Forum Discussion
139 Replies
- @XIII_HH Have you updated firmware? Lots of issues on Thrustmaster now tho.
@Wollcott wrote:And in terms of playerbase about 25-30% use steering wheels.
There you go! 25-30%. A.k.a quite far from the majority of players. Besides, I have a wheel and it works fine. So take a few more percentages of that 25-30, because I’m not the only one. Just sayin…
F1 2023 player here for Playstation... Wheel DD Podium F1 for Playstation.
In all races, as I play 50% races, after some laps or after pitting or after/during SC, My podium F1 for PS is losing all track/curbs feedback, as the game looks all clean, without track/curbs sensation from my wheel.
Please help us and try to solve it... Its a really bad and catastrophic thing for players like me, that compete in championships, to loose these type of information from the base/wheell during a race.
Count on you guys to help us out with this problem.
Idk if I can post links but according to what is said on their support website, I'm running the latest versions available of both driver and firmware. No issues anywhere else, only F1 23. Thrustmaster support has been contacted as well.
- @Wollcott it isnt a software update, codemasters completly * thrustmasters wheels ffb with the new update, it doesnt work on ANY thrustmaster wheel in the world
- @Shikitera Same here latest patch stopped my T300 Alcantara force feedback from working. Force feedback didn't work in Ranked Qualifying lap but worked in the race. I checked my wheel in other games and no problems so it's a Codemasters bug. Can't play f1 2023 now hope they fix it , good luck to you.
We have couple hundred people on our server. 70% use a wheel. Of all wheel users about 50% have serious issues.
- @wildwestcowboy Seriously why do you keep going?
Funny how you didn't respond to ranked still being playable ay.
You're the one that came on here first and declared what EA should make a priority purely based on what you want.
To back that up you're pulling player numbers/percentages out of your arse and treating them as fact.
I never said wheel users are the majority but if you want to play that game you're acting as if ranked players are so go figure, it works both ways.
Ranked isn't broken, its just bugged and full of griefing the same as all driving games online, if you think that's more important than wheels not working in a DRIVING GAME then you're disregarding logic purely for selfish gain.
Just stop, i'm not replying to you again. @WollcottDon't bother mate the guy has blinders on, only his issues matter.
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