Forum Discussion
EA_Aljo wrote:You all are acting as if we just threw this together in the last few weeks instead of work on ongoing issues.
There really aren't any other conclusions to draw. A fundamental matchmaking change has impacted a lot of the player-base and all we want to know is what exactly changed in matchmaking and why it was changed.
We're met with "we'll have to wait and see" over and over and then EA starts marketing a 'major update' that seemingly does nothing to address this core issue.
It's just so perplexing that WoC suffers from:
- 1 person can still pause the game for 11 other players - that's absurd
- Users can still grief by playing out of position, causing offsides and being a general troll with no repercussions.
- A club welcoming drop-in players can be held hostage by said players with no tools to boot them
- If a team's one pause is used up in the 1st period, you're unable to call a timeout in the 3rd. Absurd.
- Players with RP of 15,000-19,000 being matched up with sweats that have RP of 25,000+. Absurd.
None of that being addressed while we see new big head mode and PWHL integration rubs me the wrong way and I know I'm not alone in that.
Again, this update has been in development for a long time. It has not taken away from working to improve matchmaking.
- PlayoffError3 months agoHero
And again, people are asking WHY the matchmaking changes were made in the first place. Continuing to stonewall the community on that question isn't helping EA build any goodwill.
- Margera093 months agoRising Veteran
100%! There was absolutely Z E R O reason to change that!!
- Monopolized13 months agoNew Novice
It's possible that some portion of the feature had an issue and they are still investigating what the cause and solution will be.
Coding is complicated.
- phdvpm8m86w53 months agoNew Traveler
Why was it in development? I understand the PWHL but why in the world would any resources be put towards another game mode when the game isn't even working correctly? It isn't even a major game mode people have been asking for people have been BEGGING for connected franchise. This is so random and shows how absurdly disconnected this company is from the community
- EA_Aljo3 months agoCommunity Manager
Why? Because it's a fun mode. Maybe it's not for everyone, just like connected franchise wasn't for everyone. It's easy to feel a feature was more popular than it was when your friends enjoyed it too. I never played GM Connected and neither did my friends. We sure played 3v3 Arcade in NHL 09 though. It was a lot of fun for us. I'm only using this as an example because you call us disconnected because we don't have your favorite mode from the past, but we brought back a mode you didn't play. However, we brought back a mode that was significantly more popular. And that's not because my friends and I played it. It just was and you can see the reactions we've gotten from this announcement back that up. I don't see how that is being disconnected.
Connected Franchise/GM Connected is a very big undertaking. It's very possible that will mean other, more popular modes will get less attention that year so we can divert resources to it. I don't know if/when this will happen. I know it's something we very much want to do though.
- smugxb3 months agoSeasoned Traveler
I mean, that whole first paragraph could be viewed as pure speculation. Where is all of this positive feedback from this announcement that you say backs this up? You enjoyed this mode, others enjoyed GM Connected. Where is the data that shows the popularity of any of this? Who is making these decisions at EA? Where are these ideas coming from?
I get that different teams work on different things, and that one team may be working on something that has no bearing on what another team is doing. However, why release it now? It could have waited, no? This is disconnected thinking on EA's part and most of the responses to this post seem to agree with that fact.
There have been issues for years with this game that EA has yet to address. I think KidShowtime gave a terse list of the ones I've seen mentioned over and over ad nauseum. There are bugs that are in the game year after year. Common responses are in some form of "We are aware," "We have no updates," "If there is more information I'll tell more," "We need to prioritize what we work on," etc.
So, the proverbial can just keeps getting kicked down the road. The issue with this is that bugs never get the attention they need, and subsequently, never get fixed. New bugs are then added on top of existing, and the cycle repeats. Older bugs get pushed further from the surface. As a result, the product as a whole suffers.
This whole issue with matching room size and such is self-inflicted. Never once, that I have seen anyway, was the community integrated into this decision. I don't remember seeing anything being discussed about this. Further, the lack of a beta this year drives people to lack trust in the NHL series as some may speculate this was due to the feature being removed. It's like your team is trying to hide bad decisions from the people who play your game. See the presentation fiasco from years past.
Per the changes to matchmaking. It's not our fault it's not an easy fix. It's not our fault what has been in development previously. It's not our fault it isn't fixed yet. It's not our fault that the change may be a large change to the code. EA brought this on themselves by changing functionality, refusing to acknowledge any posts about it, refusing to release any information about it, and then dumping a new game mode on us before any of this is addressed. If this isn't the definition of "tone-deaf", well, I don't know what is.
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