Here is the current specification for the UDP telemetry output system for F1 23.
To report any bugs with the UDP system, please add a new topic into the bug reporting section of this forum and ou...
Great updates. Havent tested any of it yet, but very happy with all the new data. Last few months I've been working on a app, especially aimed at racing leagues. The idea was to have some sort of driver rating per race. At the end of the race a card is generated for each driver based on laptimes, throttle & breakinputs and overall race result. A 50% race would generate a database file of 2 MB. That's it.
However, there are some issues that I've run in to I've had to hack myself. For example:
Safety cars. We have a new SC counter right now in the session packet, but I'd think it be a better approach to do in the SessionHistory packet. For ex.
isSafetyCar = 0, isVirtualSafetyCar = 1.
And once it's 1, it can never return to 0. So if the VSC ends, it should remain in the data to show a lap was not clean due to race control. Right now I check the session packet for safetycarstatus and update the lapdata accordingly. Because one driver could still be in Lap 2, and the other in Lap 3. I use clean laps to calculate avg laptimes.