Dear EA:
I love video games, but not just any game, they have to be great. I thrive on being part of the story by involving myself within it. My most favorite games to play are The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Witcher 3, any Batman from the Rocksteady series, and NBA Live. I have been a life long fan since it came out for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis I believe it was NBA Live 95 if I am not mistaken. NBA Live 18 is by far the best basketball game I have ever played and that includes 2k. Just the idea of the one is absolutely amazing. It allows me to involve myself into that story that I have to create from the streets to the league.
I play 4 games a day, 2 in the morning and 2 at night. The Wing Defender is my favorite to use, I am at a level 60 where the level seems to max out, because I recently hit level 34 on both streets and league and the 60 has not budged. This is my second player I have gotten to that level, So as you can see I have really dedicated a lot of hours into this game. But I have run into a problem that could possibly stop me from playing the game. A couple of weeks ago I hit level 60 with my new wing defender and my trait progress just stopped working, I noticed because when I hit level 60 my passing trait never turned gold and I all ready have hit about 500 assist and believe for that trait to upgrade to the next rank (which would have been rank 3) I only needed 125. More importantly none of my other traits have progressed since, but what I did notice for example with my Open Two:
- still on bronze and should be on silver
- every single check box from Rank 1 to 3 is checked
- trait is still calculating before game but with wrong calculations, (Rank 2 Make 45 Open Shots 4/25) (Rank 3 Make 60 Open Shots with Good Timing 0/25) says 60 but only calculates to 25.
- Shows no calculations after game, but shows trait as gold or Rank 3.
Can you please fix this issue as soon as possible or contact me and tell me what I can do to fix the problem without deleting all my progress. I would really appreciate it.