Omnis Completionist Challenge
Audrey Omnis is the founder of this completionist challenge that I'm playing in YouTube. Sims 3 Completionist Challenge Ep. 1 - All About Cooking In this series we're going to explore 100% of The Sims 3. At the beginning all the skills are locked and we will unlock them one by one per video. Household Skills Project Rules In this series will be: Completing all Lifetime Whises Doing every career (rabbitholes, professions, self-employed and part-time) Maxing all skills and completing their challenges (we're calling this supermaxing a skill). Use all the traits Complete all collections Buy all LTHP Rewards Live in every world (that I own)39Views1like2CommentsPrecious Joy Forsythe Legacy Challenge
I started a new legacy challenge - the Precious Joy Forsythe Legacy Family Challenge. Precious Joy Forsythe is the first-born of the 10th generation from the Precious Forsythe Legacy Family Challenge. These chapters are published every Friday at 8:00 Central Time [13:00 GMT - on November 8th it will be posted at 14:00 GMT] Background on Precious Joy when this challenge begins. I have been posting each chapter below individually. I just realized that a lot of the links were not functional. I have corrected this and will ensure the links work in the future.123Views1like48CommentsPerfect Genetics Challenge
My new video series - Perfect Genetics Challenge - is now available for viewing on YouTube. This video is a little over 16 minutes. It is an introduction to my founder, Olivia. We first meet her in Create a Household. We see her first home and job. She meets her man and they start getting to know each other. This challenge ought to be colourful. Not only does Olivia have blue, purple, pink and yellow hair but she has a very pale blue skin and pinkish purple eyes. The challenge requires her to produce an heir, male or female, who has the exact same hair and eye colour. Once the heir is confirmed, the mother will concentrate on living her life until the heir is old enough to take on the challenge. There is no upper limit to the number of babies she might have to produce before the heir arrives. Consequently I've set the age spans to be reasonably long but will use cake to age the family up as required. I plan to stop the mother from having more babies once it is confirmed the heir has been born. The heir will age up from toddler to child when they have done all of their toddler skills. And from Child to Teen after completing all of the child skills and getting onto the honour roll at school. The teen will age up to young adult after they have been to a prom and have learned fishing and cooking skills and read all of the fishing and recipe books. This means they'll need to get to level 7 in fishing and level 10 in cooking before I will let them age up to Young Adult. They may learn other skills along the way and need to be at least A Grade students. If they haven't learned the required skills and done the required reading within 105 days they'll age up automatically. When the heir is about the age up to Young Adult, hopefully the day before the teen is ready to age up to young adult, I'll age the parents up to Adult. The Adult life stage is also quite long just in case the mother automatically ages up to adult before she has produced the heir. The Elder life stage is also long. Babies will need grandparents around for a while. I may reduce the length of the Elder life stage at some point if the elders are accumulating. Moonlit Falls is full of supernaturals and I won't worry about when that population ages up. I'll be using EA Story Progression so if the town population ages up very slowly maybe there will still be sims around town by the time my founder's descendants start moving into the general townie population. All babies born to the founder and her heirs will have randomised traits with the one exception that each heir must have the dislikes children trait. There are no restrictions on how the main household earns their income. They can go out collecting, or gardening or whatever they choose. I will be getting them the no bills ever lifetime reward asap because I have a bad habit of forgetting about the bills and have difficulty working out what the repo man has taken. Due to the lack of restrictions on how they earn/come by their money the game will have many and varied activities in it throughout this challenge. One of the first wishes my founder got is to travel to Egypt to buy a recipe book. I do plan to grant that wish soon. Perhaps she can go there on her honeymoon. She has already met her man. I made him specially for her. She's blue with purple and blue hair, he's green with green hair and eyes. But their skin colouring is subtle. I think that about covers it. I hope you decide to watch. I'm keeping the length of these episodes to around 10 to 15 minutes each. Please consider subscribing if you are going to watch the videos as that way you'll know whenever a new episode is posted.3.2KViews3likes137CommentsThe People of Simbria: Sunset Valley
Well, hi there. This is a story (of sorts) that has been going on for a while, so it won't be starting with the first chapter, but it doesn't matter to much, because it didn't start with the beginning even when I first started sharing it on the old forum. 😛 'Original' thread is found here, but I wouldn't recommend checking it out, because it lost all the images in the forum transfer... The Concept In general, the story takes place in several towns spread across a country called "The United Kingdom of Simbria", and now that the concept is a little more clear than when I first started out on the old forum, I will not lump everything together in one thread, but instead create one thread per. town. So, this thread will focus on the inhabitants of Sunset Valley - the small town that everybody knows, and which in my world is located on the southwestern tip of this country. Sunset Valley Theme (Youtube) Prologue: The Original Families. Moving into town. The story of Sunset Valley began in 1977 sim time, when a young couple, Asgeir and Lucie Karlsen moved into town. They had moved all the way south from their hometown of Pamtere far, far to the north, hoping to settle in the city of Wad Nahadau, b ut the housing market in the city had proved to be much to expensive for them.... Asgeir aspired to be a world famous painter and writer and Lucie wanted to reach the top of the medical career. Since they used almost all of their money buying their first home at Water Lily Road 58 and as Asgeir's career as a painter and writer was a long way from taking off, they both started a job at the bottom ranks of the medical career. Camera technology was still very expensive and unaccessible to the general public back then. Only licensed photographers and the wealthiest of families usually owned one. Everyone else would either have to rent or borrow a camera, or go to the photograper to have their picture taken. Hence to tell this story, actors with pretty much identical looks and personalities were hired to reenact them moving into town.... Reconstructed photos of Asgeir and Lucie entering their new home for the first time. This is only what it might have looked like. Asgeir often woke up feeling grumpy and irritable in the mornings, but this worked well enough for a while, largely due to Lucies kind and friendly nature. Another couple, Ingmar and Eirin Motorsen, had moved to town just a month after Asgeir and Lucie. Ingmar wanted to move to town as he had read about the chess triumphs of H.K.H. Høigaffel and had early on felt compelled to become a world famous chess player as well. Ingmar was quite the slouch, but they needed food on the table, so he got himself a job in the medical career. His wife Eirin was a lucky and charismatic person, but often found herself struggling with forgetfulness and sometimes lapsing into periods of insanity randomly running off talking to herself. In spite of this, she got a job in the police force, where she is to this day doing quite well as a forensics specialist. A reconstruction of Eirin and Ingmar engaging in flirtatious conversation in front of their new home. It's not that it's a trailer... it's just very long and narrow. ;) Not quite one month after the Motorsen couple had moved to town, the young couple Egil and Frida Kråkesen moved in right next door to the Karlsens. Egil, a highly ambitious individual, quickly got himself a job in the business career, whereas Frida got a job in the medical career. Houses were much cheaper out here, compared to the capital city of Wad Nahadau, even in the suburbs. And who knows, they might just like it enough to make it their permanent residence. Reconstructed photo of Egil Kråkesen admiring his looks in his new home at Water Lily Road 72. Reconstructed photo of Frida Kråkesen reading the local newspaper in her new home.168Views1like11CommentsA not So-Merry Christmas Mix-up
Got my christmas story all up and ready! Still working on setting up stuff. But here's the first chapter. The hum of holiday chatter filled the air as Claire rolled her suitcase through the bustling baggage claim. Twinkling lights adorned the airport's pillars, and a massive Christmas tree stood in the center of the hall, its ornaments reflecting the glow of the season. Despite the cheerful surroundings, Claire felt like a snowflake caught in a whirlwind. Her plane had landed late, her connecting flight had been a race against time, and now she was juggling a long to-do list. She checked her phone: 7 days until Christmas. Plenty of time to make it to her parents' small-town home, bake her mom’s famous gingerbread cookies, and maybe even help with the local Christmas festival. “Just grab your bag and get out of here,” she muttered to herself, scanning the luggage carousel. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of seeing her family—especially her niece, Emma, who’d been begging her to come home for Christmas for weeks. Finally, a familiar black suitcase with a red ribbon tied around the handle appeared. Claire reached for it, but her grip faltered as her phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen, distracted, and only realized she’d grabbed the bag when it was already off the belt. “Gotcha,” she murmured, hauling it onto her trolley. She maneuvered through the crowd toward the exit, the frosty winter air outside calling her name. Just as she approached the sliding doors, someone behind her cleared their throat. “Excuse me! Hey, miss—wait!” Claire turned to find a tall man weaving his way through the crowd toward her. His cheeks were pink from exertion, and a slight dusting of snowflakes had settled on his dark curls. He wore a thick coat and carried a guitar case slung over his shoulder. “Uh, yes?” Claire asked, clutching her trolley. “I think you might have grabbed the wrong suitcase.” Her brow furrowed as she glanced down at the black suitcase. “This one? No, I don’t think so. It’s got the red ribbon on the handle. That’s mine.” The man smiled faintly, but there was a glint of determination in his hazel eyes. “Right. Except... I also have a red ribbon on my suitcase. It’s kind of my thing.” He gestured toward the identical bag he held in his hand. Claire blinked. “Oh no.” She crouched down, fumbling with the zipper, and peeked inside the bag. Instead of her cozy sweaters and Christmas gifts, there were stacks of sheet music, a Santa hat, and a box of what looked suspiciously like jingle bells. Her cheeks flushed. “Okay, maybe it’s not my bag.” The man chuckled, setting his own suitcase on the floor. “Happens to the best of us. Let’s just swap, and we’ll both be on our way.” Claire straightened up, handing the bag back. “Thanks for catching me. That could’ve been a disaster.” “It’s no problem. Traveling during the holidays can be chaos.” He extended a hand. “I’m Alex, by the way.” She hesitated a moment before taking his hand. “Claire.” “Nice to meet you, Claire.” Alex smiled warmly. “Well, have a Merry Christmas. Or... good luck with the rest of the trip, at least.” “You too.” They exchanged suitcases, and Alex walked away toward the rental car counters. Claire watched him for a moment, thinking about how kind he’d been—and how she’d almost walked off with a suitcase full of Christmas jingles. She shook her head, pulling her own bag along. But as she reached the exit, her phone buzzed again. She fished it out of her pocket, only to see a text from her sister: Don’t forget the Christmas presents, Claire! Her stomach sank. With a sinking feeling, she stopped, opened her suitcase again, and stared in horror at the contents. It was sheet music, Santa hats, and jingle bells. She’d grabbed the wrong bag again. Claire whirled around, but Alex was nowhere in sight. “Oh no,” she muttered, clutching the handle of the bag. “This really is a disaster.” Snowflakes began to fall outside, painting the airport windows in a soft shimmer. Somewhere in the distance, the airport’s speakers began to play “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” Claire sighed. Her holiday trip was officially off to a very Hallmark kind of start.60Views3likes6CommentsThe Evergreen Legacy **Gen VIII Chapter 18-2**
Hi! Welcome to my latest story: The Evergreen Legacy. Based on my Sims Through The Ages Challenge, each generation is dedicated to a pack. New updates every Wednesday and Sunday 3pm UK time! Aurora Evergreen moved to Sunset Valley on her 18th birthday by order of her mother. She was reared with one goal in mind: The Mission. Follow her story as she infiltrates the media and the great families of Sunset Valley with a view to exposing the scandal that exiled her family. Will she reclaim her family’s name and the wealth they are owed? Or will she unearth secrets that put her at odds with the very people who set her on this path? Generation One: Aurora Evergreen (Base Game) Generation Two: Blair Evergreen (World Adventures) Generation Three: Francesca Evergreen (Ambitions) Generation Four: Hattie Evergreen (Late Night) Generation Five: Kressida Evergreen (Generations) Generation Six: Persephone Evergreen (Pets) Generation Seven: Winnie Evergreen (Showtime) Generation Eight: Andromeda Evergreen (Supernatural) Generation Nine: Quinn Evergreen (Seasons) Coming November 20244.7KViews4likes182CommentsMeet the Helmquists - a Sims 3 story
I love the scenery of the worlds of The Sims 3 so I posted some screenshots in the “I still love scenery” thread. @suzses suggested to me to create an own thread or blog of the journeys of my Sims. I thought about it and came to the conclusion, that I am lacking the ability to create a real “travel blog” without introducing my family to you. And then I thought that I would post about my family and their lives, including their travel destinations. But I play this family since 2012 and am overwhelmed with the amount of pictures I have taken since then and that it is completely nonviable to start at the beginning of this thread with the founding of the family. So I will gradually explain who is who during my posts. And after this long explanation: Meet the Helmquists and maybe you like them as well! The first picture is a small extract of the main family, but there are a lot more family members I play with. In the top row there are (from left to right) Tristan van Gould/Freia Helmquist/Henning Helmquist in the second row are Travis Helmquist/Haldir Helmquist the long third row shows Misty/Emerson/Timon/Thor/Tius/Thom/Tara/Thalan/Haden/Torben/Timothy/Harlow/Heath and Tyler with his wife Stella they have two boys: Timian and Taius This post is about Tyler and Stella and their journeys at the beginning of every travel the both sit together and decide where to go at the moment they are in Willapa Valley (by 99simsonthewall) together with their son Taius two of the family dogs (T-Rey and Rasta) the family´s cat (Streuner) and two horses (Franco and Gracia) edited, because I deleted some of the pictures by mistake somehow :o5.6KViews1like913CommentsSimon Says... ***A New The Sims 3 Challenge*** FEEDBACK GREATLY APPRECIATED :)
Looking for a new challenge to try out? Why don't you try Simon Says..., a new legacy challenge! This challenge has yet to be tested out, but still feel free to give it a try and let me know how it goes! Please let me know if this challenge is extremely similar to someone elses, so I can either take it off the forums or make some changes. :!: :D Introduction Ever imagine what it would be if our Sims lived life based on a common saying? Perhaps "Opposites Attract" or "There's No Smoke Without Fire". Well this challenge, enables you to do just that, listen to the saying Simon Says and then you're on your way. General Rules -Start off with a single founder -Spouse may or may not be pre-made (but pre-made would most likely be easier) -Starting off on any lot is completely fine -No money or mood cheats -HAVE FUN!!! :mrgreen: How To Play The rules are fairly similar to a legacy. When it's times to move on to the next generation (which is when the current generation has completed all of their tasks), either choose your favorite to continue the challenge or hold an heir vote (the simming community chooses for you). Only the heir has to fulfill the tasks, unless it requires their spouses help to accomplish. Simon Says... Generation 1- "Opposites Attract" -You and your spouse must have at least three opposing traits -Meet in the middle (between 1 and 6) and have 3 kids -One must reach the top of the Law Enforcement Career and the other the top of the Criminal -Their home must be equally show both of their favorite colors (Note: Their favorite colors may not be the same) Generation 2- "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree" -Have 4 children -All children (no matter what gender) must die their hair the same color as the current heir -Each child must have three traits in common with the current heir -All kids must have the same LTW as the current heir Generation 3- "Great Minds Think Alike" -You and your spouse must have at least 3 traits in common -You and your spouse must have the same LTW -You and your spouse must master two of the same skills -Have only 2 kids (you're making traveling expenses cheaper) Generation 4- "Good Things Come To Those Who Wait" -Don't get married until you're an adult (no relationships, woohoo, or kids before) -Once married, have either twins or triplets -Master 5 skills -Redo entire house with the most expensive of everything Generation 5- "Think Before You Speak" -Get divorced twice -Have 5 enemies -Change jobs twice due to quitting -Become enemies with your kid(s) Generation 6- "Be Careful What you Wish For" -Have 6 children -Die from a different way than old age -Reach the top of one skill and one skill only -You must fulfill every wish the heir rolls Generation 7- "Where There's A Will There's A Way" -Reach the top of the Military Career -Master Athletic, Mechanical, and Martial Arts (World Adventures needed) skills -Get married and have 4 children -Teach all of your kids all of their skills yourself Generation 8- "Rome Wasn't Built In A Day" -Have only one child (as an adult) -Only go as far in a relationship as boy/girlfriend -Master the Logic Skill and the Logic Skill only -Be employed in Politics Generation 9- "There's No Smoke Without Fire" -Number of children and relationship status are choice -Must break at least two people's hearts -Cheat on whoever you're in a relationship with -Have children with two different people Generation 10- "All Good Things Must Come To An End" -Loose your first born child to death while they're children -Go through a bitter divorce as an elder -Master at least one skill -Be fired from job at level 923KViews1like1021Comments2 times the FUN! A Randomacy ~ NEW Chapter, 9.11
Better late than never! Back in November 2014, tanubanue and I decided to do the Random Legacy Challenge TOGETHER! That means we take the SAME Founders, place them in the SAME world and see what happens in our respective games. Sound fun, right?! It is!!! EDIT: February, 2016 Due to a number of game-related computer issues **crash! glitches! try to save! move family to another town & recover some of the lost game! more crashing! more glitches! game save becomes corrupted and unplayable!** tanubanue ended her portion of the co-play. :'( What is a Random Legacy? Glad you asked. Please go to Random Legacy Challenge and check it out! After MUCH discussion (in a short amount of time!)... We decided to play in Riverview. Time to EDIT TOWN! Game lots we are using - placed either automatically by the game or by us: Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries (250 Cotton Branch Drive) Barney's Salon and Tattoo (225 Cotton Branch Drive) Community Fire Department (1060 Dogwood Lane) Flying V's Coffeehouse (15 Hidden Grove Lane) Grady's Junkstop (275 Cotton Branch Drive) Landgraab Sell n' Swap (303 Cypress Lane) Performance Park (10 Hidden Grove Lane) Varg's Tavern (across the street from 45 Hidden Grove Lane), added a 40x40 lot via World Editor Store venues we are using: Business as Usual Bistro (1047 Dogwood Lane) Deliciously Indulgent Bakery (1067 Dogwood Lane) The Century Manor Then - the pretty one! (added a 40x40 lot via World Editor on Bounty Drive; next to lot containing Wonderland Amusement Park) Exchange lots: Please refer to Links for a listing and more information on each lot. tanubanue sent over (via email) a couple of Sims, Nichol Reiley and Zachary Snyder. We are going to do our best to follow the rules/guidelines but want this to be a really fun adventure for both of us so if in doubt about any rule or something that comes up DURING game-play, we will discuss and make a "judgement call" together. Okay, Founders found, check. World decided upon, check. Lots added, check. Selected the starter house, check. We chose Tish Cottage at 27 Lost Willow Road. Rolls for Founders (Generation 1) done, check. Time to get going! A little bit of play occurred and we would text or email stuff we just HAD to share :) **brakes applied and tires slightly squeal in protest** We then had to take a wee break due to co-hosting the Homemade Holiday Gift Exchange as well as enjoying the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Now we are back playing/enjoying this co-adventure and think it is time to share some of it with all of you! Please read and enjoy (hopefully!) :D July 7, 2017 ETA: With the recent Photobucket change in TOS, as many of you are aware of (having experienced it yourselves!), images have been replaced with a stock "click this link, pay $400 a year, and you can have your pictures shared on forum threads and other areas again" image. Sharing pictures of Sim creations, stories, whatever else I do in my Sims games on these forums as well as my blog is something I enjoy and am willing to pay for ... but not as such a hefty fee. Actually, it's beyond hefty in my opinion! If I was a business generating some sort of revenue, I would be fine with paying a higher professional fee, but this is done just for fun and $400 a year takes the fun out of it. Blog images: Photobucket images are intact as of now, but I will be removing those and replacing them with Wordpress ones uploaded directly from my computer. Forum images: Will figure out another method for sharing them or at the very least, leave a link to another image storage systems such as imgur or whatnot. Still researching my options.58KViews1like950CommentsI'm a Lover (A New Challenge)
Hey fellow simmers. I decided to create a new challenge. It's called I'm a Lover. It's a romance challenge. First let me apologize if there is something already out there like this. I couldn't find anything like this out there. Creating the founder: -obviously can be male or female -must be a young adult -has to have hopeless romantic trait Generation 1-"All I wanted was to be a romance writer and find my own true love." -Join writer career -write a romance book -create a best seller -date one person throughout the young adult stage -marry as an adult(must marry the same person dated as young adult) -have two kids as an adult(must happen after marriage) -write at least 10 romance stories -have a date night every week -stay with spouse until death do us part Generation 2-"My parents kept there romance going even with two kids, I want what they had." -have at least two boyfriends or girlfriends -start dating in high school -go on five dates with different people -find true love as a young adult -get married to true love right away -have at least two kids -get a divorce as an adult -never remarry Generation 3-"My parents couldn't stay together and they loved eachother so I chose to focus on my career." -become enemies with mom or dad -join the medical or buisness career -reach level 5 of career -start going out to find a spouse -go on several dates with the same person -get married as an adult -have one boy and one girl -reach top of career Generation 4-"My parents didn't believe in love until they found eachother, I think it's ridiculous." -have more than one romantic interest at a time -never get married -move in with one of the romantic interests -become serious with them -have one kid -let kid find you cheating -live in a trashed house Generation 5-"My family was screwed up and I was scarred. I don't want that for my children." -move out as soon as possible -never speak to parents again -live in a nice house -learn all traits before dating a sim -get married to a nice sim -have as many kids as possible -have at least one kid die -become anit-social Generation 6-"My parents lost one of my siblings and stopped taking care of us. I had to raise myself." -always live with one sibling -work in the education system -date a co-worker -get married as an adult -have two kids Generation 7-"My life was too perfect growing up and my parents loved eachother too much. I refuse to fall into that trap." -join the music career -begin a band(if you have late night) -have at least one female and one male in the band -become famous -woohoo with as many sims as possible -fall in love with one of the band members -get married -have one set of twins -die before children are teens Generation 8-"I lost a parent and it was hard on all of us. I swear not to raise a family in this condition" -live in poverty -get a high paying job -move in to a mansion or large house -adopt a baby of the same gender as sim -get married -adopt another baby of opposite gender -have two kids of your own flesh and blood Generation 9-"My parents raised me to be polite. They also arranged me to get married to someone I have never even met before." -hire a butler -meet the future spouse -diapprove of them -go on a date with them -start to like them -get married to them -sleep in seperate beds -have one kid Generation 10-"I was an only child whose parents barely knew eachother. Maybe I can discover the secrets of love through my family's past." -visit every family member's grave -build a cemetary for the family -put each generation together in different spaces(including spouses and siblings)*different spaces means generation one(spouse and founder) is seperated from generation two by a fence or wall -get married to a poor sim -have kids Well I hope you like my idea and try it out for yourself. I tried it by myself without putting it out for everyone to see. But I will be starting my own I'm a Lover Challenge for the simming community to see. Anyway give me your ideas if I should make more generations :) Also a side note. If a generation doesn't have a specific career you may choose what career you want. Thanks again.18KViews1like42Comments