Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number 10de 1e93 09cf 1028
Enter RAM memory size in GB 32
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? brenenbeats
Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. Cuogy01
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? Loba
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? Lifeline
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don't remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Main menu
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. The game loaded and said something about that it couldn’t sync, then joined my friend for ranked, but now it shows my rank is bronze on my icon by my player name, but says I am in gold on the ranked menu
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 0
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 08.04.2024.22:00
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? Can’t play ranked with friend anymore
What should be happening instead? Should be playing ranked with him as he in in platinum and im in gold (but it shows bronze)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Not sure
Clicked on the game icon, said something about sync and I clicked okay, then joined firmed and it shows up next to my name with no rank, but says I’m in gold on the ranked tab