@Destroyer95 wrote:
@KidShowtime1867 wrote:
@Destroyer95 wrote:
@KidShowtime1867 wrote:its a massive fundamental change to the mechanic and I’m not surprised there is a vocal minority opposed to these changes. Many people just want to hit a button and be successful with no mind to the responsibilities in positio, speed, angle, etc
At the same time though, people seem generally okay with them making such a large change to the ability of the CPU goalies that further allow people to score with little skill necessary by using the assistance of numerous offensive perks and just flicking up on the stick from anywhere in the zone. I know it was mentioned above that they are still possibly looking into tweaking the goalies further, but it's a bit of a double standard to advocate for hitting assistance to be removed, then at the same time be just fine with all the different types of shooting assistance the game provides to lower the skill gap for scoring goals.
Can you point out where I said I was “fine with all the different types of shooting assistance”?
I surely don't see you advocating against it in the same vein as you are accusing someone of abusing the magnetic aspect of the hitting assistance. You're talking about bestowing responsibility on people that just want to lay big hits, and how that assistance was being abused, but conveniently aren't mentioning how the offensive perks also provide the same amount of assistance with shots. If that type of assistance is such a huge deal, then why stop at hitting? I actually thought EA did a decent job at eliminating most of the cheese goals this year that were present last year and beyond...until this recent update.
Because I’m trying to keep on topic. I’ll gladly discuss the offensive side of things and where I stand on perks, X factors, etc in a topic/thread that warrants it.
For years I have wanted a more streamlined shooting mechanic, akin to the swing control in major golf games these days.
an emphasis on technique with the right stick allowing the user full control over accuracy, timing, release, etc would mean people could master it and there’d be a true skill gap on offence.
now, EA needs to input assistance and accuracy buffs in some way for player differentiation in offline modes, HUT, OVP etc. So even with a robust “swing”-like mechanic, certain players will make it easier to execute.
but in a mode like woc, removing all assistances in this hypothetical swing-mechanic and forcing users to skillfully master the shooting technique would instantly introduce a new meta and skill gap.