7 years ago
Movement speed on revive
Product: Apex Legends Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number AMD RX 580 Enter RAM memory size in GB 32 What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? NawwDi...
We'll make sure the team hears about this. Thanks for the report!
Same thing happened to me as well. Super frustrating. I recorded it and just watched the video back. I was downed as Bangalore and was using a lvl1 knockdown shield which broke from enemy fire. My teammate was able to pick me up, but I was stuck moving at the downed speed while holding your shield. I was next to a rock while downed and when my teammate started the revive animation the game slid us a half a meter away from the rocks. I was downed twice more in the game and being picked up again didn't correct the problem. I spammed every button on my keyboard nothing helped. I could do everything normally except move at anything more than a crawl and also anything that requires momentum. Thank you. Account name wrmlps.