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APEX LEGENDS™: February 2024 Ranked Reloaded AMA

EA_Mako's avatar
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12 months ago

Catch up on the dev team's Ranked Reloaded AMA on r/ApexLegends from February 28, 2024.

On February 28, 2024, the Ranked dev team for Apex Legends held an AMA to follow up on Breakout's Ranked Reloaded changes. If you’d like a quick refresher, the full breakdown of Ranked Reloaded changes can be found in our Breakout Highlights blog.

We’ve compiled a list of many of the questions that the team was able to answer during this session. Please visit r/ApexLegends for the full thread and complete list.

The question everyone has - what is the plan for actual and successful control of the cheating issue?

We have seen player feedback on cheating and are keeping an eye on the community discussion around it. While we can’t share specifics (to avoid tipping cheaters off on our anti-cheat efforts), please know that we have an entire team dedicated to anti-cheat efforts who are on it. Dealing with cheaters is an ongoing arms race and is something that we are always working on.

Your reports are an important part in helping us find bad actors, so please continue to send any reports of cheating in-game or via support so that they can be reviewed and actioned appropriately. We know it's frustrating not to get meaningful communications on this topic so please know we are working on it and will look to share updates when we can.

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Will skydive trails come back?

We're not planning on bringing skydive trails back as Ranked rewards for right now. We are continuing to explore new reward types that would resonate with competitive players and that ideally are used more than a single time during each match.

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Any plans on introducing new ranked rewards? Maybe some type of currency we can use to buy things?

We're glad you like this season of Ranked!
As for new reward types, we are exploring new types of possible rewards. You are hitting one of the core issues with skydive trails as well, in terms of overall value -- ideally an new reward type for Ranked play would be more visible during gameplay.

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When are we going to get a leaderboard tab in the lobby?

We've talked about leaderboards on the team for a while now and while we don't have anything planned for the immediate future, we're going to keep talking about it. If using RP continues to resonate with everyone, it opens up more opportunities.

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Can we get something for getting a knock. I’ll take +1 RP, idc. Thank you.

We definitely want to expand RP bonus types in the future to ensure that players can be rewarded for skillful play and different playstyles.

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Why is ranked matchmaking still not transparent? im plat 4 matching up against diamond 2 lobbies when im the highest rank on my team. Can we get a more detailed explanation of how matchmaking truely works if yall claim its not based on sbmm? and is solo queing is different matchmaking then team queing.

Our MM system attempts to match to your RP (or the highest RP of all players in your pre-made squad). We also try to quickly get you into a match, so if there aren't enough players online in your region with the same RP, it starts to widen the search, both up and down the RP values. This is why you are seeing variability in who is in your lobby.

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Are there plans to try out a completely new set of ranks? Split masters rank up a bit? With the various changes to ranked over the past 2 years, the badges and ranked rewards have lost some of their value due to how easy it was to get to diamond/masters in some seasons.

This was a discussion on the team at the start of the year. We think there would be value in exploring this idea more and making sure that it resonates with our competitive players and would be sustainable for us to roll out.

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As a season 0 and 1 player that's just gotten back into it a couple of months ago, i really like how the games evolved over years. The way the lore, gameplay and characters are built up and broken down over multiple seasons is a great way to keep things fresh!

As for the question, why exactly was everyone's rp reset to 0 after the rework? I've been waiting for all the masters and preds to rank up so i can have better games lol.

So glad that you've been enjoying Apex after coming back to it!
Breakout's Ranked was a big change from our recent seasons. We wanted everyone to have the same starting point and not carry over any placement from the previous season that worked a lot differently.

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View the complete list of questions below!

Reddit: [AMA]Lets talk about Breakout's Ranked Reloaded 

Published 12 months ago
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