@EA_Aljo Okay, first thing is first. Thank you for working on the Goalies. Much needed help. Second.. with all those improvements.. why why why oh why when I play BAP goalie and start the game. I still have to pause the game and undo the Tether and the hug post settings to manual. Every single game I have to do this and I have to ask why? It’s February, almost march, the game was released in Sept and I still have to do that..
And before you ask. Xbox player, I always use the “latest” version and I cant select anything else because the rest of the options are not even displayedrtf. Also, before you ask. On the main screen when you launch the game, under control settings, Manual tether is selected. But once you select BAP and resume your career as a BAP goalie, there is no option for controller settings under settings when you are in the BAP main screen (Locker scene) and since the controller settings from the main screen doesn’t carry over to the BAP file, every time I begin a game, I have to hit pause, and select manual tethering. SO annoying. I thought this was fixed.