Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16 gb
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Gemlin22
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Opening apex packs
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Opening apex packs
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 4,698
When did this happen? ( hh:mm)
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue?
What happens when the bug occurs? After opening what I thought to be over 500 apex packs without getting an heirloom previously I did not get an heirloom.
What should be happening instead? I should get heirloom shards.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Check my account if possible?
Someone please help me as I'm at a loss. As far as I can tell I should be over 500 apex packs but I haven't gotten heirloom shards, I have never gotten an heirloom before and didn't get the heirloom from the event so the number hasn't reset. I'm level 472, so that should be 192. I got to 110 on season 4-7, only 20 on season 3, and am currently 32 on season 8, so that should be 70. I didn't buy season 2 and only got to level 19 so that's 4. I maxed out every quest, so that should be 27. I bought 152 during a sale over the summer and during this event bought 70. 192+74+27+152+70=515 Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated.