Forum Discussion

kKOV27's avatar
New Hotshot
3 days ago

(eashl) need a competitive mode for clean the not serious clubs (clips)

(This was in 1 game) We are a teams of elites players and we are stuck with that.... way to often... hope to see a competitive mode for the nhl 26... these games for us is such a waste of times... and waste of times for them too.. and for fix this issue, the competitive mode have to be 25k+rp to be egigible to play in. we need a competitive mode for the next nhl, i'm really tired of not serious club..the owner of the  club have to be 25k rp to play...


  • I was on vacation for the Christmas holidays and I thought I could have good games in a div 1 club.  And for 1 competitive game,  7 games was 0 competitive... playing against 16-20k rp and being div 1 30krp is pretty boring... need a solution for the next nhl...

  • It's 4 -0 on 6 shots lol. Your team doesn't even have to try! You skate faster. What's the point. It isn't because you are "elite", it is because he isn't allowed to play. 

    • kKOV27's avatar
      New Hotshot

      Bad_Intent111  You do not understand the point of the topic… and its fine…here its a case of a trolling team not even try to play and wasting time in a div 1 game(and they were div 8-9)… and me when i play club i am trying to find competition..where is the competition on those clip?!…. 


  • Modulater83's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    A "competitive mode" isn't really required.  All you are really asking for is for matchmaking to only create games where both teams are close in rank (as it should be).  Currently that is not the system and Aljo has alluded to that being because the wait times would increase even more if they walled off by rank.  I agree on the frustration factor as while I haven't seen the behavior you displayed in your vids, my team frequently matches up against teams 5000 RP off of us in either direction. 

    I do have to wonder what this indicates about the size of the player base that matchmaking can't support stricter rank (or team size) filtering.  Its pretty fundamental to online gaming and something that's been part of the series previously.