: Find an Object In the World Layers Panel by Rflong7, EA Caw Forum Create A World Tips to get you started by Richdre @ tscc, The Sims Creators' Consortium Beta Testing a World..........Tips & Tricks @ tscc, The Sims Creators' Consortium Height Maps Procedural Generation of Terrain Discussion and Tipsstarted by aminovas @ EA Caw Forum PNG Height Map Tutorial with CS4 by Juleslessthanthr33 @ wordpress Creating Your Own Height Map Sims 3 Wiki @ TSR How to create a world using Real-World Height data by Napalm_VFR @ EA Caw Forum Textures, Terrain Painting & Sculpting How To - Making Sure Your Terrain is Flat by Rflong7 @ EA Caw Forum Making Transparent Textures by Simsample @ EA Caw Forum Source Texture Organization Getting all those textures organized, with pictures for easier identification by auntielynds @ TS3CC II How to extract textures from EA Worlds by auntielynds, EA Caw forum How to paint your rocks by HturnerP, EA Caw forum Create A World - Terrain Painting Tips by Simsample @ MTS Textures: *A full list of CAW Default textures- In photos * by lovingreds, EA Caw Forum Downloading and Installing Textures for Caw EA Caw forum The Easy Way to Create Terrain Textures. by Jericosan EA Caw forum Create a World: Terrain Tools Sims 3 Wiki @ TSR Making Craters in CAW by Rflong7, EA Caw Forum Terrain Show! (show off your terrain and tips!) at MTS Great thread with tips and tricks of Terrain Painting, including how to erase them. Help building a realistic pier @ MTS Different approaches on creating piers, and barges in Caw. 1. How to Build a Boat Pier by bunbunnyny EA Caw forum 2. How to Build Underwater Lots & Dock Ports by bunbunnyny EA Caw forum This goes with my How to Build a Boat Pier tutorial. It's the second part to it! Roads & Bridges Basics: Road Gradation Tool EA Caw Forum Possible to replace placed roads with different design, quick and dirty? by Simsample @ MTS....Post #7 Tutorial: Replacing Existing Roads in Caw @TS3CC II List of Street Names by Rflong, EA Caw Forum CAW Basic Road Tutorial by Richdre @ The Sims Creators' Consortium CAW Custom Roads Tutorial by Richdre @ The Sims Creators' Consortium Basic Bridge Tutorial by Richdre @ The Sims Creators' Consortium How to create a bridge In CAW by ryanmountford2 Video Tutorial: Create a World, Bridges By The Sims Supply Video Tutorial: How to make a layer and delete roads in Create a World for Sims 3 Video Tutorial: How to Connect Roads Tutorial: How to Create a Highway by Jasumi @ EA Caw Forum Meta Data Objects Tips & Info The Fog Emitter object gives special effects in game - a list by mikitta47 EA Caw Forum Fog Emitter Effects Animations Series by SimEve , Creative Works Blogspot The Easy-Peasy Distant Terrain Tutorial by HeyWhatReub, EA Caw Forum Aligning Distant Terrain by Kiwi tea @ Pasimfic Wiki Lists the names of each distant terrain alongside their positions and rotations CAW Spawner Tips for a Medium Sized World by Richdre @ Bear Mountain Creations Which Spawners Have What by Regina @ CS3 @ TS3 Tutorial Archive Using Fog Emitters in Caw@ TS3CC II CAW Plants Cheat Sheet by HystericalParoxysm @ MTS Recoloring Rabbitholes, Plants, and other Objects *Custom Bridges Tutorial (NO Custom content!)* by ThomsonJamie @ EA Caw Forum Piddlesam Easy Tutorial to Recolouring Rabbitholes by Piddlesam @ TS3CC II Adding & Extracting Metadata Objects: Recolors, Rabbit Holes, Trees, ect. by auntielynds @ Simlogical Routing, Routing Paint, & Camera Routing Find Routing Issues Quickly and Easily by Daniel @ Sims 3 New York Blog Perfecting Routing, an OC approach to routing paint... by Eyelem @ TS3CC II Basics on Sim-Routing in Create a World-Tool by armiel @ MTS Waterfalls, Rivers, Surf, & Caves How To Build A Cave by 8NiSci8 , EA Caw forum How to make your waterfall look realistic by Sim Outlaw, EA Caw forum Exporting, Thumbnails, Installing & Uploading Your World Routine to Export a World by Junceda EA Caw Forum How To Create-A-World 24Bit PNG with Paint by cllevett Youtube Video How To: Make Sure CC Doesn't Piggyback in on Your World Export by auntielynds, TS3CC Installing your World without Uploading to the Exchange by auntielynds, TS3CC Changing the WPID File to Give Your World a Different I.D. to re-upload to the Exchange by auntielynds @ Simlogical Video Tutorial: How to Export Your World - Includes instructions on how to make a 256x256 .png image, how to export, & install/upload your world. Thumbnails: 24 bit Png Image Creation with by auntielynds EA Caw forum Pre-made 24bit pngs for Caw thumbnails Download Lots, Lots, & Lots Residential lot cost by default by mikitta47 EA caw forum Lot Types in The Sims 3 (Up to University) by ThomsonJamie @ EA Caw Forum Rabbit Hole Wiki by FaithofKaela @ Rabbit Hole Wiki Blog * Community Lot Guide & Check List by Geminiagre @ EA Caw Forum Ways of fighting "Sprawl" or "lot creep" already available. by Damienf519 @ EA Caw Forum * The Sims Wiki: Lot Assignment Info This tells you exactly what each lot assignment does, By Kiwi Tea This list can be sorted alphabetically, by type of rabbithole, by size, or by expansion/store set required. Rabbithole lot sizes by Kiwi tea @ Pasimfic Wiki Sunken or Raised Lot Fix by Amaholus, EA Caw Forum Set Front of Lot CBedna01 EA Caw Forum Tips for perspective and terrain conformation by Roswin @ TS3 Tutorial Archive Lot Building Tuts List of Building Tutorials or How do I do That? EA Creative Corner Forum *How to build an Apartment - In 8 steps* (Deconstruction Method) by lovingreds EA CAW Forum Working with Late Night Apartments by LoCatus @ TS3CC House Apartment Building!! by MrCrumplebottom1 EA Caw Forum Tombs The Sims 3 Tomb Creation Guide @ Carl's The Sims 3 Guide The Sims 3 World Adventures – Tomb Building #2 @ Sims Programs The Sims 3 World Adventures Tomb Creation 101 @ The Sims 3: World Adventures Building Tombsl @ IGN Tomb Building: The Processor by TS3 Wiki at TSR Tomb Overview by TS3 Wiki at TSR Tomb Building Basic by TS3 Wiki at TSR Tomb Building Advanced by TS3 Wiki at TSR Tomb Building: Triggers and Activated Behaviours by TS3 Wiki at TSR Tomb Creation 101 by TS3 Wiki at TSR Making a Resetting Trap in 10 Easy Steps by glen416 EA Caw forum142KViews1like621Comments♥♥ ~ SANDRAELLE'S SHOWCASE ~ ♥♥ New Build: Fallen Acres
Welcome to my Showcase Thread, and thanks for visiting! A little bit about me: I'm not really a game player but I do LOVE to build and have been creating since Sims 2 came out. I mostly built for myself (back in the day), then started joining building contests and challenges in the old Sims 3 community forums, which then led to me becoming a member of the DNA request team and started creating for others for six years. I have been participating in several world collaborations most recently and it's been a lot of fun. I've learned a lot about building in these past 10-12 years and have improved quite a bit since those early days. I'm a stickler for details and aim for realistic interiors in my creations. Most of my builds contain store content, but are CC free and I always upgrade all the plumping/electronics. To visit my Sims 3 Studio, click here. To download FREE items from the store,click here. UPDATE August 2024: This thread has totally been reconstructed using posts from my showcase thread in the old Sims 3 community forum. Custom World Collaborations I've participated in (More information about these community projects can be found by clicking on the links below.) Orient Express Community Collaboration (a world that consists of London, Paris, Venice and the Alpine area) Cape Albacore World Collaboration(a coastal town inspired by Nantucket Island) Disney Magic Kingdom Community Collaboration(experience the magic of Disney) Ackney-upon-Sherne Creators' Collaboration (an English Village Collaboration) BUILDS FROM WORLD COLLABORATIONS Orient Express Builds Project dates: Spring 2024 and Jan 2020 - Apr 2021 Cape Albacore Builds Project dates: Sep 2023 - Feb 2024 Disney's Magic Kingdom Builds Project dates: Oct 2021 - May 2023) Ackney-upon-Sherne English Village Builds Project dates: Aug 2021 - Mar 2022) MISC BUILDS -- Personal builds and DNA Request team builds New build: Fallen Acres, 10/30/2024 2021-2023 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2012-2017 (under construction) SIMS AND SIM HOUSEHOLDS SIMS / SIM HOUSEHOLDS141KViews4likes2380CommentsSoocoolsim's Showcase ⚜️
Hi everyone, welcome to my showcase thread! I started playing since the original Sims, love building in Sims 3 the most and am happy to see others still enjoying this version as well. It’s been heartwarming and inspirational to be an active part of the Sims community individually and as a member of the DNA request team. In the past several years it’s also been my pleasure to initiate / host / participate in several Sims 3 world build collaborations. No 3rd party custom content is used in my creations and they are play-tested and Custard checked before uploading. An aspect I really love is creating unique and themed builds, especially those that involve using CFE. The builds in my SIMS 3 STUDIO also include a wide range of architectural styles and blends. I do hope you enjoy my sharing as much as I enjoy building. MY LATEST RELEASES Aug 24/24 - Orient Express Part Three: Venice video tour Aug 17/24 -Bellissimo Giardino Centrale Aug 17/24 -Isola di San Michele Cemetery Aug 1/ 24 -San Michele Championship (Broom) Arena Aug 1/ 24 -Musee du Louvre July 29/24 -Palais Garnier Opera House July 26/24 -Tate Modern Art Gallery (shell) July 19/24 -Chiesa degli Scalzi From starters to huge split-level and multi-tiered mansions, single family to legacy builds, cute cottages to themed homes, a virtual treasure trove awaits. PART ONE / PART TWO Party-time, play-time, goth-time, fun-time! It's all sim-time with venues suiting every taste and style. 🌇MAIN COMMUNITY BUILDS 🎭 LIVE SHOW VENUES & FILM STUDIOS 🎠RIDES, POOLS, PARKS (🎢 rollercoaster, 🛶gondola,🐠 water, 🛝 play, 🏕️ pet) 💒WEDDING & FUNERAL VENUES, CHURCHES & RESORTS 🏨 HOLIDAYS(🎄Christmas, 🎃 Halloween, 🐣 Other) SIMS (ethnic, fictional, look-alikes) / DISNEY, MOVIE & FAIRYTALE CHARACTERS/ PETS THE ORIENT EXPRESS WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS An impressive world incorporating the Orient Express (murder mystery train) route, featuring popular landmarks, tourist sites and architecture from London, Paris and Venice with a side trip to the fictional Alpine region. Click on the YouTube playlist below for a virtual walkthrough of each destination including the Pullman Express, Venice-Simplon, Royal Scotsman and Alpine Express train cars. Visit The Orient Express thread for more information. The Orient Express Video Playlist (stay tuned) Part One - London / Part Two - Paris / Part Three - Venice / Part Four - The Alpine Region (soon) --- oOo --- CAPE ALBACORE WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS A lovely and serene coastal world with many unique builds created by the community. Click on the YouTube playlist below for a virtual walkthrough of the five different areas: Beach / Farming & Lagoon / Downtown / Islands, Ports & Peninsula / Lighthouse, Mountain Loop & Mobile Homes. Visit the Cape Albacorethread for more information. Cape Albacore Video Playlist --- oOo --- MAGIC KINGDOM WORLD COLLABORATION VIDEOS Inspired by the real life Disney park and includes Adventureland / Bay Lake Area / Fantasyland / Frontierland / Liberty Square / Main Street and Tomorrowland. Click on the YouTube playlist below to see how close community creators represented each area. Visit the Disney Magic Kingdomthread for more information. Disney Magic Kingdom Video Playlist --- oOo --- OTHER VIDEOS * Cat Jungle speed build * Jurassic Waterpark virtual walkthrough * It’s a Small World greeting107KViews7likes1676CommentsList of tutorials or how do I do that?
Hi I am going to restart the tutorials list, it was really helpful to me in the past and continues to be, but a lot of them need updating. If you have new links, find old links that aren't in the list or realise one of them simply doesn't work, please let me know and I will edit them. If Fieryfemale is still around, original op, and want to take this back, please just let me know.85KViews1like329Comments(Seasons) Guide to Seasonal Lot Markers
So, you’re interested in lots that change throughout the year with the seasons? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This thread has everything you need to understand how these lots work, and even includes a step by step tutorial that will teach you how to build a lot of your own that changes over time. Before we begin though, please be aware that this is a guide intended for advanced builders. You will be using debug objects that were created for use by the development team to build these special lots. The method of using them isn’t particularly user friendly. If you aren’t already comfortable with using many different features of Build/Buy Mode you may want to consider just enjoying other people’s creations from the exchange. …still here? Great! If I didn’t scare you off with that warning, you’re ready to get started. Here's the best tip you'll get in this guide: save early and save often when creating your seasonal lots. If you accidentally change anything you didn't intend to, you can simply go back to an earlier version. I would also encourage you to read everything in this guide before doing any serious building of your own; there is a lot of important information that you should know. This guide is split into four handy sections: • FAQ – All questions regarding the Seasonal Lot Marker answered. • Build/Buy List – Which objects and tools can and can’t change with the seasons. • Tutorial - A step by step guide to building a lot that changes with the seasons. • Official EA Festivals - A list of festival lots officially released by EA that are available to download for free from The Exchange. Disclaimer: This guide will give you info on just about everything you need to know regarding the Seasonal Lot Marker, but it doesn’t 100% cover every possible situation you can encounter in-game. I’ll continue to update the thread if any other important questions need to be answered, or if any information is discovered to be inaccurate.68KViews1like199CommentsDisney Magic Kingdom Community Collaboration! * COMPLETED
EDIT Apr 15/23 - THE WORLD IS COMPLETED ✅ soocoolsim, @Hidehi , romagi1 , Sandraelle , @seaben , @GraceyManor , @ToriFrancis , @ks0 , bekkasan , @LMC6255 , emorrill , @cymbline , StephSteb Well done everyone! Thank you for your wonderful contributions to this project. Your builds and sims have surpassed expectations and this collaboration will be a fond and special memory long after Sims 3 has faded. We've celebrated with a series of video walkthroughs! :D 🍿🌟 Full video playlist: Sims 3: Disney Magic Kingdom World Tours Playlist on YouTube Individual videos: Episode 1: Main Street Area - Part One Episode 2: Main Street Area - Part Two Episode 3: Bay Lake Area - Part One Episode 4: Bay Lake Area - Part Two Episode 5: Adventureland - Part One Episode 6: Adventureland - Part Two Episode 7: Frontierland Episode 8: Liberty Square Episode 9: Fantasyland - Part One Episode 10: Fantasyland - Part Two Episode 11: Tomorrowland (finale) Congrats to me1620 , the winner of our closing celebrations Trivia Challenge with a perfect score! "Sandraelle;c-18263370" wrote: Hello everyone! We figure that most people will probably want to pick and choose what lots they'd like to add to their Magic Kingdom World, but if you'd like a world with all the lots, I have created a world save with all the lots for you. It's missing two lots (see my note below). Depending on your computer specs, you may experience game crashes with a fully outfitted world. But if you have a powerful computer (I do not, lol), our hope is that it will run smoothly. Another option to minimize the size, is to split up the world into two world saves by having two copies and editing each world to your liking. Or if you have a mod, you may be able to make them vacation worlds, however, I'm not sure exactly how to do that. :# Just click on this zip file link to download the folder and place it in your "Electronic Arts/Sims 3/Saves" folder before launching your game. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don't already have the empty base Disney Magic Kingdom world downloaded and installed on your computer, you will need to do that first before loading up your game with my world save, otherwise it won't load the save. You can find the link to the world on page 1. :) :) :) Happy simming!!!! Note: Since I don't own Midnight Hollow's Golden Ticket Toy Shop, I wasn't able to place two of the lots. Here are the links for those two builds so you can add them in yourself. Fantasia Emporium, 11 Main Street Auntie Gravity's Goodies, 107 Tomorrowland Required: Download MAGIC KINGDOM EMPTY BASE WORLD (created by Hidehi) Option A: Download your choice of individual BUILDS BY AREA - see posts for maps and links Entrance, Main Street, Hub Adventureland Frontierland Liberty Square Fantasyland Tomorrowland Bay Lake Area DISNEY CHARACTER SIMS (no cc) Option B: Download WORLD SAVE FILE INCLUDING ALL LOTS (except the two below which you need to download separately. Sims also need to be individually downloaded) Fantasia Emporium, 11 Main Street Auntie Gravity's Goodies, 107 Tomorrowland BACKGROUND ON THE PROJECT Welcome to the Sims 3 Disney Magic Kingdom Community Collaboration! Experience the magic of Disney as we invite you to collaborate in showcasing the talent within the Sims 3 community! Our launch on Oct 1/21 coincided with the official start of the Walt Disney World 50th Anniversary celebrations. This project began several months ago when sparky1922 expressed her hope to me soocoolsim of having a playable Disney world. This idea grew as the talented @Hidehi worked with my input and the official Disney map to create the Magic Kingdom world base. I think you'll agree that Hidehi did an awesome job, and we're hoping for your feedback as lots are added to ensure that world routing, etc works as intended. With the addition of Sandraelle and romagi1 to the planning team, this community collaboration to create the Magic Kingdom is now open for your participation! Apr 3/23 - EDIT! All lots have been claimed or accounted for so the rest of this post is no longer valid. Thanks to everyone who participated. Your submissions have brought this world ‘to life’. Thanks also to our supporters for your comments, likes and downloads. We have had a blast and hope you enjoyed being with us on this journey. Stay tuned for the grand finale to celebrate completion of this amazing project! So now onto the fine print! Here's a chance to express your creativity with choices from a wide range of building styles. The rules are pretty simple: CLAIMING GUIDELINES Take a look at the list of lots available using either the forum posts or online spreadsheet as reference. Indicate you're on board for the collab and sign up for your first claim by posting on this thread with your chosen lot and map reference #s. I will update the list with your claim (as well as the download / media links when completed). Every two weeks (approx the 1st and 15th of the month) a new sign-up period will begin. You may claim a new lot during each sign-up period after your build is completed - as long as you don't have more than two builds underway at a time. BUILDING GUIDELINES Map areas: The following posts list the world lots along with reference maps and a short description about each area. You can also view everything consolidated in the spreadsheet linked below. Thanks to Sandraelle for creating the reference maps. Optional! View the on-line Sims 3 Magic Kingdom spreadsheet (Lots on tab 1. Maps on tab 2): Community lots / Disney attractions: The intent is to replicate the exterior of the actual attractions as best as you can. The interior design is more flexible as you see fit for the use of the lot and Sims 3 game play. Please do stay with the overall theme of the area for the decor and include any special lot designation requirements. You can Google pictures of your claimed lot and we've also included some inspiration links below which may be helpful. Residential builds: Again, please stay with the general look and overall theme of the area including your chosen lot. You have creative freedom otherwise. No third-party Custom Content allowed — please Custard Check your lots before uploading to double check. Helpful notes All Expansion Packs OK for use. All Stuff Packs OK for use. All purchasable Store Items OK for use. Free Store items can be used if they can still be downloaded. Post link(s) to your lot download / media when available. You can also include a cover shot. INSPIRATION LINKS Interactive Disney Magic Kingdom Park map: MK Building Photos: Wikipedia info: Blueprints - WD Resorts Part 1: Blueprints - WD Resorts Part 2: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 1: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 2: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 3: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 4: Blueprints- Magic Kingdom Part 5: Blueprints - Magic Kingdom Part 6: Magic Kingdom aerial tour: Picture tours by section WORLD TESTERS If building is not quite up your alley and you much prefer playing or testing, you can also participate by downloading the world and lots at they become available. We would greatly appreciate feedback on any positive experiences or concerns you may experience as the world gets populated. At this stage, we do not plan to provide a completed world. It is up to players to download and populate as desired when builds become available. Once the world is full / almost full we may provide a game save file, but first things first... to create the lots 😀 Feb 9/22 - New opportunity! This is mainly for those folks who love to decorate but find building daunting. See page 14 for available shells. Now it works! Post your claim on this thread (Map #, Ref #) and download the relevant shell. Decorate as you wish using the following guidelines. In the final lot description, we request you keep the credit to the shell creator. Upload your completed build and circle back here with the link(s) to your file and (optional) screenshots. Residential shell décor guidelines No budget limitations! All EPs, SPs, store items allowed. No 3rd party CC allowed. For the exterior... You can change the colours of the siding, roofing and flooring and move/delete/add windows and doors. Create your own landscaping as you wish including adding/modifying driveways, gardens, etc. For the interior... You have free rein to modify everything! Window, door or wall in the way of your fab design? No worries... just move or delete it. Want to switch a bedroom to a study? Go right ahead... the power is with you to change the layout as you see fit. STARTER HOMES Several lots have been designated for building starter homes. Of course, other appropriate lots can be used to create a starter. Check with a planning team member if uncertain. EDIT Oct 9/22 - All designated starter homes completed! Visit this post on page 12 for the list of builds. SPIN-OFFS Players are encouraged to share links to their Disney Magic Kingdom in game stories. Please touch base with soocoolsim via PM with your blog / story link(s) for approval by the planning team. Visit this post to read stories submitted by DMK world players. Visit this post to find links to NO CC Disney character sims available for download. NOTES FOR CREATORS62KViews1like1802CommentsRemoving IP Lag
Make a new folder in your Sims 3 Saves folder called IPonlyRdy.sims3 and copy these four files into it: When you next load up your game, it should be your first option there with other saved games. I tried to only do the bare minimum changes, but I wanted to avoid lag in your game; so you do get some of my redone EA homes. I did redo them so they only need IP - no other EPs or SPs or any store stuff. I had redone most of the lots using all the EPs and SPs and some store stuff earlier. If interested in any of those lots, look in this folder and you can do individual replacements: If you have all the EPs and SPs and own the store (or lots of it), you could download these files instead: (Your new folder would be named IPrdy.sims 3 and would go in the Sims 3 Saves folder. I made many more adjustments to this version as I was simply making it for myself.) Older UPDATE: I have played a houseboat in IP without any mods or world fix (for three sim weeks) following a suggestion to give all sims cars (and boats) to cut down on taxis. When you start to experience a lot of lag, save and then quit your game. Clear your caches. Then reload your game. It should play normal then. I only play with one houseboat (mine) and one resort (Hobart's). I have systematically been playing every family in IP and they have all played well for me. I consolidated notes of lag and freezing in IP and went in to fix things. I now have my notes in a one-page Word document (short, sweet, and to the point). Also, the Loner's home has NO front door or even a lower level - Solitude. You can replace it with: word document: open document text: I have played with Overwatch and Error Trap (NRaas mods) and only getting the normal vehicle removal and electonics turned off notices each day. So, if you take the time to remove the houseboats and resort towers, I think that you can play without lag too. Simply evict Sims and move them to land. By making the problem ports No Visitors Allowed (NVA), only your active sim should go there, so you should not get stuck sims there. You don't have to make changes to all the lots. You can delete problem lots and replace them with others. To help with lag and freezing in IP, these helpful fixes were suggested: Turn off Pets. You can get Ellacharmed's fixed version of Isla Paradiso: Install twallan's NRAAS overwatch (and ErrorTrap) mod(s)! (Highly recommended, but not required!) You can use twallan's NRAAS register mod to annihilate the Scott family and remove horses and wild animals. * Delete all boats (place residents in other houses) and every boat-platform. (Keep ports and one boat to play.) Change designation on the problem ports to No Visitors Allowed (NVA)! Use discoverAllunchartedislands cheat to delete most of the laggy fog. You can add another school for kids, but moving ones currently enrolled will cause grades to reset. Play off-line and turn your anti-virus programs off and game mode on, and have ts3w.exe in your DEP. the cheats for editing ports and dive spots are: control/shift/c... testingcheatsenabled true enablelotlocking on When you enter the cheats, you click on the port you want to change. (In the right part of the window opened, there will be a padlock icon. If you click it, the lock will open and you can then enter buy/build mode.) Remember to turn off all the cheats in reverse order, changing on to off and true to false. Enter edit town mode. Delete the 3 resorts: Hobarts, La Costa Verde, and Sparkling Sands. (Save to bin first if you want.) OR simply remove the towers, check-in desks, and snack cart so no workers are needed there and change to community lot. Delete empty houseboats & their bases first: Odyssey (Port Placid, Surf Island), Happy Houseboat (Promising Port), You're on a Boat (Port Popular), Floating Fortress (Pleasing Port)... Keep Sea Spirit (Premium Port) to be No Visitors Allowed (NVA) Evict sim(s) in houseboats, delete the houseboats & bases, delete or edit ports: cntl/shift/c: testingcheatsenabled true & enablelocklocking on, click on port, click on padlock, change port to residential lot (if desired), click on buy/build to edit port, make storage building into small starter home, and place evicted Sim(s) in homes. (Delete fencing on piers first & hold alt when placing stairs.) Scott (move to Humble Home on main island) - Tide Runner (Port Perlious, Surf Island), Angler (move to Cozy Cottage) - Aquaholic (Port Prosperous), Dregg (put in starter house on pier) - Atlantis (Picturesque Port), Arias (move to Personal Paradise) - Our First Houseboat (Port Pescado), and Romantic (Rubisel Ichtaca) (whom I move to Modern Marvel after I relevel that lot) - FantaSea (Port Primavera) Keep FantaSea and make it NVA (no visitors allowed). Here are my starter lots on the empty posts: Perilous Place - a pink and turquoise shack on the water's edge: Picturesque Place - with 3/4 bath and awesome views: Pleasing Pad - complete with a real shower and toilet: Popular Pad - wooden shack with motorcycle and all in one bath: Prosperous pad - with a full-sized bath complete with tub: Premium Port and Ports Primavera, Pleasant and Playa (and others) have uneven terrain at lot edges. Change Ports to No Visitors Allowed (NVA). Place a NVA boat on Port Pleasant & delete rocks & trees in the way. Pile rocks on lot edges where needed. (World editor needed to delete two trees at Port Primavera.) Lock all ports and turn off cheats. (cntl/shift/c: testingcheatsenabled false & enablelocklocking off) Delete arches in front of entrances: Collins - Colonial Casa - 76 Civic Center (Set front door & delete access to top floor.) Ichtaca - Castillo de Ichtaca - 1 Camino del Ray (Delete stacked spiral stairs & Set front door) You can download mine: Hamada - The Spanish Queen - 7 Sea Spray Lane (I also widen path & paint inner single bed balcony.) The Lone Artist - Adobe Abode - 11 Ocean View Road (One wallpaper missing - inner back porch.) (Empty home) - Personal Paradise - 9 Sea Spray Lane Set front doors: (Set front doors last after making all other changes and saving.) Alto - Luxury Villa - 1 Alto Road (Platform that surrounds right side needs CASting.) Here's mine: The Siren - The Modern Hideaway - Dry Land, Kraken Island (I delete side door.) (Empty) - Modern Marvel - 10 Modern Mile (level terrain & unstack stairs) ((or just download this version: Other: Unstacked spiral stairs, etc. Babes on the Beach - Holiday House - 25 Riviera Road (Expand front deck & move stairs to right) Vidal - The Painted Lady - 74 Civic Center (Entrance is too small & stairs are outside.) Mine: Medina - Modern Folly - 65 Paradise Road (Fence yard, delete garage door, turn spiral stairs & add crib) Los Amigos - Spirit of the Sea (Sandy Beach, Surf Island) Turn tub! (Ichtaca's boat & Floating Fortress too) Nautical Art Museum - (delete fencing or just the corners) Ojeda - Sea House - 1 Shark Bay (Widen path & move garbage can & mailbox.) Delete the stairs to the fountain in the festival park (so small animals and toddlers are NOT left there.) I also add a grocery & other stores/lots to the main island (to avoid boating to other island). And, I notice the Loner at Solitude had no door at all or even a ground floor wall to put one on. You can add one yourself or replace the lot with mine: There was nothing really wrong with the Han residence, but the pool required everyone to go up to the third floor. So, I redid it here: Building a Yacht!! a basic framework by Ralphael (Expanded version)
See The actual finished yacht can be downloaded here: Also this post has been expanded for part II following the basic framework. Part I Please keep this post alive by adding your comments (good or bad). This is the second time I've built ships in the Sims game. The first one was in Sims 2 which gave us up to 15 floor levels (before it crashes the game), elevators and transparent tiles to work with, thus I was able to build a cruise ship with something like 8 floors of living space. The framework for the ship hull is probably the most difficult, however now that I've done it twice, it is now second nature and once you have tried it once you will agree. 1. Step one. lay out the outline of the ship outline using the ground fences and build 3 walls around the ship outline. 2. Raise the terrain under the one of the walls (with constrainfloorelevation true) and use the level terrain to raise the wall higher (arbitrary amount). 3. using the terrain level, raise the sides of the ship framework. 4. now the following is actually quite fun as you selectively raise the outside pieces of the ship. 5. now it will look like a giant bathtub... now hit E (clone) and select a tile. Then press ctrl-shift and point the mouse pointer at one of the tile and click to delete all the tiles. (use ctrl-z to recover to continue working). This is the basic of the yacht framework (cruise ship in sims 2). Please feel free to comment or ask questions here in the tutorial, or make comments on the upcoming yacht in this thread. Thanks for viewing, Ralphael Part II Recap: The first part was a quick test and it really only takes a few minutes to build a basic framework for a ship. Now we need to lower the whole framework so that the frame is partially submersed in water. 1. So we begin again, this time lower the land with the pond terain brush and bring up the height of the frame working area just above the water. You can do this by setting constrainfloorelevation off and laying out a foundation at a corner, then flatten out the whole first floor using the foundation piece as the height. 2. now build the 3 walls surrounding the frame and raise the walls up by an arbitrary amount (arbitrary meaning I don't know as I design by feel and so should you :P). 3. Now before we raise the sides to create a gigantic bathtub, lets add a floor which forms the bottom floor of your ship. We do this by laying out a bunch of pillars then adding the floor. 4. Now that we have a floor, go ahead and delete all the pillars. 5. Now as everyone knows how to lower a floor by setting constrainfloorelevation off, then using a stair on the bottom of the boat (not the floor), then deleting the stair, then using the terain flatten tool to lower the bottom until it is submersed underwater. You repeat this as a few times. 6. now lets go back to up one level back to the floor and wrap the sides around the floor. 7. Add another floor to the ship by using pillars and then another layer of floor. 8. You can check how it looks by removing all the tiles, press e (clone) and select a tile, then ctrl-shift and point the pointer at a tile at the corner and click. This will delete all tiles. Use ctrl-z to restore the tiles as you will need the supporting floor structure as you work. Definitely needed if you wish to put a staircase connecting the main floor to the side of the ship, then from the side to the ground. All this sounds more difficult then it seems, but once you have done it, it really only takes about 10-15 minutes to create the basic foundation of a ship. The hardest part is afterwards when you attempt to fit various walls, stairs on the ship. Good luck on your ship if you choose to give it a try... Ralphael29KViews0likes41Comments