Forum Discussion

aktar549's avatar
Rising Novice
2 months ago

Pause screen freeze glitch

I just had a severe glitch in in-game during a HUT champs game. First of all the energy meters were frozen on screen with no measurements. Half way through the 3rd period I wanted to take a timeout to rest my lines. It wouldnt give me the pause screen and just sat there. The game continued for a bit and suddenly the pause screen appeared while the game was still going! I couldn’t exit out of it and just had to play blind (I have a recordings but they won’t load. Looks like EA’s website is about as good as the HUT menus). This game is sick. Between this and the menus, I can’t wait to spend all my money haha

1 Reply

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 months ago

    Hi there. Videos need to be put up on YouTube and linked in a response. You can also publish them through your console.

    How frequently is this happening?