@sidharth0706 Its a good thing to know you connected your account to Facebook.
It helps you save and transfer your progress to any device you play on.
I'm deeply regretful to say this but assistance might not be available till the end of today's NBALM session.
I request you to do the basic trouble shooting of reinstalling the game and logging in and logging out. I know you've done it, but it just so happens it clicks after a number of times.
Today's ads might be a miss for you, but these basic steps might give you a chance. So reinstall the game once, and after that log in and out, remember to wait about 4 to 5 minutes after every log in to see if ads are accessible. It might also so happen that in one login you might see 'watch ads for stamina' on home screen that means your ads have become available.
So if you're free and really want those 1500 points, monthly master token, live pass point etc, do try reinstalling, and then logging in and out a lot of times. There's nothing more that I can advice as of now.