Forum Discussion

CatNTheFat's avatar
2 hours ago

Camera Feedback

For the last 3 years/games it seems after a dead puck, prior to face off, you constantly cut to some corner of the arena of the crowd.  There’s always ALWAYS this same camera cut.  I don’t know how to explain it better, but to solve it it…there’s an entire arena to shoot.  An ENTIRE arena to shoot here.

Nothing gives me more, this is the same game as last year, they don’t care, whatever vibes than you cutting in from that same shot year after year after year.  Ugh.  You advertise replays and such this year as this great thing, just stop cutting from that camera angle for the rest of this titles existence.  Shoot all the awesome work you did with the crowd.  Show the ice with nobody on it, the guy drinking water from the bench.  The freaking mascot.

STOP shooting the same stupid intro/scene from that top corner of lower level, slide to the lower right of the crowd, view camera after dead puck.  oMG 3 year now, maybe longer dunno.  That’s it from me.  Perfect hockey game.

Find someway to randomize camera views after a dead puck to face off.  That’s it.  10/10 from me.  Sheesh.  Whole arena and tons of work and amazing things to shoot and it’s always that stupid camera shot.  You have to know what I’m talking about too.



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