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Battlefield Game Info Hub

Re: Battlefield 2042 - Update #3.3

@Adamonic wrote:

From our end we want to be sure that when we share something with you it's confirmed and accurate.


Can clarify. From "our" end in this case means communication from myself and the other Community Managers.

It also means that development plans sometimes change. For example, I could share right now that change X is in the next update. But then later we end up moving change X to another update, or maybe we're not doing X at all, and now we are doing Y.

I personally don't think it's helpful for you if we share something on a specific change before we can confirm that yes, change X will be in the next update and here is exactly how it will work. The end result of that is that sometimes we have to be "quiet" longer than we would like. Again, sorry for that.

What's also been called out in this thread is that we should share more on our thought process for future changes as well, instead of just locked changes. When we do that however we'd also like to make sure that we don't share an important detail in a forum post which can easily get lost and might not reach many players. So instead right now that's something we're aiming to do via the Core Feedback posts. The follow-up for Maps is presently scheduled to go live before end of week. 


@Straatford87Every time I see you post something once in a month I get exited just to see it's another non-informational, generic, empty post which says absolutely nothing.

Dude, I know you have your mouth shut by the incompetent greedy higher ups, but can you at least tell us is the patch big or small?

If you don't reply I'll just consider it being the latter with just an EoR Scoreboard, VoIP and 4 bugs fixed, similar to the previous disappointing minimal patch.

Yes, I can share that with you. The next will be considerable, and we're currently looking at a few hundred changes. It's mostly bug fixes, but we're also looking to make further changes to for example vehicle balance and the current behavior of attachments for weapons.

We'll provide more details on what exactly is in the update closer to its release date via a full set of update notes. I know you would like to know more now, so I want to clarify that I'm not trying to tease you by being vague - I'm simply still compiling the full list of changes for you all because it's a lot.

@domodemon wrote:
@Straatford87 What about the rubber banding stuttering on some servers, when's that going to be fixed? Loads are having the issue since launch, I've stopped playing the game, it's either rubber banding or full of ai.

We are currently looking to address one bug related to rubber banding in the next update. If that makes it into the final list of changes come update release, I hope you will notice a difference.

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0


  • d0__op's avatar
    3 years ago

    @Straatford87 Thanks for coming back and responding.  Even just these few messages have definitely made communication feel more 'live' so I appreciate it.

    Also would recommend sharing some of these responses or an edited version to the Direct Communication channel as the broader community not on EA Answers and the subreddit can hear that things are still happening, work is being done and feedback and communication do occur. 



  • How about the update on squad play, objectives and those things.  I have a Printscreen on that. 

  • edgecrusherO0's avatar
    3 years ago
    @Straatford87 The engagement is a welcome change, but it'd be wonderful to hear about what the CM and dev team CAN do vs. all the things y'all apparently CAN'T.
  • Is it possible to get some yes/no answers to possible things being added or fixed? So no promises about when things will be done but just if you ever have plans to do them?

    I still have some hope for the game, but I don't play it much now for 4 main reasons:

    1. The constant stuttering/lag/rubber banding from launch on Series X that wasn't in the beta.

    2. Having to constantly match make instead of staying within the same lobby.

    3. No server browser or proper map rotation - always put into the same map over and over.

    4. Going into matches that have < 1 minute left to run.

    These 4 things would make the game 100x better for everyone and if they are certain to be added eventually then good, i can keep the hope alive and come back to the game for Season 1.

    But if they will never be added or you have no plans to add them at all, I'd rather know now so I can just stop hoping on the game getting to where it needs to go.

  • edgecrusherO0's avatar
    3 years ago
    1. Hopefully it's fixed for y'all, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
    2. Nothing announced on persistent lobbies, likely would require months of work.
    3. Also nothing announced for server browser, likely would require months of work.
    4. Could be fixed via matchmaking algorithms (limits on match duration/ticket counts could help, but you'd still possibly be put into winning matches near the end), but still nothing announced.

    TLDR: DICE haven't announced much about the next patch, but outside of "vehicle balance, end of round scoreboard (lol), VOIP (lol), the weapon mod rework" it sounds like the rest of it is focused on bugfixing. Which is good and all, but doesn't really help you find matches with the ever dwindling population : /
  • PBS141GHOST's avatar
    3 years ago

    After best regards, when can we discuss the subject of the specialist, I have a lot to discuss