Product: Apex Legends
Platform:PlayStation 5
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 5 Digital Edition
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Tinker_Bell1024
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. D1nkleberg_95
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Loba
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? Ash
Where did the issue occur? Loading into the match from the lobby
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Lobby, trying to load in Ranked Rumble
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Paid to re-enter ranked rumble
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 10/10 before paying to re-enter
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 2-Aug-24 - 3-Aug24 between 10:30pm-2:30am CT
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? Cannot advance in ranked/tier
What should be happening instead? I would’ve been able to try and get to tier 2 again, but I was trying for tier 1
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1) Play 10 matches of Ranked Rumble 2) try and re-enter -click apex rumble (next to public matched) - click ranked rumble 3) click re-enter under ‘Qualifications’ 4) go back to lobby 5) it will show ‘RUMBLE: 10/10’ even though you re-entered and also clear your previous game play from history
I got to Tier 2 the first day of playing Ranked Rumble and was going to try for Tier 1. I paid my Legend Tokens to continue, but when I went to play it’s saying I already completed my 10 matches. It’s not showing my previous progress before I re-entered, and I’m back down to Tier 5, so it did part of what it was supposed to do, but now I can’t progress