@EA_Aljo wrote:
@Destroyer95 wrote:
I surely don't see you advocating against it in the same vein as you are accusing someone of abusing the magnetic aspect of the hitting assistance. You're talking about bestowing responsibility on people that just want to lay big hits, and how that assistance was being abused, but conveniently aren't mentioning how the offensive perks also provide the same amount of assistance with shots. If that type of assistance is such a huge deal, then why stop at hitting? I actually thought EA did a decent job at eliminating most of the cheese goals this year that were present last year and beyond...until this recent update.
In the past, we had pre-made builds where everyone had the same amount of assistance, but people didn't like that and wanted to be able to adjust their attributes as desired. Which, just results in everyone favoring speed over everything else. I would love to see a return to this along with a perk/XF system of unlocks. Again, this is why I say that the claims of wanting a sim hockey game aren't really true since when given that opportunity, people go with the meta or a build that supports the 'win at all costs' mentality instead of creating a more realistic build.
So far I'm not seeing an influx of cheese goals since the patch. Obviously, goalies changed and can be more prone to not saving shots they did previously. Especially larger goalies. However, I've not been made aware, yet, of anything that's pure cheese. Like fast wraps of the past, for example. What cheese are you seeing since the latest update?
The past couple of days I've seen people taking shots from angles, either in the circles or closer to the wall, that go in far side. It seems that more often than not, the goalie isn't reacting to those for some reason, even with no screen. Call them cheese or whatever you want, but either way, those should be saved most of the time.
@KidShowtime1867 Fair enough!