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EA Forums Online Security Newsletter - August

EA_Kuba's avatar
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7 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of our cybersecurity newsletter, tailored especially for us - gamers!

This month again we’ve got a double edition for you. Our newsletter is available on both AHQ and the EA forums! You can find the link to the newsletter on Answers HQ here

Last month, we talked about the importance of communication, particularly how our emotional reactions in games can sometimes lead to negative outcomes and how to handle such  situations.

We also covered tips on protecting your privacy and reporting inappropriate content in-game. Make sure to catch up on the previous issue with these links:

Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - July - Answer HQ
EA Forums Online Security Newsletter - July | EA Forums

Now, before we jump into this edition, I want to address a question that came up in one of our newsletter forms (I read these regularly and value your feedback!).

Do I need a high rank on the forum to participate in the newsletter? 

Absolutely not! Our newsletter is for everyone, whether you're a silent reader (I know that there are many of you 😉), just posted your first comment yesterday, or are a seasoned forum veteran. Everyone is welcome here! If you have something to share, or a story to tell, don’t hesitate!  
At the end of this newsletter, you’ll also find a form where you can ask any online security questions that are on your mind. We’ll answer these in future editions. 

For participating in the newsletter—whether it’s posting a comment, solving a quiz, or completing an extra challenge—you’ll receive a participation token, which is a unique badge on the  forum.

This month, we’re focusing on how to secure your home network.

Without further ado, let’s get into it! 

Securing home network

Change your router’s default password and username
Your internet provider probably gave you a device to get online. Usually, these devices have a default network password and admin  login printed on the back. It’s a good idea to change this password to something more secure and, if possible, change the default username from “admin” to something less obvious.

Enable network encryption
At the very least, use WPA2 encryption, and if your router supports WPA3, definitely enable that.

Disable WPS
WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It’s a feature that makes it easy to connect devices to your network quickly. While handy, it doesn’t need to be on all the time. Turn it  on only when absolutely necessary.

Disable remote management
Sometimes, you might need to enable this feature if you’re having trouble with your device. However, for security reasons, it’s best to keep it disabled unless needed.

Update firmware
Although firmware updates are usually automatic, it's a good practice to manually check for updates regularly. Keeping your device's firmware updated enhances its security against vulnerabilities.

Enable firewall on your router
Ensure the firewall service is enabled on your router. This measure significantly reduces the risk of security threats to your device.

SANS Ouch! Newsletter - Creating a Cybersecure Home
NSA | Best Practices for Securing Your Home Network

I would also want you to invite to read an interview with Elise Murphy, Head of Game Security, and AC Ward, Director of Anti-Cheat Engineering. 
The interview highlights the efforts to develop and expand EA Anti-Cheat, and discussed its ongoing development, emphasizing their mission to protect players by leveraging the latest advancements in anti-cheat technology.
Have a read, by clicking the link below:
EA anticheat is leveling the playing field

Do I need a high rank on the forum to participate in the newsletter?
Absolutely not! Our newsletter is for everyone, whether you're a silent reader (I know that there are many of you 😉), just posted your first comment yesterday, or are a seasoned forum veteran. Everyone is welcome here! If you have something to share, or a story to tell, don’t hesitate! 

Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter Feedback form (including Community Spotlight, and Q&A submissi...
Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - Challenge Creation Interest form

Answers HQ Online Security Newsletter - August Quiz
If you wish to test yourself in this months extra challenge, head over to Answers HQ thread! 😊

Updated 7 months ago
Version 2.0
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