3 years ago
после обновления не запускается APEX
после сегодняшнего обновления Apex legends перестала запускаться, переустановил игру, проверил кэш, удалил все параметры запуска, ничего не помогает игра просто тупо не запускается, в диспетчере зада...
- 3 years ago
I tried every other solution (downloading Valorant, drivers thing..) but nothing had worked except this one
1.download autoruns at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns
2.under "drivers" tab, find all that are red colored (says Not verified)
3.right click menu "jump to image"
4.move that specific file to desktop (or anywhere else) ps: you can try to start the game after every file you moved out of the folder, you don't have to move them all at once. its safer for you system stability
5.you are good to go!!!
Thanks to 91KevinShi (steam)
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1172470/discussions/0/3459345750031717666/Мне помогло, найдено на английском форуме с аналогичной проблемой