From the lobby you can now select the firing range. Here you can practice playing around with all the weapons, items, and Legends.
- Can enter the firing range solo or with your squad.
- You can change to any Legend and use their abilities and ultimates.
- All loot items are available to play with including weapons, attachments, and hopups.
- Target DUMMIES available to practice those headshots.
- Future improvements to come! Please give us your feedback.
- Reduced the headshot multiplier: 2.15 -> 2.1
Changes to Projectile Collision: We’ve increased the projectile width on the some weapons so they are easier to hit with. We made this change to the TripleTake in Season 2 and the following will be updated for this patch:
- Shotguns: All shotguns will have projectiles with a small amount of width.
- Snipers: The Longbow DMR, Kraber, and G7 Scout.
- In an effort to surface easier challenges to players more often and offer a balanced set of challenges each day, Daily Challenge distribution has been adjusted so players are guaranteed to receive 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 hard challenge.
- You can now spend Legend Tokens to reroll Daily Challenges.
- First reroll: 200 Legend Tokens
- Second reroll: 500 Legend Tokens
- Third or more reroll: 1000 Legend Tokens for each reroll.
- Cost increases with each purchase before capping out at 1000 Legend Tokens.
- Cost resets every day
- You can now adjust the game cursor velocity in Settings -> Controller. This will apply to cursor velocity in all menus including the Lobby, Pause/Inventory menus, and Death Box inventories.
- We now show you what Music Pack you have selected while dropping into the map. If you only have the “default” Pack selected you won’t see anything.
- Improved flow from Lobby to Match that fixes some minor bugs and will hopefully get players into matches a bit faster.
- Disabling pregame spawning of players before character selection. This will address cases where players might hear someone voice comms or other sounds before the Legend selection starts.
- The “Waiting for Players...” transition now shows the game world instead of a black screen.
- Removed the 5 second countdown that would start at the beginning of Legend selection.
- Player will now be able to view the ammo types of their squadmates equipped weapons when in the inventory menu.
- RANKED MODE: Players will no longer receive a penalty for abandoning a match if they leave after 2 and a half minutes have passed since their Banner was picked up after dying. As a reminder: players will be warned via the menus if their leaving may trigger abandon penalties; if the warning does not show up players are free to leave.
- [Controller] you can now open the quip wheel by holding down on the dpad (you can still do it the old way - open ping menu and press Y)
- [PC] Quick Chat binding should now auto bind to F1 if it isn’t bound to anything (assuming nothing is already bound to F1)
- Fixed a bug where players would stay in place while the train keeps moving when reviving another player.
- Updated the layout of the minimap that was previously showing a route that doesn’t exist.
- Fixed cases where players could drop into Out of Bounds areas without getting the timer.
- Fixed cases of some areas where players could take lava damage near the Volcano when there isn’t any lava.
- Fixed display issue with post game where it would show you earning 2 battle pass levels for levelling up via Stars.
- EMP now will damage armor that players have dropped.
- Fixed a bug where Lifeline’s drone couldn’t heal Crypto while he was in the drone.
- Fix for friendly Caustic gas kicking Crypto out of his drone.
- Fixed bug where sometimes the missiles from Bangalore’s Ultimate would disappear after landing on the train.
Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0EA_David
Community Admin
Joined September 24, 2012
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