Forum Discussion
Just wondering, is there any chance of bringing this to PC? I've played NBA2kyearhere and tired of their *. I asked last year if Madden would return to PC. You all did it. I kept my word, too. I bought the game, since you brought it to PC. Can we do the same for this one? Really don't like console gaming. Nothing against it or those that do enjoy it. Just, personally, I prefer to play on a PC. Thanks for any reply. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum. Just wasn't sure where to put it.
- TTZ_Dipsy7 years agoHero+
Fifa and Madden sell better than NBA so it's only natural they would invest the money and effort into a PC release. Same as I tell people wanting NHL on PC, these sports are slightly less popular than others and PC sports gaming is already niche as it is - making a PC port for them isn't worth the trouble unfortunately.
- 7 years ago
All good. Just putting in my EA Christmas wishlist. 😎 Fully understand if not enough people are interested that it won’t happen. Was rather hoping some may see this and support the idea, showing EA that the interest was there.
Anyways, thanks for the response! Happy gaming to you, my fellow gamer! Guess I will just stick with WoW and Madden 19. Until something else catches my interest.
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