I Guess I'm in a Small Group... 💚
...who find it difficult to make a New Sim? 😎 I'm starting a new Challenge, just for myself. I wanted a new Sim. So I opened CAS and picked the first one. Naw, Not interested. :( I checked my Saved Sims and found one from years ago the game generated and I edited. He's cute. 😄 I wanted a Female. After editing the face and checking back to male, it was too bland if she has sons. :( Back to random! I edited her to make something new and ended up with nearly the same FACE I always make. 🤭 Random, random, random... No, no, no. So, why not my favorite Sim just edited a bit more. Fine! The same Sim I've enjoyed playing for years - slightly edited. Until 😺 In Game! (my computer isn't great) I laughed because she looks so surprised. Not the Sim for me. 🤔 Back to my favorite. Meet Ainsley. Don't ya love the view? A Rags2Richs on the beach start. I noticed the rules don't prohibit going to University nor going into the future Such easy money into the future... But NO. You're going to fish, Girl. You're going to struggle a bit. Do you find it has hard to get a new Sim as I do? 💖💚 *Since I see so many Adorable Sims posted, I guess I'm in a small group of Simmers. 🤳287Views6likes15CommentsThe Circle Sims3 Reality Show - Season 4
The Circle is where you can be who you want to be! Yourself or someone else! Be whoever it takes to win $100000! What is the show about? Within the show, contestants are isolated in their own apartments, and can only communicate to the other contestants via "The Circle", ostensibly a computer program that transcribes their messages into text as if in a social media app. Contestants are thus able to present completely different identities to others to hopefully win them over. Every so often, the group of contestants will be asked to rate their fellow contestants, with the top vote-getters becoming the "influencers" of the Circle, giving them the power to "block" one contestant from the circle, eliminating them from the game. How will it work and the rules? 1. Episodes will be after the real playing like in season 2. 2. Because I want everything to be confidential and secret, I will ask you to send me your simfiles and not upload them to the exchange where everyone can see them. 3. Nobody is allowed to tell anyone who their sims are. You will know who the creators are when the season is done. It just makes it fair to everyone and the show more interesting. 4. Alliances will be formed through me via private messages. 5. Everyone will send me 2 or 3 sims depending on if your sim plays as him/herself or a catfish. 6. The game will start with 8 sims and will be replaced with another sim of the same creator when they get eliminated. There will be 10 different sims in total at the end. And there won’t be more than 1 sim per creator at any time in the game to make it fair regarding the ratings. 7. Any other questions? Just ask. I need 8 to 10 players to participate in my show. Here are the links to the previous seasons: Season 1 - https://thecirclesims3.blogspot.com/2020/01/episode-1-hello-circle.html Season 2 - https://thecirclesims3season2.blogspot.com/2020/05/episode-1-new-season.html Season 3 - https://thecirclesims3season3.blogspot.com/2021/04/episode-1.html Sims 3 packs I have: I have all the EP's and some of the stuff packs, Fast Lane, 70, 80, 90, Town Life, Master Suite, Movie Stuff, and Diesel Worlds I have: Dragon Valley, Aurora Skies, Riverview, Monte Vista, Hidden Springs, and Sunlit Tides. I have store items but it's too many to put it up here. Just ask me if I have it if you use the store items. ;)92Views3likes3CommentsTS3→ Random Lepacy
I'm about to start the 4th generation so I suppose it's kinda weird that I'm just starting a thread for it. But, when I first started I wanted to make sure I'd actually stick with it. Then, the forums were changing and I got frustrated. Anyway, here it is. Chapter Index (on my blog) I play mostly by the Random Legacy rules. Each generation I add new packs and store content by their order of release like a normal lepacy. But, instead of playing in the pack worlds, we’re exploring custom worlds made only with content from those packs. Note: I tried to put all the chapter links here but my post got deleted. I don't know if there's a limit to the number of links?93Views3likes10CommentsThe Legacy Challenge Rules
Note, items in bold have been modified from the original posting. Please take note of them. Legacy Challenge The Legacy Challenge is a long, 10-generation challenge where you start out with a single founder and very humble beginnings and try to lead the family to fame, fortune and success over the course of 10 generations. Starting out Create a brand new game file. You will be using this file exclusively to play your Legacy Challenge. You may use an existing game file, but your Legacy family must immediately become the “Active Household” and not cease to be active for the duration of the challenge. You may select any neighborhood. The challenge begins with a single founder. Make this founder in Create A Sim. They may be male or female. They may be any age that can have children (YA, Adult and Elder for males, YA and Adult for females). You have full choice over their look, color and clothing. Custom content may be used if you like, including create-a-style custom patterns and colors. You may choose all 5 traits as well as their three favorite likes (food, music and color) and a lifetime want. No other sims may be created in the founder’s family. Be creative with the family name, you’ll be seeing it for quite some time. Now to place the founder. While you are free to choose either standard town, there is a very specific lot that must be used. If you move into Riverview, you must move into “345 Riverblossom Hills Drive”. If you move into Sunset Valley, you will be moving into “15 Summer Hill Court”. The common thread between these lots is that they are large, empty and cost $14,700. Yes I know that leaves you with only $1,300 in cash to build a house, that’s the point. All legacies start out with very humble beginnings and expect your founder to live like a hobo for awhile. If additional neighborhoods are made available with mods or EPs, or we gain the ability to plop our own lots down, they may be used, as long as the lot in question is completely empty and costs at least $14,700. Rules: No cheating. Plain and simple, no money or mood cheats. You may use custom objects, as long as their price and mood effects are in line with similar ‘official’ objects. Objects purchased from the Sim Store are considered 'official' as well as the ones included with the game. Aging and story progression must be on and lifespans set to the normal level. You are allowed to play with any Mod that does not give you a signifigant advantage over a player without the mod. The only specific mod I know of at the moment, Awesome Mod, is allowed. The Legacy family must be the “Active Household” during the entire challenge. You may never switch the active household to another family. If you want to take a break from Legacy play, it is recommended you play in another saved game slot. No Ambrosia! Your sims may learn the recipe for Ambrosia, but may not cook or consume the dish. Nor may ambrosia be used to resurrect ghosts. You may not ressurect dead sims via the Science lab. Sims may not consume life fruit to gain extra days to their lifespan. You may age sims up via the birthday cake only once the game prompts you with a reminder of their impending birthday, not earlier. You do not have to use the birthday cake to age sims up, you can wait for the game to force the age transition if you wish. Death Flowers may not be kept in inventory. You may gather and sell them, but cannot be used to ward off death Black Market Restriction: The Black Market is no longer being monitored by police. Kleptos, rummagers and theives are now allowed to liquidate their ill gotten goods for cash. Moving Sims in: Any sim may be moved into the Legacy Family via marriage or move-in except for the following: Sims created by the player Sims/households downloaded and imported from the exchange Sims that had previously lived in the Legacy household but had since moved out Sims that are identified by your sim as "Rich" are now fair game for all sims except your founder. All other sims are fair game. You are allowed to create/download/import sims and families into your Legacy neighborhood, they just cannot join the family. No sims/families may ever be merged into the Legacy family. If you wish to add members, they must be done in game. Challenge concepts Generation: Order of birth in relation to the family at large. Your founder is generation 1, your founder’s son/daughter would be generation 2, the grandchildren of the founder would be generation 3 and so on. The challenge ends the moment generation 10 is born. Founder: The sim you create in CAS who starts the family. Heir: The sim belonging to the family bloodline who is slated to bring in the next generation once he/she is old enough and finds a mate. Spare: A sibling of an heir, who can become an heir should anything happen to the current heir. Spares may be fed to the time stream or kept on the lot if you wish. They are eligible to earn legacy points for the family. Fed to the time stream: Moving a controllable sim out of the legacy house. A sim fed to the time stream no longer can generate legacy points for the family, but still may be interacted with. Legacy points that have already been earned by this sim still count towards your total, even after you move the sim out. Legacy Points: Your score for the challenge, earned in a variety of ways described below. The goal of the challenge is to get as many legacy points before the 10th generation. Legacy House: The lot initially moved into by your founder. You may not move the family to another lot during the entire challenge. All heirs must be born in this house (or rather, born from sims living at this house, even if they use the hospital to give birth) Bloodline: Any sim who can trace his or her family tree directly to the founder. Adopted sims are NOT part of the bloodline. Sims that are moved in are only considered part of the bloodline when they contribute to the birth of the next generation. Mate: A sim brought in from outside the family to reproduce with the current generation’s heir to produce the next generation. When the next generation is born, the mate becomes part of the family bloodline and eligible to earn points. Points: You earn points for your family in the following ways. Generation: You get 1 legacy point for your founder, and 1 point for every generation born until the 10th. You earn each point at the birth of the first child in each generation. Further births in that generation do not generate more points. Thus you can only earn a maximum of 10 total Generation points by completing the challenge and birthing the 10th generation. Lifetime wants: You gain 1 point for every unique lifetime want fulfilled by a family member. The sim in question must be living in the legacy house and be part of the family tree to earn this point. Once a specific liftime wish has been fulfilled by a sim, further sims fulifilling that wish will not earn you a legacy point for doing so. There are 32 unique liftime wishes in the game, meaning you could earn a maximum of 32 points in this category. Portraits: 1 point for creating a portrait of a family member and keeping it on display after their death. Like above, the sim must be part of the family tree and living in the legacy house to qualify for this point. You earn this point after the portrait is created, you do not have to wait for the sim in the portrait to actually die. Portraits are still worth their points even if the family member pictured is moved out of the house later on. The skill of the artist doing the portrait does not matter, as long as it features the sim in question it counts. Portraits may be of any size or style. Keep in mind that a sim must have a painting skill of at least 5 to get the option of painting a still life (needed to capture a sim’s picture). Sims must be of Young Adult or older and living on the Legacy Lot at the time of painting to count for a portrait point. Legacy House: Earn 1 legacy point for every $100,000 in net worth the house is worth. To get the net worth combine the "Furnished Value" of the house with the family's cash on hand. Round up. This category can have a maximum of 20 points earned, meaning a net-worth of 2,000,000 Aspiration Rewards: If a sim is able to earn 100,000 points worth of aspiration rewards, they earn your family 1 legacy point. You are free to spend aspiration points as you gain them, it is your lifetime total, not your current total, that matters for this point. Like the other sim-based points, this may only be earned by family members. You may earn an additional point in this category from a sim if they somehow earn 200,000 points in their lifetime. . Birth and growing up Whenever a sim is born or ages up, they will often obtain new traits. Sometimes these traits are randomly assigned by the game. Other times the game lets you pick them. In the Legacy Challenge, all traits are random. If you are given the option to pick traits for any sim, you must hit the random button and accept the trait that is randomly assigned. The only exception is if you are playing with the "Family Trait" optional rule. If you are, and the family trait is one of the options, you may select that trait rather than hitting the random button. Death Sims that die on the family lot may be kept around as ghosts, or may be moved to a cemetery. It is up to you. If a sim dies and you forgot to get their portrait, making a portrait of their ghost does not count. If the bloodline is cut short by death, the challenge ends immediately. It is always a good idea to have at least one spare in case the heir perishes. Even if ghosts become playable, they may not earn any further points for the family. Ghost babies are not considered part of any bloodline. Bringing in the next generation. In order to bring in the next generation, a new sim must be born. Adoptions do not carry the family bloodline and thus don’t count. (You are still allowed to adopt sims if you really want to, but they won’t help point wise) If the heir is male, you must move their mate into the legacy family house before having a baby. If the heir is female, she may move her mate in, or simply get pregnant while off the lot. In either case, the heir and their mate don’t have to be married. Sims may be born at home or in a hospital, whichever you prefer. The moment the next generation is born, the heir’s mate officially becomes part of the family bloodline (and thus can earn lifetime want, aspiration perk and portrait points for you, provided they are living in the Legacy House). Optional Rules These are optional rules you may play with if you wish. They don’t affect your score in any way, and are merely tools to help establish a theme for your family. Family Trait When creating your founder in CAS, choose one of the founder’s 5 traits to become the ‘family trait’ for your legacy family. There after, every sim born to the legacy family must possess this trait by the time they reach young adulthood. If they do not inherit it at birth, you must choose that trait the moment you are given the option to. The remaining traits still must be rolled for. Matriarchy/Patriarchy Whatever gender your founder was, this must be the gender of every heir. Meaning if you started with a female founder, only female children may become the heir to bring in the next generation. Children of the other gender are still counted as part of the family bloodline and may still earn the family points, they simply may not bring in the next generation. A male dominant family is called a Patriarchy, a female dominant family is a Matriarchy. Story Teller A popular practice is to write a story for your Legacy family and upload it in chapters. If you feel the creative energy, why not try uploading your own story? There is no in-game bonus for doing this, but the addition to the community is always welcome! FAQ Why do I have to buy such a big lot. I barely have money in the beginning. Early poverty is a hallmark of the challenge. A large plot of land not only drains the available cash from your starting funds, it gives you the ability to build some epic sized legacy homes as you play through the generations and get more wealth. If I’m playing with the family trait option, does my sim’s mate have to have that trait too? No. Can I move in/marry sims into the legacy home that aren’t going to help bring in the next generation? Yes, keep in mind that they don’t earn any points for the family. Even sims that are destined to help bring in the next generation won’t count as part of the family until the next generation is actually born. Does the first born have to be the heir? No, as long as they are part of the bloodline and born on the legacy house they are eligible to be an heir, regardless of order of birth. They must be the proper gender if playing with the matriarchy/patriarchy option. Are collection items, such as rocks, insects and seeds subject to the black market restriction? No, you are allowed to sell any collection items you find...as long as they weren't stolen out of someone's house or garbage.997KViews2likes3300CommentsFaery Fae ~ WINNER ANNOUNCED!
http://i58.tinypic.com/6f2rzs.jpg I know, I know, I just opened up one, but I had this idea last night and thought it would be fun! This competition will be all about faeries in a fashion sense. So, what does that mean? Well, each round will be very simple: You will be given a type of faery to create and then you create it! Yes, you will have to be creative with the looks you go for, probably do some editing (or use those awesome wings by Merkaba Or the Supernatural EP), and create appropriate settings, but it is pretty straight forward. Your assignments will range from the elements to more unique kinds of faeries. Your images will be a kind of combination fashion-creative so that we get an overall wonderful image of unique faeries. I'm excited for this because I think it will be a lot of fun to see some really creative and unique faeries! So sign up! Male sims are allowed as well! http://i61.tinypic.com/iwomsy.jpg No negativity of any kind is allowed - this includes belittling yourself Editing is allowed and highly recommended NO face-plastering or photo-skinning You are allowed to draw your own clothing or objects Only 2 extensions per person per cycle - yes I will be keeping track Only 2 days MAX extensions are allowed - you must ask for one at least 24 hours in advanced Assignments last 7 days - that's lots of time, which means I may choose not to extend it for you Deadlines are set at Pacific Standard Times - adjust accordingly Please don't drop - if you are too busy or think you will drop, DON'T SIGN UP! Have fun and be creative http://i59.tinypic.com/wjhurr.jpg http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/16/48/80/60/model_16.jpg Needs to Check In Checked In Assignment Submitted http://i57.tinypic.com/10s9mva.jpghttp://i62.tinypic.com/4jkdbb.jpg Extensions Granted Film | Cheerio | Wildtessa | Samm | http://i58.tinypic.com/255s1mp.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/s5ls1e.jpg http://i60.tinypic.com/2u59w69.jpg Assignments Archive Assignment 1 | Results Assignment 2 | Results Assignment 3 | Results Assignment 4 | Results Assignment 5 | Results Assignment 6 | Results Assignment 7/8 | Results Assignment 9 | Results Thread @ Unbound6.1KViews1like385CommentsThe Adam And Eve Challenge
The Adam And Eve Challenge (Major Rule Update) PLEASE READ Follow us on Official Website Follow us on Facebook OVERVIEW. This challenge Is very much different from the normal Legacy Challenge. It is a On going Gen Challenge. Your family is going to have to learn how to come to grips with being a founding Family. Learning to weather the trails, tribulations and glory of starting a town. Cementing a legacy that rivals those of the Goths. In the Beginning there was Man and Woman. From the start.... From the start.... 1. Create a game save that is only for this challenge. The challenge begins with two Sims a Male and a Female. 2. It is preferred that they are started as Young Adults. 3. Please remember in creating your Adam and Eve that these are the ones that your whole game is based on. 4. The only Active household to be used are those Sims that are born of the genes of the First Two that are the "Founders". So those little traits and genes will have a big effect as time goes along. 5. You are never allowed to make any other Sim. Pets may not be created with them. 6. The only time you may play another Sim that is not of the family is one that is married into the family. 7. You may switch active house holds only to those that have the blood running through them of the Adam and Eve Sim. 8. After the first two Sims are created NO OTHER SIMS MAY BE CREATED FOR THAT FAMILY -You need a completely empty world. Lots can be laid out if you want, but none of them may be built at all and any community lots must be set to "No Visitors Allowed". How you obtain such a world, whether you empty out one of the premade ones or whether you have a custom one does not matter. I only draw the line at worlds that have a bazillion spawners for rare stuff all over the place. Remember this as you progress... 1.Each Gen MUST leave something behind. Be it a park gym or library in the families’ name. Be creative with this aspect of the challenge. 2.Your Adam and Eve can only start with $250,000. No other moneys are to be added for the length of the challenge. The reason that I say start with a small fortune is because that is what is to trickle down your generations. No Family ever started a town with no money. General Rules: -Aging may be set Normal - this challenge tends to punish you for setting it too long by making it take forever, and for making it too short by making meeting the requirements difficult. Keeping it at default. Also, story progression should be on. - No cheating! Especially by doing anything that helps with skilling and money - that's kind of the whole point of the thing. Generally speaking, mods/objects that make your game run better are okay, while mods/objects that make actually playing the game easier are not. Fixing bugs is never considered cheating - do what you have to in order to save your game. All mods that actually make it harder are always allowed. - When using Edit Town mode, you are not allowed to build any residences your Sim isn't immediately going to purchase or change the designation of any community lot from "No Visitors Allowed" unless it's about to be purchased or has been otherwise earned. -You may not abuse lots you don't have to buy by putting fancy skilling or mood boosting objects there so that your Sims don't have to buy them at home are not. Landscaping, tables and benches, that sort of thing is fine. Hot Tubs and grand pianos are not. Rabbithole lots should mainly be the rabbithole and landscaping. "Visitors Allowed" and "No Visitors Allowed" lots should be used sparingly and only for places without much in them (a lot that's merely a fancy pedestrian walkway or a subway station would be good examples). Small parks should be just that - if you can fish there then it's a fishing spot, and if it has skilling objects like chess tables it's a big park. Fire Stations need to be more fully outfitted to keep everyone working there happy, but I think you get the picture: be reasonable. -It's always acceptable to use mods or cheats whose effect is purely cosmetic (i.e. they make something look different but don't actually effect anything). When building you may use any fancy cheat codes to make it look nice you want, for both residential areas and community lots. You may also use buydebug to place things you need from there to make your lots fully functional - including spawners if you want to be able to, say, fish for Deathfish in the graveyard. But you may not abuse this by, for example, making a lot full of rare spawners just to make finding the good stuff easy. What you may not do is edit things like their traits and skills. -Each Sim may only earn 1 community lot for you. So if your Sim has maxed Cooking and has $61,500, then you may not get both the Diner and the Bistro - you'd need a second Sim to max Cooking to get both. And it must be the same Sim - if you have one Sim max Handiness and another max Athletics, you have not earned a Military Base. Also, lots that don't require any skills must still be earned by a specific Sim (and purchased with their household's money), and you may not change your mind about which one did it. - Your Sim may not sell any of the lots that they purchase. For any buyable venue, you may only edit it through the real estate system unless you're fixing a bug. If a venue becomes unowned due to Sims dying or whatever, another Sim must purchase it so that you can edit it using their money instead of the unending supply you get in Edit Town mode. - You may freely Kick out Non-Heirs, provided that the household you're moving them to a lot that is fully furnished. "Fully furnished" means that they've at least got a functional kitchen, bathroom, and enough beds for all the Sims living in it all enclosed by walls with flooring and wall coverings - you know, an actual house. Doesn't have to be a spectacular one. Though if every residence in your city is terrible then your city is terrible. - The only way to fail this challenge is if all Sims you could possibly control in the city die. (Which would seriously be an epic failure if you're much beyond your starting Sim.) - If you have World Adventures, any Sims who go on vacation are disqualified from earning any community lots. Sims who have already earned a community lot for you suffer no penalties. - If you have Ambitions, the rules for professions are as follows: Firefighters are allowed when you have a Fire Station. Investigators are allowed when you have a Police Station. Ghost Hunters are allowed when you have a Science Lab. Stylists are allowed when you have a Salon. Architectural Designers are allowed when you have a City Hall. (Note: all self-employed careers are unlocked by the City Hall, but that's just the way the games designed.) - If you have Generations, boarding schools are fully allowed. The inheritance reward is not okay –anything that give you money without earning it is NOT ok. Daycares are allowed with you have a City Hall. - All things Pets are allowed. - If you have Showtime, The Dusty Old Lamp is NOT allowed, you may not wish for money. A stage may be added to any normally earned Big Park. Stages may be included in any other lot, but the Sim earning the lot must be a level 10 performer in addition to the other requirements. Acrobat, Magician, and Singer are allowed when you have a Big Park with a stage. - If you have Supernatural, your starting Sim must start as a human. If one of the family members is turned to a Vampire that sim is considered DEAD. If one of the family members is a ghost that sim is considered DEAD. Similar to aging, you can set the moon to do whatever you want as long as you set it and leave it there. - If you have Seasons, you can set up the weather however you want as long as you set it and leave it there. - If you have University Life, Roommates are allowed, but at minimum they must be assigned their own bed. And if you lock them out of part of the house, they must be granted a similar space of their own. For example, if you lock them out of your private bathroom, then they must be provided with a private bathroom of their own. - If you have Island Paradise, Ports do not have to be earned but shouldn't contain anything beyond the port itself, mooring places, bike racks, parking spaces, and minor decor and landscaping. Houseboats have the same rules as regular houses. Lifeguards are allowed when you have a City Hall and at least one beach. Residential Lots - First, if you want to move a Sim out of your household and into a new one you may build a new house on condition that they immediately purchase it and move into it. This means that they need to be able to afford it, of course. - Secondly, you may move your current household into a new lot and build them a new home there, provided that at least one Sim is left behind to occupy the old house. - In all cases, you may not shortchange a Sim by giving them anything less than a fully furnished home (though it doesn't have to be spectacular - you can give them a small trailer home, but it has to be something they can actually live in). The current household you're playing is an exception since you're actually going to have to put up with it, so if you want them to live out on the lawn that's fine, but until you fix that you can't switch households. - Your current household may purchase additional homes, but these may not be sold unless you either bulldoze everything first or immediately have a member of the current household move into that lot. Rules for Moving Sims In or Out: - Sims may only be moved into a household using the social interaction and not by using Edit Town or a mod unless you're experiencing a bug or something like that. - If the Sim you're moving in is an NPC, SHE/HE may only be married into the household. - Sims may only be moved out of a household using their phone or computer, and not by using Edit Town mode unless you have a mod that eliminates getting extra money from the process. All Sims that are moved out no matter which method you use must be provided a home by you - you may not use the 'kick out' option or leave Sims on the clipboard if you're using Edit Town. - You may not move an entire family from one lot to another - at least one family member must be left to live in their old house. Story progression may cause vacant homes or homeless Sims, but you may not. Community Lots - Each one has some sort of requirement: - Base Game Rabbitholes: Criminal Warehouse - Maxed Athletics and Logic, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($50,000) Bistro - Maxed Cooking, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($37,500) Bookstore - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($27,000) Day Spa - Buy (not partner) the rabbithole (Business Degree). ($50,000) Diner - Maxed Cooking, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($24,000) Grocery Store - Maxed Gardening and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($27,000) Hospital - (Science and Medicine Degree), and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($105,000) Office Building - buy (not partner) the rabbithole. (Science and Medicine Degree) ($58,000) Science Lab - (Science and Medicine Degree) buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($140,000) Stadium - Maxed Athletics and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($115,000) Theater - Max any instrument (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano) and Logic. ($58,000) City Hall - Maxed Charisma (no money requirement). Graveyard - Must purchase the lot (no skill requirement). Military Base - Maxed Handiness and Athletics (no money requirement). Police Department - Maxed Logic, Athletics, and Painting (no money requirement). School - Maxed Charisma and Logic (no money requirement). - Base Game Other Lots: Art Gallery - Maxed Painting, and must purchase the lot. Beach - Maxed Athletics or Scuba Diving, and must purchase the lot. Big Park - Maxed Logic and Gardening, and must purchase the lot. Fishing Spot - Maxed Fishing, and must purchase the lot. Gym - Maxed Athletics, and must purchase the lot. Library - Maxed Writing, and must purchase the lot. Pool - Maxed Athletics, and must purchase the lot. Small Park - Maxed Gardening (no money requirement). - World Adventures Other Lots: Academy - Maxed Martial Arts, and must purchase the lot. Chinese Garden - Maxed Photography, and must purchase the lot. Nectary - Maxed Nectar Making, and must purchase the lot. - Ambitions Other Lots: Consignment Shop - Maxed Sculpting, and must purchase the lot. Fire Station - Maxed Athletics and Handiness (no money requirement). Hangout - Maxed Charisma (or Mixology if you have Late Night), and must purchase the lot. Junkyard (regular or no visitors) - Maxed Inventing (no money requirement). Laundromat - Must purchase the lot (no skill requirement). Salon - Maxed Painting (no money requirement). - Late Night Rabbitholes: Film Studio - Maxed Charisma and Writing, Five Star Celebrity Status, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($95,000) Bookstore/Spa Combo - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) Office/Bistro Combo - Maxed Cooking, Charisma, and Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($170,000) City Hall/Police Station/Military Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, Athletics, Painting, and Handiness (no money requirement). - Late Night Other Lots: Clubs (Disco, Dance, or Poolside) - Max any instrument, at least One Star Celebrity Status, and must purchase the lot. Bar (Sports, Local Watering Hole, Dive) - Maxed Mixology, and must purchase the lot. Lounge (Fusion, Vampire, Exclusive) - Maxed Charisma, at least Three Star Celebrity Status, and must purchase the lot. See Supernatural Other Lots for another way to earn a Vampire Lounge. - Pets Rabbitholes: Equestrian Center - Maxed Riding, and buy (not partner) the rabbit hole. ($115,000) School/Stadium Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, and Athletics (no money requirement). Hospital/Science Lab Combo - Maxed Logic, Gardening, Handiness, and Fishing, and buy (not partner) the rabbit hole. ($240,000) Bookstore/Spa Combo - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) City Hall/Police Station/Military Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, Athletics, Painting, and Handiness (no money requirement). Diner/Grocery Store Combo - Maxed Cooking and Gardening, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($40,000) Office/Bistro Combo - Maxed Cooking, Charisma, and Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($170,000) - Pets Other Lots: Cat Jungle - Must complete the Cat Herder Lifetime Wish, and must purchase the lot. Dog Park - Must complete the Canine Companion Lifetime Wish, and must purchase the lot. Horse Ranch - Must complete the Jockey Lifetime Wish, and must purchase the lot. (Pet shops, for those with the limited edition of Pets, are earned by completing the Ark Builder Lifetime Wish and buying it.) - Showtime Rabbitholes: Hospital/Science Lab Combo - Maxed Logic, Gardening, Handiness, and Fishing, and buy (not partner) the rabbit hole. ($240,000) Bookstore/Spa Combo - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) City Hall/Police Station/Military Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, Athletics, Painting, and Handiness (no money requirement). Office/Bistro Combo - Maxed Cooking, Charisma, and Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($170,000) - Showtime Other Lots: Coffeehouse - Must earn a Big Park with a stage first, and reach Level 10 in any performance career (no money requirement). Live Show Venue - Must earn a Coffeehouse first, reach Level 10 in any performance career, and must purchase the lot. Private Venue - Must earn a Live Show Venue first, reach Level 10 in any performance career, and must purchase the lot. Big Show Venue - Must earn a Private Venue first, and reach Level 10 in any performance career (no money requirement). (Note: If you use the Flying V's Coffeehouse or Hoi Polloi Event Center from the lot bin, be aware that they respectively contain a diner and a theatre within the lot. To use them one Sim must meet the requirements for both - so, for example, to use the Flying V's Coffeehouse you must already have a Big Park with a stage, and the Sim earning it must have maxed cooking, $24,000 to purchase the diner on the lot, and be at Level 10 in a performance career.) - Supernatural Rabbitholes: Arboretum - Maxed Gardening, and Sim must be a fairy (no money requirement). Gypsy Wagon - Maxed Alchemy, Charisma, and Logic and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($16,000) Vault of Antiquity - Maxed Alchemy and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($22,000) Criminal Warehouse/Theater Combo - Maxed Athletics, Logic, and any instrument, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($108,000) School/Stadium Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, and Athletics (no money requirement). Hospital/Science Lab Combo - Maxed Logic, Gardening, Handiness, and Fishing, and buy (not partner) the rabbit hole. ($240,000) Bookstore/Spa Combo - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) City Hall/Police Station/Military Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, Athletics, Painting, and Handiness (no money requirement). Diner/Grocery Store Combo - Maxed Cooking and Gardening, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($40,000) Office/Bistro Combo - Maxed Cooking, Charisma, and Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($170,000) - Supernatural Other Lots: Elixer consignment store - Maxed Alchemy, and must purchase the lot. Supernatural hangout - Maxed Charisma (or Mixology if you have Late Night), must be a supernatural being of some sort, and must purchase the lot. Vampire Lounge - Maxed Charisma, Sim earning the lot must be a vampire, and must purchase the lot. See Late Night Other Lots for another way to earn it with that expansion. - Seasons Other Lots: Festival grounds - Maxed Cooking and Athletics (no money requirement). - University Life Rabbitholes: Administration Center - Buy (not partner) the rabbithole (no skill requirement). ($150,000) School of Art - Maxed Cooking or Mixology, Any Instrument, and Painting or Street Art and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($70,000) School of Business - Maxed Charisma, Writing, and Social Networking and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) School of Science - Maxed Gardening, Logic, and Inventing or Science and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($140,000) Stadium and Annex - Maxed Athletics and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($115,000) - University Life Other Lots: Arcade - Max Jock Group and must purchase the lot. Java Hut - Max Gardening and Cooking and must purchase the lot. Nerd Shop - Max Nerd Group and must purchase the lot. Rebel Hangout - Max Rebel Group and must purchase the lot. Student Union - Max all three Social Groups (no money requirement). University Hangout - Maxed Charisma and must purchase the lot. - Island Paradise Rabbitholes: School/Stadium Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, and Athletics (no money requirement). Bookstore/Office Combo - Maxed Charisma and Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($85,000) Diner/Grocery Store Combo - Maxed Cooking and Gardening, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($40,000) Spa/Bistro Combo - Maxed Cooking, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($87,500) City Hall/Police Station/Military Combo - Maxed Charisma, Logic, Athletics, Painting, and Handiness (no money requirement). - Island Paradise Other Lots: Resort - Maxed Charisma and must purchase the lot. Port - No requirements, see Rule #5 and Rule #19. Diving Area - Maxed Scuba Diving (no money requirement). - Into the Future Rabbitholes: Observatory - Maxed Advanced Technology, Logic, and Athletics and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($190,000) Bot Arena - Maxed Bot Building and Charisma, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($115,000) Bookstore/Spa Combo - Maxed Writing, and buy (not partner) the rabbithole. ($80,000) Hospital/Science Lab Combo - Maxed Logic, Gardening, Handiness, and Fishing, and buy (not partner) the rabbit hole. ($240,000) - Into the Future Other Lots: Bot Emporium - Maxed Bot Building, and must purchase the lot. Cafeteria - Maxed Advanced Technology, and must purchase the lot. Gallery Shop - Maxed Advanced Technology, and must purchase the lot. Business Park - Must earn a Legacy Statue, and must purchase the lot. Wasteland - Maxed Bot Building (no money requirement). Future Lounge - Maxed Charisma, must earn a Legacy Statue, and must purchase the lot. Dried Up Beach - Maxed Laser Rhythm (no money requirement). -Portals are to be considered (relics) and can not be accessed until your family figures out what it is. -Discovery of what a relic does has to be (played out) By the A&E family. -A school is needed. -A science facility -A Military base -A degree in Technology form a Creditable University. -Once those are obtained that sim and family may visit the future. ONLY ONCE. -In order to have free reign to the future after the first visit your sim has to max out Advanced Tech Skill. These rules apply to Each Gen. IE…If your Adam sees the time machine. In order for him to use it he must. Go to college get a tech degree. Top out either a Science or Military career. Then travel to the future. Once back the portal is closed to him until he max out Advance Tech skill. Upon his death the next gen would have to follow these same rules to get to the future. -AS for bots. You are allowed ONE BOT PER FAMILY. Meaning Rosie the robot is passed along for gen to gen as if she is a prized possession aka (heirloom). All buildings that have to do with into the future stay in the future. They may not be built in your world. These rules are set this way to help keep the fun and balance to the Challenge. Acceptable and Unacceptable Mods: Those allowing more than 8 Sims in a household - Okay! Those modifying the way money is divided when Sims move in/out - Okay! Story progression mods - Okay! First cousin marriage - Not Okay!116KViews1like2733CommentsSims Caption Contest - we're up to historic Contest # 30 this week! Come join in!
Welcome to the ongoing contest that is... The Sims Caption Contest. Every week, I post a picture in need of a humorous caption (think of it like a cartoon). Submit as many humorous captions as you want in the week after that. I choose a few finalists and open up voting (on Surveymonkey). After a week's voting, the winner is declared. Skip to the most recent winner announcement, link to voting for the last contest, and current screenshot for captioning HERE. Winners get 1,000 SPs to spend on whatever they want (including gifting), and a permanent spot on the front page. Prizes don't have to be claimed if you're just in it for the fun - I'll spread the prize SPs around. So far, 2nd and 3rd place winners (and sometimes more) have been declared as well, getting 500 SPs each. I'll keep that up as long as I can. In the third post, I have links to all the posts where winners are declared, so you can easily see all the captions that won prizes for each contest. Some rules on voting: One vote per person, please. When you vote, you must rank all the entries rather than just choosing one favorite (or one least favorite). The way the survey algorithm works, it needs to register all your rankings to come up with a fair final judgement. Any answers that don't follow these rules will just be deleted from the survey. Thanks! (Modeled after the New Yorker Magazine's caption contest.) For now, I'll be providing the pictures for captions, but if you have one you want to submit for a future week, post it on my wall or PM me with it! (By the way, I reserve the right to edit caption entries slightly - for punctuation, spelling, or length.)29KViews1like1079CommentsAliens vs. Sims - NEW RELEASE: *** SAVE GAME file "40 YEARS LATER" ***
August 14 2010: The save file - "40 years later" is available! - please see DOWNLOAD section below for link, and page 4 for info! March 21 2010: While I'm no longer updating this thread, I still look for feedback, comments and questions, and will of course respond if anyone post. ----------------------- Aliens landed in Goodville! Play the locals, or play the aliens. Who will transform who? (NB: A little bit of imagination adds to the fun :lol: ) http://www.hinsides.no/caw/aliensvssims/aliensim.jpg ALIENS vs. SIMS - TECH: Created on a WA system, but with no use of WA content it should also work on base game only. Goodville comes with 19 residential lots and 11 commercial lots. Many rabbitholes included. Spawners. Riverview is needed to get the townhall. STATUS Feb 26: A grey button bug reported (not possible to restart a save version of the world), I think it has been fixed. The download is a new version that also comes with a saved game (optional). Many lots are quite large, most lots are flat, so content can easily be adjusted. The crashed spheres are there to stay forever though, but they are not completely useless. Premade families (both locals and aliens) are available for download on the exchange. See direct links below. These households require WA. If you run the world with only the base game, and upload new alien households, notify me and I'll link them from this thread. http://www.hinsides.no/caw/aliensvssims/00-a.jpg DOWNLOADS: ALIENS vs. SIMS worldfile - download at Mediafire (zip includes a saved game that includes all 6 households). ALIENS vs. SIMS save file "40 years later" (more aliens - info on page 4) - download at Mediafire (the world file is required, so is WA). (Save files include the following houses) HICK household - download at the TheSims3 Exchange GOOBER household - download at the TheSims3 Exchange PINEWOOD household - download at the TheSims3 Exchange 3 ALIEN LANDING LOTS WITH ALIENS - download at Mediafire ALIENS vs. SIMS - THE CONCEPT: Goodville used to be a quiet and friendly smalltown where most families live quite ordinary lives. No poor sims quarter, no super-poch area, a very low crime rate, not too busy streets. Kids go to the park all alone, elders have not been afraid of teens for decades (well, old Mrs. Nerfous who was afraid, was afraid of everything, but is now resting in her scary grave). Every day is nearly a copy of yesterday; good morning and what a lovely day, dear neighbour! But this morning the future has crash landed in Goodville! From the kitchen window Mrs. Hick saw the purple fog everywhere! Blinking lights! Police sirens, a few screaming sims running in the streets! She gathered her family, and they tuned into the local radio. Outer space beings had crash landed in Goodville! Everyone was told to lock all doors and stay inside until further notice! Laura was not going to school, Mr. Hick not to the office, and Mrs. Hick would have to cancel her planned walk to Jacob's Park together with her neighbour. A few hours later the TV news could tell that 4 huge spheres had crashed into town, there were lots of small craters filled with purple slime and something that looked like steaming water. Keep distance! Don't touch! Because the spheres mostly hit open land, only 4 locals were killed. One or two UFOs were observed hanging in the air over Goodville. Was the event this morning an accident, or was the town under attack from outer space? Is Goodville getting invaded by aliens? The fog is now gone. You must find out if the locals are brave enough to unlock their front doors and to face reality. Or do you rather want to see this from the blue aliens' view - will they try to establish contact with the locals? How will Goodville's future and DNA look after this - WHO will transform WHO? PLAY INSTRUCTIONS: If you want to play this world like it was intended, there are a few things you must pay attention to when installing it all. * Download 3 local households and 3 alien landing lots. Or create your own sims. * Check the street addresses to find the correct lot for each downloaded household. * Enter all local houses *before* you place the aliens. Check that everyone's boss is generated. If you place aliens, aliens might become bosses. While in a house, lock their doors. This will prevent that sims from non-played houses will wander the streets when you start the game. * Play a couple days with locked doors, it's different, and occasionally your sim might see a blue alien walking by... Note that with locked doors school and work will be missed, and bills will not be paid. I think 2 days is safe. * Have fun :-) ALIENS vs. SIMS - DATES: Released on February 5th. Beta testing have been ongoing January 24 - February 5, many thanks to the testers (check their comments and pictures in this thread).17KViews1like56CommentsSenior High: WINNER ANNOUNCED!!
http://i58.tinypic.com/2mw9vnp.jpg Hi there and welcome to a new competition hosted by yours truly! This is going to surely be a fun and entertaining competition that I hope all of you enjoy and participate in! I don't always do story-based competitions, but I do enjoy them and I love seeing the kind of creativity that comes out of the competitors in such competitions. This competition will be just that: a story-based competition surrounding the senior year of high school for your model (student). You are starting out a new school year and you're finally on top - you're a senior! You are going to rule the school (or keep in the shadows) and rock the socks off of anyone you meet. You will get to decide the fate of your student by creating fun and interesting mini-stories with each assignment. Each assignment will build off the previous one to hopefully make your student's high school experience complete! There are going to be a minimum of 10 assignments (or homework) as well as extra credit challenges (to be explained below). Please sign up and get ready for a fun-filled cycle. http://i57.tinypic.com/nyikaq.jpg No negativity of any kind is allowed - this includes belittling yourself Editing is allowed and highly recommended NO face-plastering or photo-skinning You are allowed to draw your own clothing or objects Only 2 extensions per person per cycle - yes I will be keeping track Only 2 days MAX extensions are allowed - you must ask for one at least 24 hours in advanced Assignments last 7 days - that's lots of time, which means I may choose not to extend it for you Deadlines are set at Pacific Standard Times - adjust accordingly Please don't drop - if you are too busy or think you will drop, DON'T SIGN UP! Writing creative mini-stories is required for this competition Have fun and be creative http://i59.tinypic.com/n1s8jo.jpg http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/16/48/80/60/model_10.png Needs to Check In Checked In Homework Submitted http://i62.tinypic.com/u7kpg.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/24eszv5.jpg Extension Granted Ella | Rahatani | Oogie | Monster | Snowy | Stella | Luce | Michelle || Tay | Firecracker || Socal | Bjorn | http://i59.tinypic.com/166f76e.jpg Assignment Archive Assignment 1 | Results Assignment 2 | Results Assignment 3 | Results Assignment 4 | Results Assignment 5 | Results Assignment 6 | Results Assignment 7 | Results Assignment 8 | Results Assignment 9 | Results Assignment 10 | Results Thread @ Unbound5KViews1like260CommentsThe Pet Master Legacy Challenge (Revised 12/10/12)
12/12/12- In line with the new attraction system and seasons options the requirements for finding a spouse have been revised and are hightlighted in bold. Also the challenge has been made valid to be completed in any world in which you place the Pets EP related properties necessary in. Greetings everyone. I noticed that there wasn’t a legacy challenge that took advantage of all of the Pet content so the Pet Master Legacy was born. I primarily structured this for myself but I thought I’d share it just to see if anyone else wanted to try it. Introduction Your Sim has always loved animals and so they decided to structure their life around animal oriented goals. Each succeeding generation is based around a different animal or animal oriented goal with the ultimate goal of being known as a family with a legacy of pet masters. General Rules -Start off with a single founder created in CAS. -The Founder and all of the Heirs must have the Animal Lover Trait as one of their traits. -Place them in any world on a 64 x 64 lot. -Use the following cheat to reduce your funds to $1,800 and use it to build a house: familyfunds “Last Name” 1800 - Your entire Legacy must be spent in this house. You may move non-heirs and pets out at any time. -You may not create a spouse for your founder or any of your heir’s spouses in CAS. Each generation has specific requirements that have to be met for your sim to be involved with another sim. Unless specified you may meet your sims future mate through online dating or being called to go on a date. -You may not use any cheats or mods that give you an unfair advantage (example mood related cheats). -You may not gain a pet of a certain type until the generation for that pet type at least attains childhood. You you may keep the previous generation's pets to gain extra points for every generation that maintains a pet legacy using the previous generation’s pet types as described in scoring. -Aging and story progression must be on and lifespans set to the normal level. -The Legacy family must be the “Active Household” during the entire challenge. -You may not add days of life to your Sim by any means (i.e. Cow Plant Milk or potions). -You may not ressurect dead Sims by any means or use death flowers to prevent death. The only exception to this is if a pet autonomously saves your Sim from the Grim Reaper. -You may age Sims up via the birthday cake only once the game prompts you. How to Play This is a 10 generation legacy. When the current generation has completed all their tasks then it's time to move on to the next generation. You begin the next generation’s tasks once your heir is a young adult but skill building as they age in preparation is acceptable. Scoring and Story Teller are optional but the goal is for each generation to complete their tasks and you fail if they are not completed. Scoring: Scoring is optional but if you’d like to score and see how high of a score you get have fun. You earn points for your family in the following ways. Generation: You get 1 legacy point for your founder and 1 point for every generation born until the 10th. Lifetime Wishes: You gain 2 points for fulfilling the heir’s assigned Lifetime Wish and 1 point for every unique lifetime wish fulfilled by a family member. The sim in question must be living in the legacy house and be part of the family tree to earn this point. Portraits or Photos: 1 point for a young adult or adult in the family creating a portrait or taking a photograph of a family member with a pet and keeping it on display after their death. Legacy House: Earn 1 legacy point for every $100,000 in net worth the house is worth. Businesses: Earn 1 point for every animal related business you own that attains maximum level. Wish Rewards: If a sim is able to earn 100,000 points worth of aspiration rewards, they earn your family 1 legacy point. Pet Legacy: Earn 1 point for each generation you maintain a Pet Legacy with a dog, cat or horse. To count the pet type must have been owned by the legacy family since the generation they were introduced. You need not keep the parent(s) of the pet as long as one pet from that legacy is on the property at all times. The Pet Master Legacy Challenge Generation 1- Ichthyologist -Get married and have kids with someone you meet while on a fishing trip or who has the loves the outdoors trait and you go with on a fishing trip on a date. -Reach the top of the Angler Profession -Max your fishing skill -Complete the Presenting the Perfect Aquarium LTW Generation 2- Cat Lover -Own at least 1 cat -Earn your money solely using your cat’s hunting skills -Have at least 1 Cat max the Hunting Skill and achieve all Hunting Skill Challenges in the Journal -Complete the Cat Herder LTW -Get married and have kids with someone you meet on a trip to the Cat Park or who has the loves cats/animal lover trait and you go with to the cat park on a date. Generation 3- Dog Lover -Own at least 1 Dog -Earn money solely using your dog’s hunting skills -Have 1 dog at least max the Hunting Skill Journal and achieve all Hunting Skill Challenges in the Journal -Complete the Canine Companion LTW -Marry and have kids with someone you meet on a trip to the Dog Park or who has the loves the loves dogs/animal lover trait and you go with to the dog park on a date. Generation 4-Horse Lover -Own at least 1 Horse -Reach the top of the Horseman/Horsewoman Career -Complete the Jockey LTW -Have 1 horse at least max the Racing Skills and achieve all Skill Challenges in the Journal -Have one horse at least max their Jumping skills and achieve all the Skill Challenges in the Journal -Marry and have kids with someone you meet on a trip to either the Equestrian Center or Training Grounds or who has the equestrian/loves animals trait and you go with to either the Equestrian Center or Training Grounds on a date. Generation 5- Ark Builder -Reach the top of the Business Career because you’ll need silmolians to take care of all those pets -Marry and have kids with someone you meet on a trip to the Pet Shop or who has the loves animals trait and you go with to any animal themed property on a date. -Complete the Ark Builder LTW - Have 1 of every kind of minor pet. Generation 6 Zoologist -Reach the top of the Science Career in the robot Creature Cross breeder Track -Complete the Zoologist LTW -Marry and have kids with someone in the science career or who has the loves animals/dog/cat/ or equestrian trait and you go with to any animal themed property on a date. -Complete the Butterfly and Beetle Collections Generation 7- Animal Rescuer -Reach the Top of the Gardener Profession. -Complete the Animal Rescuer LTW -Adopt at least 1 stray dog, 1 stray cat, 1 wild horse and 1 wild unicorn -Find new homes for 6 Pets. -Marry someone you meet while out rescuing a pet and have kids or who has the the loves animals/dog/cat/ or equestrian trait and you go with to any animal themed property on a date. Generation 8- Fairy Tale Finder -Reach the top of the Author Profession for research -Complete the Fairy Tale Finder LTW -Get married to and have kids with a person you meet while out looking for unicorns or who has the equestrian trait and you go to any animal themed property on a date. -Take at least 1 unicorn and win one International Competition for each discipline (Race, Jumping and Cross Country) Generation 9- Hobby Pet Breeder & Shower -Have one dog at least max their trick skills and put on a dog trick show for your neighbors -Attend at least 1 Dog Show -Marry and have kids with someone you meet at your work that has a pet or who has the loves animals/dog/cat/ or equestrian trait and you go with to any animal themed property on a date. -Breed 3 Pets and adopt them out -Complete one LTW that involves reaching the top of a career Generation 10- Animal Activist -Reach the top of the Political Career Track -Complete the Leader of the Free World LTW -Adopt 4 Pets from the Animal Shelter -Marry and have kids with someone you meet from the animal shelter or is a pet social worker who has the loves animals/dogs/cats/ or equestrian trait and you go with to any animal themed property on a date with. If you decide to do this please link your challenge here. Pet Masters: The Amborse Legacy by jbfairybird The Thanatos Legacy2.1KViews1like27Comments