Can we get an official response for the missing DLC?
It's been over 2 weeks and no official word with what is going on with the missing DLC. Many of us are still unable to play with the pre order and deluxe items. We spent our money on this and still nothing. Two patches and still nothing. What is going on?Inquisitor Solas romance not reflected in Legacies and Legends quest dialogue
A Solas romance was selected in customization for the Inquisitor (PS5) at the start of the game. At the Legacies and Legends quest when the dialogue is supposed to reflect a Solas romance and allow Rook to reunite them, the dialogue is not indicating the romance and defaulting to "friend". Double checked that Solas romance was indeed selected correctly by importing a previous Rook/Inquisitor to a new game and verifying the world state choices.Bug: Side Quest “Warden Vault”
Currently experiencing a bug with getting the third “key” in this quest. A ladder is supposed to get knocked down upon companion explosion but the metal never breaks. Tried fast traveling out of the area and came back in, still not working. Issue has been reported on Reddit with others experiencing the same problem.SolvedCamera Bug after Patch 5
I noticed this bug after Patch 5; it also coincided with my first playthrough using a Warrior Rook, but I'm not sure if that matters. The camera will glitch during combat and rapidly flicker into different angles/positions, making it hard to keep track of what's going on. This out of the norm where camera movement is more fluid and usually sticks to the enemy you're locked onto. The first time it happened was during Bellara's recruitment mission, the second time in Elvenhan's Haven in the area locked behind the Gate of Faded Glories. It seems the flickers might happen in time with button inputs, but I'm not 100% sure. This happens both during normal combat and while in the ability menu (R1). The first time I experienced this was Jan. 25, 2025 and I will attach a clip. I've just experienced it again today 2/4/2025 a little bit ago. Playing on PS5, software version 25.01- Age Veilguard: PS5 Pro Oversharpened "Fizziness" in grass, foliage/hair
The PS5 Pro version seems to suffer from a general oversharpening (presumably from PSSR?) that gives the game this weird oversharpened look. I spoke to a really nice guy from the EA Support (hello, Arvin!) who noted he had heard of the issue before and made a report about it, but also suggested I make a forum post about it. The issue manifests mostly in grass/foliage, but also makes some other elements look overly sharpened and get this "jittery" or "fizzy" appearance - particularly hair and other smaller, fine elements. Small tufts of grass and foliage often have this strobing appearance to it. This is particularly noticeable in Arlathan Forest, walking just outside the Veil Jumpers encampment near the water. Quality/30 FPS mode is a little less affected, but it's still noticeable there. Shadows in hair are also a bit jittery and strobe a lot, particularly in certain conversations/cutscenes. It seems to happen a lot in Harding's room in the Lighthouse (during conversations) but it happens a bit all over the place. Some of the sandy areas near where you meet Taash for the first time (down by the water) also exhibit a lot of this "oversharpened" look where the sand doesn't look quite smooth but instead looks a bit jittery. I suspect this may have something to do with how the ambient occlusion interacts with the PSSR upscaler (and maybe the sharpening is simply set a bit too high in some areas?) but I'm not quite sure. Anyway, it would be great if someone on the Frostbite team took a quick look at this at some point.Bug During "The Waiting Stone"
I am playing through "The Waiting Stone" quest; however when I reach the main door covered in Blight, I Stalgard doesn't respond to my presence and when I pop the Blight Boils on the door nothing happens and we just stand there. Saving and Reloading Has done nothing to help.Bellaras Trophy not popping
I’ve done every side quest and have all the other trophies besides finishing the game and the 2 that come with ending the game . I’ve done all of Bellaras quest and would not like to have to do a whole nother run through to get it ? Want the platinum trophy .. heard a bug was about opening a chest at the end of the mission that is missable .. anyone else have this problem ? Can they grant you the trophy manually. Lmao?PS5 Pro has buggy, jittery grass and hair shadows, LOD bugs, controller deadzone
These have all been a thing since the PS5 Pro launched, but they remain unfixed. Grass has this pulsing, jittering effect. It is most noticeable in Arlathan Forest, if you walk just outside of the Veil Jumpers camp. In motion it looks like a pulsing, strobing effect in the grass. LOD issues in several areas of the world. When walking around, objects pop into existence at really weird times. Trees, grass, distant detail and more just blip into existence, often really close to the player character. Again, Arlathan is a pretty good area to see this. Hair shadows share similar issues to the grass where shadows often "pulse" in the hair, this is most noticeable in conversations (the Lighthouse is a good spot for this - I've seen it a lot in conversations with Bellara and Harding as the lighting in their houses seem to bring it out a lot). Also a minor bonus quirk I've found - the controller sensitivity is a bit weird (tried with two different controllers, so unlikely to be a hardware fault): When you set the deadzone on the look stick above around 0.10 there's like a hard "stop" to the camera movement after you let go of the stick, whereas if you have it lower the camera movement feels way more smooth. I realize none of these bugs are unlikely to ever get fixed considering the messaging from the last patch was that support for Veilguard is winding down (and do the developers read these forums? I feel like we're screaming into the void a bit here) but I suppose it would still be nice to not have aggressively pulsing grass.