7 years ago
Movement speed on revive
Product: Apex Legends Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number AMD RX 580 Enter RAM memory size in GB 32 What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? NawwDi...
I was recently playing and encountered a very sever bug that prevented me from moving entirely, I do not know what the exact circumstances were that cause it but I do know it seemed to be linked to me getting downed. I was downed, my teammate killed the enemies, but when I was healed, i could only move at the pace that someone who is downed could move at, the game never reset my movement speed after being picked up, creating the problem. I played out as much of the game as I could and the problem never resolved itself. I don't know the exact cause, just that it is linked to getting downed, and I do not know how common of a bug it is, but it is definitely game breaking because the game is built around mobility (sliding, ziplines, redeploy balloons) .