Same here, I have the same issue. I was playing with my firends and they do not have the same problem tho. I am also suffering from rookie to now, just Gold I. I was suffering for quite a long time when getting very little and even no elimination bonus (no bonus at all is most of the case). I was first wondering if it is just becuase my enimies having too low rank or MMR. But when I saw the enimies team and my teamates. They are plat, and sometimes with Masters trails from the last season (teamates are just sometimes, sometimes they are also at my rank like gold and silver). Even I am acting as a kill leader in the lobby, I still gain an unbelievable low amount of LP which cause my progression really slow. Just take some examples of todays' play. I was playing with my Silver II friends, they always get more LP then me even tho I am the kill leader and done the most amount of damage. They are getting like 5xx and I am just 2xx or at most 3xx (head), which is literally so unfair to what the effort to kill and to train my aiming and positioning. I thought that it was just because they are at a lower rank. But until now, I was getting from Gold II mid to Gold I end. But my Silver II head friends are already reaching Gold IV end, while I am still mostly having the most amount of kills and damage. I can still kind of endure the fact that I 1v3 or 1v2 (2 full red armors and I am full blue armor) and I don't get any skill points. But man, having 2 kills and 1 assist but no bonus point? Having 3 kills and 3 assist only 16 elimination points (whole bonus point)? My friends at Gold IV have 8x bonus points (not only elimintatiion point, elimintaion point is 5x). How does that even possible!? They are like 1-2 kills and 2-3 assists only. But they have a huge gap between out points. My rank progression is litterally half of them. My rank is broze IV while they are at rookie II and III. And they now catch up to me even though I play more than them (without dropping too much LPs). I am just suffering to rank up, why am I even facing lobbies that are plat lobbies since I am at Silver III and still get low bonus point even being the kill leader with at least 5 kills.