5 months agoNew Rookie
Online vs. (comp/casual/couch co-op)
Hey guys, I'm pretty pumped about this new game! The trailer looks great and I'm even going to be buying a ps5 and new bigger 4k tv to play!
Question.. every year, my buddy and I play couch-co op.It's great.We slam some beers and take on all comers. We managed to get ourselves into the top 10 on casual side in NHL 24 because playing duos, you can't do competitive.
I was wondering if Online vs. is still in the game? I haven't seen it advertised and if it is in the game still, can couch co-op players do competitive with rank points? In '24 it was only ranked on wins, which is fine, but it makes a lot of guys just quit bc the losses don't mean anything.
any info would be greatly appreciated before i make the purchase.