Recent ContentNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetSolutionsRoom Mood is lower than normal when outdoors This may be a problem indoors as well, but it is very clear for outdoor situations. I noticed that my sims room bar was often completely red the moment they stepped outside, so I used the tutorial ho...EA App not working properly While trying to launch The Sims 4, it crashes because the EA App doesn't work properly for whatever reason. And I can't uninstall it because somehow the file for uninstalling it doesn't exist. I hav...Grand Inquisitor event tier 6 bug I can't apply healing immunity to Maul in tier 6 Tried reinstalling the game because said it fixed it for them but it hasn't fixed it for me Sims 4 Hi, On xboxone Im unable to save any of my save files and can't I use the gallery, I can't upload my builds or sims. Half Wall Trims, columms, spandrels. shade/colour bug Swatches dose not show the supposed colors. darker than they are supposed to be. example the white one is more like dark gray ish. this applise to: - columms and spandrels, where the pair items dos...Clutter Items Not on Catalog These clutter items are still missing, can't be searched even with their correct name. They can only be obtained through saved rooms. Shadows Keep Glitching/Flickering Ever since the recent 25th anniversary update, all the shadows in my game flicker and glitch like crazy. I've never had this issue before, and I usually use the highest graphics for everything. I tri...Sims 4 pack ideas making this thread to post future ideas for the sims 4. if theres anything you'd like to see in the sims 4 post it here and maybe maxis will see it and add it summer activities such as golf vol...These darn strays They're peeing everywhere killing the room score outside. SolvedSims 2 crashes on family loading screen Ever since the first patch update, I can no longer play with my family. It crashes on the loading screen every time. Even with the latest patch update, it still crashes. No CC is enabled. I don’t kno...