@EA_Aljo wrote:
Creation Zone Update in World of CHEL:
Community Feedback: The multiple presets within CZ is very confusing to users, many of which don’t even realize they have to customize Home and Away separately for Skater Casual and Pro as well as Goalie Causal and Pro
Consolidated the Home/Away/Alternate outfit Presets to a single button instead of a subscreen to make the switch between each simpler to understand.
Edits from Character Appearance (inclusive of applying a special character), Details, Shot Style, and Skating Style will be copied between Home/Away/Alternate outfit presets, so the user doesn’t have to manually maintain these changes for consistency between them. We did leave everything else to be manually edited so a user could decide they may want a completely different clothing and equipment style between Home/Away for example.
Has anyone else still had issues with this? For the most part everything is working as expected. However for the Alternate load out my helmet/visor option will never show up in the game. It always reverts to the the home/away setup.