@EA_Aljo I sorry but that’s not ok I’ve been nicer than I should be because we all are devoted players to this game and and it seems that no one cares we cant play the game that we’ve invested thousands of dollars into and you don’t have a update, HOW, like do we not matter to you. I’ve been playing this game since season 0 and I’ve never really complained of the lack of content, the overpriced cosmetics, and the bugs that affect the game. But the one time I complain about a bug I’m ignored. And it’s depressing listening to my friends enjoying season 8 having a blast while I’m reading that no one even knows about this glitch. This hasn’t been happening since the start of season 8, this has been happening for almost a month now and I reported it the week it started and community manager David responded that it has been put into investigation(2 weeks before the release of season 8 mind you) and I heard nothing of it any where. I checked all media and all dev trackers and nothing pops up. And then season 8 was released and I still couldn’t play. Now I’m behind on battle pass and the treasure packs and then I see more and more people having the same problem as I am and still nothing is done about it and you gonna tell me that Respawn is releasing a $150 collection event to take our money without fixing a game breaking glitch that doesn’t let certain people play. It’s really sad supported this game and it seems that all they do is stab me in the back and take my money.