The game was in a pretty good place before with patch 1.03 .
The fact is that Ea went to far tonning down the hitting power ,the dynamic of the game completly change .the battle in front in the net or in the corner is not the same anymore.
The worst for me is the overall speed of the game slow down so much ..
When you mess with those 2 ...well the game became more like 23 ..and it s not a good thing..
I played this morning,
No worry i found that if you play offline ,instead of putting ..latest in the slider setting ,
I just went with the empty space instead.
The skating and agility is way better ,with the latest tuner ,player have that weird straight leg skating style..lol
As for the checking part, i change the slider a lot ,And im getting pretty close to real life animation and power.
For the own goal complaint ,it s the agressiveness if you crank it to much ,you re d-man back up in you re goalie and the cpu rush the goal a lot more ..so more own goal.