Update: This issue should now be resolved. If you're still having issues with Lifeline's rework, you can reply to this thread or create another thread about any issues you're having with Lifeline.
"Fixing some issues with Lifeline's new tactical, including it not being correctly assigned to teammates" - Respawn via X/Twitter
When using tactical ability, UI bugs out, because of which player is unable to assign drone to a teammate after it has been deployed (recalling still works as intended).
@Ea Plz fix this bug I couldn’t play lifeline properly in ranked and her tactical whould work when you’re in firing range but not when you’re in a real game that’s how it was for me so I want to actually play her. not worrying about the problems that she had with her tactical.
@Dolotten I'm having the same issue with Lifeline's tactical. I also find it to be a bit confusing, because in the Firing Range, you would see a HUD in the bottom left that says how to assign doc, recall doc, and how much time you have left with doc. In ranked and Bot Royal, this HUD is missing and you would only see a blue healing plus icon that also shows a timer of how long you have doc if Lifeline had assigned doc to you, (meaning you're playing as another legend). This also has an issue where my Lifeline randoms either don't assign doc to anyone, or they gave the other random doc, and I still got the blue healing plus icon.
Product: Apex Legends Platform:PC Please specify your platform model.PC AMD or Nvidia Model NumberGTX 1050 3GB Enter RAM memory size in GB12GB What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name?zKiller0106 Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. Are you using any software with an overlay?No Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?Lifeline Revived (Rework) Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? Where did the issue occur?In a match Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu.Anywhere What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game.Using the new Lifeline Revived (Rework) tactical drone Did your squad mates also experience the issue?Yes How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred?0 When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm)After the S23 update How often does the bug occur?Every time (100%) How severe is your issue?Major impacts to gameplay What happens when the bug occurs?When using the new Lifeline Revived (Rework) tactical drone the UI that shows how much time is left and tells you what buttons can be used to assign or call the drone is not showing. What should be happening instead?The UI that shows how much time is left and tells you what buttons can be used to assign or call the drone should be showing normally. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?1. Load into Firing Range and pick a different legend then change the legend back to Lifeline Revived (Rework) or you can just load into Bot Royale. 2. Use her tactical ability. 3. You will notice that the UI that shows how much time is left and tells you what buttons can be used to assign or call the drone is not showing.
This is how the UI should look like:
You can only see this UI if you go to the Firing Range as Lifeline being your featured legend from the start. If you changed legends mid match it will not show. Now I know that I can call it to heal myself by pressing "H". But it seems that I can't re-assign it to a different teammate when pressing "Q" while looking to their model in game.
This UI never showed in my BR matches or the streamers I follow.
Here is a clear clip from Rogue showcasing that the UI is never showing during a ranked BR game:
When deploying Lifeline's drone, DON'T climb anything shortly afterwards. I had the issue where doc disappeared completely and I was unable to use the tactical again for the rest of the match. For the most part, the doc should be nearby, as this seems like a rare bug, but still worth mentioning!
In other words: Wait for doc to be fully deployed before climbing.
@Midnight9746Yes I have tried everything every Match after I land, I would Try it crouching not climbing even it seems not to work, but sometimes it’ll work once or twice per match, but It’s really rare and it happens to me almost every single match I play