I do think Alex Gillon was showing it at the extreme, what baffles me though is that this is on the default settings which to a fan of the sport would appear very janky and would feel weird so I probably see his point a bit more, I'm not the quickest, but this isn't good. There are more issues than the way the car moves on turning though, the fact most kerbs are non-existent in terms of upsetting the car is worrying because now players will inevitably abuse that to be so much faster in TT.
Also to the devs, I know it's a yearly release and there's so much pressure to get it done, but it seems like the introduction of the dynamic kinematics system probably wasn't how it was meant to be received when put into practice is looking very much universally panned by all content creators. To the handling team, you can sit there with blindfolds and earplugs in all you want and say "deal with it", but the amount of universal panning I've read by the content creators who beta tested the game, that will reach the audience you want and should definitely have you concerned about overall opinion, but it doesn't seem that way and the publisher is like "let's promote it like nothing's wrong" instead. This needs to change, whether through tweaks to the system in patches or something for future titles, but you can't blindly go one direction and completely alienate the hardcore base too much.
I'm trying to be polite about it since you seem to dislike the rudeness which I do get and don't condone that behaviour in any way, however for me not to say anything wrong about the game won't be very productive especially after watching Alex's video.
I am fascinated by the physics of the car and want it to go the way you want it to, but a snappy front end and then the wash of understeer reported makes me wonder why the end wants to grip and just lose all front end going through the corner making the player lift off to grip it again, by then too late the AI without many issues will close up to the player and pass them then take off down the road, if this is how it's gonna be, I'm not sure how I'm gonna like it come 28th May. I also don't understand why you can't make the AI a little more dynamic with wet weather driving, I'm hoping that I can compete with them at least in the wet, I dunno, maybe I'm asking for too much. What I don't want is to dread a wet session because then the AI are climbing on top of me with their seamless driving as if they have zero traction problems. One thing I'm also concerned about is the useless Wet compound tyre vs the Inter according to Alex in his play test. Have the team basically given up on the Wet tyre because it's so rarely used irl due to how the FIA reacts to heavy rain nowadays? That surely had to have been flagged somewhere in the dev team, that couldn't have slipped through the cracks, sorry. How has the Inter become as fast in heavy rain as the Wet? There's no point pitting for Wets if the Inter is fine in those conditions.