I can't launch the game
i can't start the game
Yesterday I bought the game because it was on sale on Steam but when I downloaded it I got a window from EA with this message "Something went wrong...
To continue linking your EA Account, please go back and start over."
I noticed that the "EA app" was also downloaded so I logged in, there I only had the game "Apex Legends" that I ever downloaded.
I tried to launch the game again while connected to that app, but the same message appears.
I have read somewhere that the origin app is needed, I had a hard time finding it but here I found a link "https://answers.ea.com/t5/Origin-Client-Web-Technical/Downloading-and-installing -Origin- Windows -and-Mac/m-p/11915666/thread-id/134033".
In that app, I logged back in and nothing happens on startup.
I also read that if you set these apps to have their download folder the same as Steam's, it should show up in the library. but it didn't work either.
In the source app you can add "non-original" games to the library and I added Battlefield 1 but it tells me to activate it with a code.
I can't find a way to link any account with Steam.
What can I do to play this game?
Gracias @VerkoNWKZ. De lo que nos comentas es probable que ya tengas vinculada una cuenta de EA con tu cuenta de Steam. Eso explicaría por qué no reconoce el cambio de contraseña ni el juego de Steam en la app.
Sin embargo, lo mejor en este caso es que contactes con Soporte para que puedan revisar tu cuenta y ver si ese es el problema. Puedes comunicarte a través del chat online en EA Help.