feasibility of having more players in the same social group?
Hello, I wanted to know if the idea that in the social group, we can group more players than just 4 is feasible? We are a group of approximately 16 people. This with the intention that me and my friends can enter the same map.
Since currently we must enter only 4 and then within the game one must leave the social group and generate a new one and invite the others,
to enter the same map. As an idea, it could be grouped in a group of 8 to 12 players and when everyone enters the map,
the server separates them into two or three squads respectively.
Hola @sepu35chileno
Ten en cuenta que estás escribiendo en los tablones de Battlefield en Español, por lo que te pediría que, por favor, te ciñas al idioma del tablón.
Por otra parte, no tenemos más información de, si por ahora, los grupos van a ser ampliados en un futuro.
Un Saludo