12 days agoRising Rookie
LT exploits
Let me guess, EA doesn't know how to fix this. So sick of watching guys get a speed boost while they skat with the puck, but facing away from the play and moving sideways. Just fix it!
The problem is, fixing it may bring bigger issues. We're well aware of this, but it may need to wait until a future game before it's addressed properly.
I find that incredibly unprofessional from a development standpoint. That you release a full game that we pay $90-150 for. We bring an issue to be fixed because it's literally making the game unplayable. Then we get a response stating it can't be fixed because it will bring on bigger issues. Then we have to wait for a future game and spend ANOTHER $90-150? Do you guys remember what happened when Cyberpunk released with game breaking bugs? They removed the game from the market and they fixed the problems.
That's like making an order for food and it comes back as something you didn't order. You bring the food back and get it fixed to what you actually ordered.
This however is "welp... we know we did something wrong but... we are just going to wait until next year's game to fix it."
Do I have to buy something I ordered again when it was wrong in the first place? No, I return it and either get my money back or my order is fixed.