@ScarDuck14 Ah yes the old auto gears and TC issue. Yes ur totally right, that's been an issue since game 1. When I tried to transition from assists to no assists I stupidly turned off the tc but left auto gears on and found it impossible. You NEED that ability to control the gearbox to take that variable out of the equation.
In that case then yes if tc on and auto gears is still harder to control wheel spin than manual gears that's a problem that still needs addressing.
Until it is fixed though I'd say anyone having wheel spin issues should 100% start learning manual gears. Even with tc left on it'll help soooo much. Problem we have though is if they make it so auto gears and tc allows easier application of throttle than full manual control will ppl start abusing it to go faster? Do we want assists to be faster than no assists? Tricky question. Personally I think they should adjust the TC so even with auto gears you get more traction than no tc, but the power drop of the TC working needs to be much greater so overall it's still slower.
I tried TC and ABS on the last game when it started raining coz I found the AI got stupidly quick relatively speaking when the track was wet vs dry on same difficulty and thought maybe using some assists would balance the issue out. But actually found I went waaay slower even though I wasn't locking up or having any wheel spin.