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Midnight9746's avatar
8 months ago

Quads Party Issues

Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number N/A
Enter RAM memory size in GB N/A
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Midnight9746
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. I don't wish to name them
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Alter
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? Horizon, Revenant, and Conduit
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Friends tab
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Joining a friend's match
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? I don't know
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 3
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 28/6/2024 ~1pm
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
How severe is your issue? Minor impact to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? Cannot join my friend and the party overall bugs out, an error I got when trying to directly join my friend off the friends tab was "persistence transfer canceled". When the bug started to occure, it showed everyone was in the lobby, but one friend wasn't fully loaded in. Trying to join that friend caused the error message.
What should be happening instead? Quad parties work and not bug out
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Form a quad party and play matches, either requeing or going back to the lobby to reque.

15 Replies

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  • Its been happening to me too. I'm quite frustrated as it affects me when I am playing ranked. Do get them to patch it quickly.

  • 7/13/2024 doing the same thing to me when I party up with a few friends. I swear this game has gotten worse and worse since EA has gotten their * stained hands on it. 

  • 製品: Apex Legends
    プラットフォーム: PS5
    問題はどこで発生しましたか? ロビー(試合前の待機エリア)
    分隊の仲間もこの現象に遭遇しましたか? わかりません
    問題が発生する前に何試合連続でプレイしていましたか?  わからない
    いつ発生しましたか?  最近しょっちゅうなる
    バグはどのくらいの頻度で発生しますか? ちょくちょく出る
    問題の深刻度はどのくらいですか? ゲームプレイへの影響はわずか
    バグが発生するとどうなりますか? 友達に参加できず、パーティー全体がバグアウトします。友達タブから直接友達に参加しようとしたときに、「永続的な転送がキャンセルされました」というエラーが発生しました。バグが発生し始めたとき、全員がロビーにいると表示されましたが、1人の友達が完全にロードされていませんでした。その友達に参加しようとすると、エラーメッセージが表示されました。
    代わりに何が起こるべきですか? 4人パーティーは機能し、バグアウトしません
    手順: どうすれば自分でバグを見つけることができますか? 4人パーティーを形成し、再キューするか、ロビーに戻って再キューして、試合をプレイします。


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