An announcement for The Sims 3 players on Mac
Dear Simmers, If you currently play The SimsTM 3 on Mac, pay close attention to this announcement! Earlier this year, Apple announced plans to phase out support for 32-bit applications with their new macOS, Catalina. Due to this change, we will be releasing an updated version of The Sims 3 that will be compatible with the new macOS, The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal). We will also be making all DLC content available in this new format, as well. The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) will be available for download via Origin. We don’t have a release date for when Apple will release Catalina. However, if it occurs before The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) is out and you decide to update your Mac to macOS Catalina, you will not be able to continue playing The Sims 3 until after we release The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal). Once The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) is released, you will have to uninstall your current version of The Sims 3 and packs before re-installing, and you will not be able to patch your existing installation. We will post more detailed instructions when we make this update available. You will not lose your progress in the game and you will keep all the extra content you have acquired over time. The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) FAQ Where can I get The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition? If you are an existing The Sims 3 owner, we will have instructions on this page which will walk you through the steps to get your copy of The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition when it is released. When will 64-Bit & Metal Edition be available? This change is planned for early 2020. We will update you once we have a confirmed date. Will I be able to get the 64-Bit & Metal Edition through a patch to my current game? No. The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition will be its own version of The Sims 3 and carries significant changes from the currently available version. This means that the game will not be patched and will require the The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition and the packs to be installed like a new release through Origin. Will the minimum specifications be the same as The Sims 3? No. The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition will require the latest version of Origin which requires OSX 10.9 or later. Also, since the The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition adds 64-bit and Metal support, the minimum specifications will be adjusted accordingly. What if I can’t update my Mac? The Sims 3 and all the packs will be available in their current form for those players who choose not to or cannot update their Mac to Catalina. Will I need to buy The Sims 3 or my packs again? No. All The Sims 3 players who have registered their game and packs with Origin will have access to The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition when it releases. If you have the disc version of The Sims 3, you will need to redeem your code in Origin to access The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition in Origin. Will The Sims 3 (64-Bit & Metal) Edition release for Windows PC? There are no current plans to update the Windows PC version of The Sims 3. Version 1.6.9 is available to The Sims 3 players via Origin. What do I need to do to make sure my game is saved before I update to macOS Catalina? While updating macOS to a newer version should be straight forward, we recommend you backup your saves before updating to macOS Catalina. You can find The Sims 3 save files in Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3. Simply copy the entire The Sims 3 directory somewhere safe like your cloud storage of choice (eg. iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) or a USB flash drive. This will backup your downloaded content and your save files among other things.155KViews320likes3CommentsSims 3 - "There is a problem connecting to the server..." installation error
If you are not able to install Sims 3 due to an apparent connection issue, please post here. The warning windows you may receive are: This maybe an EA server issue or an OS based issue. You may also have two or more game icons happy bouncing away in the Dock while the game tries to authenticate: If you are affected please click the Me Too button below this post and reply confirming which version of macOS you are running. Thanks to @puzzlezaddict for the screenshots.Solved72KViews85likes387Comments[CURRENT ISSUE 64-bit] All open water options missing
All of the options sims should have for open water activities are missing from the water itself, which offers no options when clicked. (Open water means any water that's not a pool or made with the pond tool.) In the 32-bit versions, with all packs installed, sims had a number of options: Fish Swim Play in ocean Play in ocean with toddler Snorkel Scuba dive (with sufficient skill) Boat to a location on the water, if they own a boat Windsurf (once in the water) (I'm probably forgetting a few) However, sims can use a taxi boat to travel from one island to another. This was tested in a new clean folder with zero added content, all EPs installed, in Sunset Valley.29KViews82likes207Commentsthe sims 3 (64-bit & metal) release
The last we heard about it is in October. I have been waiting to see if the release has been posted. The catalina update for mac has been released and you guys said you would release the 64 bit in early 2020. Well the time is here it is January 10th, 2020 and I just want to know when the release date is. I am beyond excited to play the sims 3 again but I cant seem to find the release date Im looking for. Every time I go to search it, it just pulls back up the announcement of that they will be releasing a 64 bit. EA if you could please respond to my question. Im sure there are thousands of mac users out there who are waiting just like me. We love your game! We just want to play it. Thanks for taking the time to read it.Solved112KViews69likes4042Comments[CURRENT ISSUE 64-bit] Cannot collect insects
My sims cannot collect any insects in Sims 3. This includes: butterflies beetles fireflies nanites However, I believe all other collectibles work fine, with the exception of the underwater ones, which I couldn't test because water actions are broken The items that can be collected are: space rocks, gems, metals birds, lizards, rodents, snake, turtles wildflowers harvestable plants and mushrooms I tested this in a new save in Sunset Valley, in a clean folder.20KViews43likes62CommentsA partial guide to 64-bit Sims 3 for macOS (in progress)
This guide will be updated as we know more about how the game works, where it doesn't work so well, and what you can do about it. Index Major Issues/Game won't load Installation Verification Failure [should be fixed] Error: Your The Sims 3 base game is incompatible with the current Sims 3 expansion pack 64-bit base game or packs are missing from Origin [should be fixed] Game downloads but won't install [partial fix in Nov. 9 patch] Minor Issues: Graphics/installation Game has worked, but Origin now says Finalizing instead of Play Strange error in the launcher's Game Updates tab [fixed in Nov. 9 patch] The game runs slowly/with low fps Red flashing game window (master thread) Bulky eyelashes/shiny or grainy hair (master thread) Sculpture blocks not rendered properly (master thread) Windows flash with snow on ground (master thread) Graphics performance issues (general) Store content doesn't work (see also this thread) Minor Issues: Gameplay The cheat console won't open (use cmd-shift-C) Keyboard commands stick or don't release (master thread) Glitchy camera controls (master thread) All open water options missing (master thread) Terrain paint doesn't apply (master thread) Insects and nanites can't be collected (master thread) Frequently Asked Questions Can I run the 64-bit/Metal version of Sims 3? How do I make sure I install the 64-bit version? How do I uninstall the 64-bit version? How Do I unstall the 32-bit version? Will my old saves/households/builds/other content work? Will my custom content work? Will my store stuff work? Will my mods work?35KViews38likes3Comments[CURRENT ISSUE 64-bit] bulky eyelashes? grainy hair?
i thought it had something to do with my cc, but i removed all of it and this still happened. i didnt realize i was playing the sims 4 lol. then, once my cc was removed, the sims hairs had a weird texture on them??? (Split into master thread and edited title to reflect the CAS eyelash and hair issue, Bluebellflora)19KViews37likes100Comments[CURRENT ISSUE]Sims 3 'Unknown Error' in El Capitan and later OS versions
The Unknown Error message is now affecting a huge amount of Mac users who are trying to play Sims 3. This error has always been around and can be caused by a variety of different issues but recently it seems to be linked to users running macOS Sierra and El Capitan and the Late Night, Ambitions, Fast Lane and Outdoor Living Packs. Please read @corey_0414's accepted solution below for a workaround for this issue. They have also posted a very helpful video which I have linked below: If you have just the base game installed and are trying to install just one add-on packs please read @ZaftigGal's post here for clear instructions. @EA_Kristi recommends setting up a new administrator user account on your Mac and installing the packs using that account as an alternative solution that can sometimes solve the issue. - If you have downloaded the game through Origin you should not need to use Origin to play, launch the game from within your Applications folder. This is only applicable to the Mac version of the game. - If you encounter a message stating that the game is a more recent version than expected just ignore it and carry on installing. This is because the installer is expecting a lower patch level than 1.67. - If you are having issues with Packs not showing as installed in the Launcher please read the guide here on solving the issue. Please bear in mind that the game is not compatible on most post-2013 Macs due to unsupported Intel/AMD graphics resulting in an Unknown Error message for just the base game. You can check whether your Mac is listed in the stickied thread here - However, applying this workaround for the Unknown Error issue as well as editing the .sgr files may make the game playable. If none of the above suggestions work please post with the details of your Mac, including the version of macOS you are running, which EPs/SPs work/don't work and what steps you have taken to resolve the issue.Solved219KViews30likes531CommentsTS3 for macOS, 64-bit, Nov 9, 2020 release notes
Hey all y'all TS3 macOS Simmers! It's been a pretty danged exciting week or two, hasn't it? A TS3 for macOS, 64-bit was released. There's been some surprising under-the-hood issues. I've heard rumors of some other things happening in the world too but I'm unclear of the details. Here's what's new in the build rolling out today: Build number: 1.70.305 (visible on the bottom of the Launcher app) Updates button: No longer present on the Launcher screen Packs/DLC not lighting up icons in Launcher: Works as expected if you are on Origin Beta/"Early Access" release. Will be fixed for everyone in next Origin update Minimized/Hidden Game window makes macOS sluggish: If your Sims window is set to a large(ish) resolution (say, 1900x1200 or more on my Mac - yours may be different) and you minimize, or hide, or otherwise have the game window 100% off the viewable monitor, the the system could get really slow (sluggish Dock, slow text input, etc). This doesn't happen now The .app icon is hidden/invisible: Not any more! Stuck forever in "Finalizing": Not any more! CMD-Z and CMD-Y repeat forever: Now they don't repeat at all. I think that's probably better. Hard to say! And a note about entitlements: If you own The Sims 3 in your Origin "My Library" (for macOS or Windows), you should now have the 64-bit version for macOS as well. If you don't then that is not by design. Please reach out to Customer Support for help on that.13KViews25likes1CommentOnly respond to this thread if you have the 64-bit version of TS3 working.
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A WORKING COPY OF THE 64-BIT VERSION OF THE SIMS 3. Hello, Given the number of posts in the main thread, I kinda want to get an idea if anyone has been able to successfully get a copy of The Sims 3 to work on their computer. So far, I haven't seen any reports of this happening, but given how many posts are happening in the main thread, I want to see if anyone has a working copy that they have been able to get working. If so: 1. Was it always working or did you have to take steps to get it to work? What steps did you need to take? 2. What are your system specifications? If you don't know what this means, go to the Apple menu on the upper left hand corner and copy the details down exactly, except for the serial number (that won't be helpful). Also, again, just a friendly reminder... DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A WORKING COPY OF THE 64-BIT VERSION OF THE SIMS 3.3.6KViews23likes15Comments