Forum Discussion
EA Please for the love of God fix this simple issue!! The last update broke this games chat! When I am in the lobby it shows my mic icon next to my name but nothing happens when I talk. When I go into an xbox live party it still shows my mic there. No one can hear me when. I talk in game but I can hear them. My mic works just fine so does my controller and xbox. It's only apex legends in game chat. When I am in an xbox live party I can hear my teammates talking in game chat its so wierd. Ea please release an update already this has been going on for months now. Playing ranked or a game like this in general is damn near impossible without communication!
- cofmann3 years ago
We are aware of the issue and the team are investigating it. @fr0stb11te
No date yet to share when it will be fixed.
/Atic- 3 years ago@EA_Atic Been over a month and still no fix. I guess Saviors was more important than the fanbase huh?
- cofmann3 years ago
- 3 years ago@EA_Atic it has been over 35 days since game chat has not worked on next gen xbox..
this is inexcusable, do you guys not care about our community or millions of people? if this was a problem on the PC or Play-Station you would have handled this immediately ...
we single handily missed the second split without game chat. it really makes no sense, now a brand new season and 35 days later game chat is still not working..
horrible communication and efforts
- 3 years ago
@fr0stb11te An entire season update out today and EA still hasn't addressed this issue. My mind is blown!
- 3 years ago
I know I was SHOCKED that they didn't fix it. This is ridiculous and shouldn't be happening!
- 3 years ago@FULLYAUTTOMATTIC 35 days without game chat
a whole split without game chat, millions of us affected yet no communicaton no patch notes no efforts zero communication
absolutely horrible - 3 years ago@FULLYAUTTOMATTIC Apex seems to not care about xbox gamers
- 3 years ago
I will continue to utilize the 10 minutes of my day to blow up these chat rooms until a fix is in place. I am sick of logging in and checking it. Just looking for some communication mainly. Can the team give us a response?
- 3 years ago
I have been waiting for this fix as well I quite playing this game since the chat stopped working. Went back to pubg an old game but still works fine also forgot how fun it really was. I became an apex fan about 4-5 seasons ago and played almost every day now I just hope on maybe once a week to see if the chat works. So frustrating…
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