Useful suggestions after completing first season of the 1, playing multiple quick games and some LUT.
1. blocks need to be toned down. seems like on the higher difficulty anyone can throw it back regardless of size or skill.
2. as far as i can tell there is only one animation for a reach in foul (ball handler is at the 3pt line bringing ball you reach in and they call foul). should add another few as this gets old quick
3. commentary gets repetitive fast, especially in the one.
4. need to tune some of AI cheapness down. what i mean is my own players stepping in front of me when i try to help on D. or CPU making crazy saves at the 1 inch line of the sidelines. CPU not facing ball but throws hands up at exact time to deflect pass or makes crazy lunge for it
5. layups in traffic should be tuned down a bit in the one as well. i know my guy has a high rating but he is making crazy floaters with people all over the paint. if it is considered a bad shot there should be higher chance it misses.
6. point deductions in the one need to be looked at. sometimes i get -3 for missing a basket even if it isnt considered bad shot. 3 second violation is massive decrease as well. when you start a post anchor player, your ratings are not great and i tend to get this several times a game before i can be more effective.