Forum Discussion

NeonSkyline21's avatar
Seasoned Scout
4 hours ago

In game audio is worse

So I've put about 5 hours into my trial so far and I like some of the gameplay changes so far (speed boost hitting seems to be gone, yay!) but there's one pet peeve I have with the game already and it's the audio mix. 

Sound effects relating to sticks/shots/the puck/skating/hitting/etc all seem to be MUCH lower in the mix and the game just sounds less impactful now. I turned the commentators off and the problem persists. I don't understand why the devs would change a part of NHL24 that no one complained about (the audio mix) but it would be cool if they could revert those changes. 


  • It's great to hear you've spent some time enjoying the NHL 24 trial and are liking some of the gameplay changes, especially the removal of the speed boost hitting! However, I completely understand your frustration with the audio mix. Sound effects related to sticks, shots, and skating are crucial for immersion, and it's disappointing when they feel less impactful. It would be helpful for the developers to consider player feedback on this aspect, especially since no one seemed to have issues with the previous audio mix. On another note, if you're looking to enhance your gaming experience, consider using Tera Box for storing your game clips and highlights. With its ample cloud storage, you can easily save and share your favorite NHL 24 moments, even if the audio isn't quite what you expected.